Les Sciences au fil du temps, bibliographie sélective par Philippe Zoummeroff. Accès par auteur : lettres V-W-X-Y-Z
VALLISNERI, Antonio (1661-1730) Dialoghi... sopra la curiosa origine di molti insetti
VALLISNERI, Antonio (1661-1730)
Dialoghi... sopra la curiosa origine di molti insetti
Dialoghi... sopra la curiosa origine di molti insetti
VALSALVA, Antonio Maria (1666-1723) De aure humana tractatus
VALSALVA, Antonio Maria (1666-1723)
De aure humana tractatus
De aure humana tractatus
VALTURIO, Roberto (1405-1475) De re militari
VALTURIO, Roberto (1405-1475)
De re militari
De re militari
VALVERDE, Juan (1525?-1588?) Historia de la composicion del cuerpo humano
VALVERDE, Juan (1525?-1588?)
Historia de la composicion del cuerpo humano
Historia de la composicion del cuerpo humano
VAN BENEDEN, Edouard (1846-1910) Contributions à l'histoire de la vésicule germinative et du premier noyau embryonnaire
VAN BENEDEN, Edouard (1846-1910)
Contributions à l'histoire de la vésicule germinative et du premier noyau embryonnaire
Contributions à l'histoire de la vésicule germinative et du premier noyau embryonnaire
VAN CEULEN, Ludolf (1540-1610) Fundamenta arithmetica et geometrica
VAN CEULEN, Ludolf (1540-1610)
Fundamenta arithmetica et geometrica
Fundamenta arithmetica et geometrica
VAN HELMONT, Jan Baptist (1579-1644) Opuscula medica inaudita
VAN HELMONT, Jan Baptist (1579-1644)
Opuscula medica inaudita
Opuscula medica inaudita
VAN LANGREN, Michael Floris (1598-1675) Plenilunii Lumina austriaca Philippica
VAN LANGREN, Michael Floris (1598-1675)
Plenilunii Lumina austriaca Philippica
Plenilunii Lumina austriaca Philippica
VAN LEEUWENHOEK, Antonie (1632-1723) Arcana naturae detecta
VAN LEEUWENHOEK, Antonie (1632-1723)
Arcana naturae detecta
Arcana naturae detecta
VAN SCHOOTEN, Frans (1615-1660) Exercitationum mathematicarum
VAN SCHOOTEN, Frans (1615-1660)
Exercitationum mathematicarum
Exercitationum mathematicarum
VARENIUS, Bernhardus (1622-1650) Geographia Generalis
VARENIUS, Bernhardus (1622-1650)
Geographia Generalis
Geographia Generalis
VARIGNON, Pierre (1654-1722) Projet d'une nouvelle méchanique
VARIGNON, Pierre (1654-1722)
Projet d'une nouvelle méchanique
Projet d'une nouvelle méchanique
VAROLIO, Costanzo (1543-1575) De Nervis Opticis
VAROLIO, Costanzo (1543-1575)
De Nervis Opticis
De Nervis Opticis
VAUCANSON, Jacques (1709-1782) Construction de nouveaux moulins à organsiner les soies
VAUCANSON, Jacques (1709-1782)
Construction de nouveaux moulins à organsiner les soies
Construction de nouveaux moulins à organsiner les soies
VAUCANSON, Jacques (1709-1782) Le mécanisme du fluteur automate
VAUCANSON, Jacques (1709-1782)
Le mécanisme du fluteur automate
Le mécanisme du fluteur automate
VAVILOV, Nikolaï Ivanovitch (1887-1943) Studies on the origin of cultivated plants
VAVILOV, Nikolaï Ivanovitch (1887-1943)
Studies on the origin of cultivated plants
Studies on the origin of cultivated plants
VELPEAU, Alfred-Armand-Louis-Marie (1795-1867) Traité des maladies du sein et de la région mammaire
VELPEAU, Alfred-Armand-Louis-Marie (1795-1867)
Traité des maladies du sein et de la région mammaire
Traité des maladies du sein et de la région mammaire
VERANZIO, Fausto (1551-1617) Machinae novae
VERANZIO, Fausto (1551-1617)
Machinae novae
Machinae novae
VERBIEST, Ferdinand (1623-1688) Astronomia Europaea
VERBIEST, Ferdinand (1623-1688)
Astronomia Europaea
Astronomia Europaea
VERHEYEN, Philip (1648-1710) Corporis Humani Anatomia
VERHEYEN, Philip (1648-1710)
Corporis Humani Anatomia
Corporis Humani Anatomia
VESALIUS, Andreas (1514-1564) De humani corporis fabrica libri septem
VESALIUS, Andreas (1514-1564)
De humani corporis fabrica libri septem
De humani corporis fabrica libri septem
VETTORI, Pietro (1499-1585) Trattato delle lodi et della coltivazione de gl'ulivi
VETTORI, Pietro (1499-1585)
Trattato delle lodi et della coltivazione de gl'ulivi
Trattato delle lodi et della coltivazione de gl'ulivi
VICQ-D’AZYR, Félix (1748-1794) Traité d’anatomie et de physiologie
VICQ-D’AZYR, Félix (1748-1794)
Traité d’anatomie et de physiologie
Traité d’anatomie et de physiologie
VIÈTE, François (1540-1603) Canon mathematicus
VIÈTE, François (1540-1603)
Canon mathematicus
Canon mathematicus
VIÈTE, François (1540-1603) In artem analyticem isagoge
VIÈTE, François (1540-1603)
In artem analyticem isagoge
In artem analyticem isagoge
VIEUSSENS, Raymond (1641-1715) Neurographia universalis
VIEUSSENS, Raymond (1641-1715)
Neurographia universalis
Neurographia universalis
VIGO, Giovanni de (1460?-1525) Practica in chirurgia
VIGO, Giovanni de (1460?-1525)
Practica in chirurgia
Practica in chirurgia
VILLARD, Paul (1860-1934) Les rayons cathodiques
VILLARD, Paul (1860-1934)
Les rayons cathodiques
Les rayons cathodiques
VIRCHOW, Rudolf (1821-1902) Die Cellularpathologie
VIRCHOW, Rudolf (1821-1902)
Die Cellularpathologie
Die Cellularpathologie
VIVES, Juan Luis (1492-1540) De anima et vita
VIVES, Juan Luis (1492-1540)
De anima et vita
De anima et vita
VLACQ, Adriaan (1600-1667) Trigonometria artificialis
VLACQ, Adriaan (1600-1667)
Trigonometria artificialis
Trigonometria artificialis
VOLTA, Alessandro (1745-1827) On the electricity excited by the mere contact
VOLTA, Alessandro (1745-1827)
On the electricity excited by the mere contact
On the electricity excited by the mere contact
VON NEUMANN, John (1903-1957), MORGENSTERN, Oskar (1902-1977) Theory of games and economic behavior
VON NEUMANN, John (1903-1957), MORGENSTERN, Oskar (1902-1977)
Theory of games and economic behavior
Theory of games and economic behavior
VON NEUMANN, John (1903-1957) Mathematische Grundlagen der Quantenmechanik
VON NEUMANN, John (1903-1957)
Mathematische Grundlagen der Quantenmechanik
Mathematische Grundlagen der Quantenmechanik
VRIES, Hugo de (1848-1935) Die Mutationstheorie
VRIES, Hugo de (1848-1935)
Die Mutationstheorie
Die Mutationstheorie
VULPIAN, Alfred (1826-1887) Note sur quelques réactions propres à la substance des capsules surrénales
VULPIAN, Alfred (1826-1887)
Note sur quelques réactions propres à la substance des capsules surrénales
Note sur quelques réactions propres à la substance des capsules surrénales
WAALS, Johannes Diderik van der (1837-1923) Die Continuität des gasförmigen und flüssigen Zustandes
WAALS, Johannes Diderik van der (1837-1923)
Die Continuität des gasförmigen und flüssigen Zustandes
Die Continuität des gasförmigen und flüssigen Zustandes
WADDINGTON, Conrad Hal (1905-1975) Organisers & genes
WADDINGTON, Conrad Hal (1905-1975)
Organisers & genes
Organisers & genes
WAKSMAN, Selman Abraham (1888-1973), LECHEVALIER, Hubert Arthur (1926-2015) Neomycin, a New Antibiotic Active
WAKSMAN, Selman Abraham (1888-1973), LECHEVALIER, Hubert Arthur (1926-2015)
Neomycin, a New Antibiotic Active
Neomycin, a New Antibiotic Active
WALDEYER, Heinrich Wilhelm (1836-1921) Über karyokinese
WALDEYER, Heinrich Wilhelm (1836-1921)
Über karyokinese
Über karyokinese
WALLACE, Alfred Russel (1823-1913) On the law which has regulated the introduction of new species
WALLACE, Alfred Russel (1823-1913)
On the law which has regulated the introduction of new species
On the law which has regulated the introduction of new species
WALLIS, John (1616-1703) Arithmetica infinitorum
WALLIS, John (1616-1703)
Arithmetica infinitorum
Arithmetica infinitorum
WALLIS, John (1616-1703) De sectionibus conicis
WALLIS, John (1616-1703)
De sectionibus conicis
De sectionibus conicis
WALLIS, John (1616-1703) Mechanica
WALLIS, John (1616-1703)
WALTON, Frederick (1834-1928) The infancy and development of linoleum floorcloth
WALTON, Frederick (1834-1928)
The infancy and development of linoleum floorcloth
The infancy and development of linoleum floorcloth
WARING, Edward (1734-1798) Meditationes Algebraicae
WARING, Edward (1734-1798)
Meditationes Algebraicae
Meditationes Algebraicae
WATSON, James Dewey (1928-), CRICK, Francis (1916-2004) Molecular structure of nucleic acids
WATSON, James Dewey (1928-), CRICK, Francis (1916-2004)
Molecular structure of nucleic acids
Molecular structure of nucleic acids
WATSON, William (1715-1787), PEYSSONNEL, Jean-André (1694-1759) An Account of a Manuscript Treatise, Presented to the Royal So...
WATSON, William (1715-1787), PEYSSONNEL, Jean-André (1694-1759)
An Account of a Manuscript Treatise, Presented to the Royal Society, Intituled, Traite du Corail
An Account of a Manuscript Treatise, Presented to the Royal Society, Intituled, Traite du Corail
WATT, James (1736-1819), BOULTON, Matthew (1728-1809) Directions for erecting and working the newly-invented steam-engines
WATT, James (1736-1819), BOULTON, Matthew (1728-1809)
Directions for erecting and working the newly-invented steam-engines
Directions for erecting and working the newly-invented steam-engines
WATT, James (1736-1819) Steam-Engines, &c.
WATT, James (1736-1819)
Steam-Engines, &c.
Steam-Engines, &c.
WEBER, Ernst Heinrich (1795-1878) De pulsu, resorptione, auditu et tactu
WEBER, Ernst Heinrich (1795-1878)
De pulsu, resorptione, auditu et tactu
De pulsu, resorptione, auditu et tactu
WEBER, Wilhelm (1804-1891), GAUSS, Carl Friedrich (1777-1855) Atlas des Erdmagnetismus
WEBER, Wilhelm (1804-1891), GAUSS, Carl Friedrich (1777-1855)
Atlas des Erdmagnetismus
Atlas des Erdmagnetismus
WEBER, Wilhelm (1804-1891), GAUSS, Carl Friedrich (1777-1855) Resultaten aus den Beobachtungen des Magnetischen Vereins
WEBER, Wilhelm (1804-1891), GAUSS, Carl Friedrich (1777-1855)
Resultaten aus den Beobachtungen des Magnetischen Vereins
Resultaten aus den Beobachtungen des Magnetischen Vereins
WEBER, Wilhelm (1804-1891) Elektrodynamische Maassbestimmungen
WEBER, Wilhelm (1804-1891)
Elektrodynamische Maassbestimmungen
Elektrodynamische Maassbestimmungen
WEGENER, Alfred (1880-1930) Die Entstehung der Kontinente und Ozeane
WEGENER, Alfred (1880-1930)
Die Entstehung der Kontinente und Ozeane
Die Entstehung der Kontinente und Ozeane
WEISMANN, August (1834-1914) Aufsätze über Vererbung und verwandte biologische Fragen
WEISMANN, August (1834-1914)
Aufsätze über Vererbung und verwandte biologische Fragen
Aufsätze über Vererbung und verwandte biologische Fragen
WELLER, Thomas Huckle (1915-2008), ENDERS, John Franklin (1897-1985), ROBBINS, Frederick Chapman (1916-2003) Cultivation of the...
WELLER, Thomas Huckle (1915-2008), ENDERS, John Franklin (1897-1985), ROBBINS, Frederick Chapman (1916-2003)
Cultivation of the Lansing strain of poliomyelitis virus
Cultivation of the Lansing strain of poliomyelitis virus
WELLS, William Charles (1757-1817) An essay on dew and several appearances connected with it
WELLS, William Charles (1757-1817)
An essay on dew and several appearances connected with it
An essay on dew and several appearances connected with it
WEPFER, Johann Jakob (1620-1695) Historia cicutae aquaticae et noxae
WEPFER, Johann Jakob (1620-1695)
Historia cicutae aquaticae et noxae
Historia cicutae aquaticae et noxae
WEPFER, Johann Jakob (1620-1695) Observationes anatomicae
WEPFER, Johann Jakob (1620-1695)
Observationes anatomicae
Observationes anatomicae
WERNER, Abraham Gottlob (1750-1817) Kurze Klassifikation und Beschreibung der verschiedenen Gebirgsarten
WERNER, Abraham Gottlob (1750-1817)
Kurze Klassifikation und Beschreibung der verschiedenen Gebirgsarten
Kurze Klassifikation und Beschreibung der verschiedenen Gebirgsarten
WERNER, Abraham Gottlob (1750-1817) Von den äusserlichen Kennzeichen der Fossilien
WERNER, Abraham Gottlob (1750-1817)
Von den äusserlichen Kennzeichen der Fossilien
Von den äusserlichen Kennzeichen der Fossilien
WERNER, Johannes (1468-1522) Canones sicut brevissimi, ita etiam doctissimi, complectentes praecepta et observationes de mutati...
WERNER, Johannes (1468-1522)
Canones sicut brevissimi, ita etiam doctissimi, complectentes praecepta et observationes de mutatione aurae
Canones sicut brevissimi, ita etiam doctissimi, complectentes praecepta et observationes de mutatione aurae
WESSEL, Caspar (1745-1818) Om direktionens analytiske betegning
WESSEL, Caspar (1745-1818)
Om direktionens analytiske betegning
Om direktionens analytiske betegning
WEYL, Hermann (1895-1955) Die Idee der Riemannschen Fläche
WEYL, Hermann (1895-1955)
Die Idee der Riemannschen Fläche
Die Idee der Riemannschen Fläche
WHARTON, Thomas (1614-1673) Adenographia
WHARTON, Thomas (1614-1673)
WHISTON, William (1667-1752) A new theory of the Earth
WHISTON, William (1667-1752)
A new theory of the Earth
A new theory of the Earth
WHITEHEAD, Alfred North (1861-1947), RUSSELL, Bertrand (1872-1970) Principia mathematica
WHITEHEAD, Alfred North (1861-1947), RUSSELL, Bertrand (1872-1970)
Principia mathematica
Principia mathematica
WIDMANN, Johannes (1460-1498) Behende und hubsche Rechenung auff allen Kauffmanschafft
WIDMANN, Johannes (1460-1498)
Behende und hubsche Rechenung auff allen Kauffmanschafft
Behende und hubsche Rechenung auff allen Kauffmanschafft
WIECHERT, Emil (1861-1928) Theorie der automatischen Seismographen
WIECHERT, Emil (1861-1928)
Theorie der automatischen Seismographen
Theorie der automatischen Seismographen
WIENER, Alexander Solomon (1907-1976), LANDSTEINER, Karl (1868-1943) An agglutinable factor in human blood recognized by immune...
WIENER, Alexander Solomon (1907-1976), LANDSTEINER, Karl (1868-1943)
An agglutinable factor in human blood recognized by immune sera for Rhesus Blood
An agglutinable factor in human blood recognized by immune sera for Rhesus Blood
WIER, Johann (1515-1588) De Praestigiis daemonum
WIER, Johann (1515-1588)
De Praestigiis daemonum
De Praestigiis daemonum
WILKINS, John (1614-1672) An Essay towards a Real Character and a Philosophical Language
WILKINS, John (1614-1672)
An Essay towards a Real Character and a Philosophical Language
An Essay towards a Real Character and a Philosophical Language
WILLAN, Robert (1757-1812) On cutaneous diseases
WILLAN, Robert (1757-1812)
On cutaneous diseases
On cutaneous diseases
WILLIS, Thomas (1621-1675) Cerebri anatome
WILLIS, Thomas (1621-1675)
Cerebri anatome
Cerebri anatome
WILLUGHBY, Francis (1635-1672) De Historia piscium libri quatuor
WILLUGHBY, Francis (1635-1672)
De Historia piscium libri quatuor
De Historia piscium libri quatuor
WILLUGHBY, Francis (1635-1672) Ornithologiae libri tres
WILLUGHBY, Francis (1635-1672)
Ornithologiae libri tres
Ornithologiae libri tres
WILSON, Alexander (1766-1813) American Ornithology
WILSON, Alexander (1766-1813)
American Ornithology
American Ornithology
WILSON, Edmund Beecher (1856-1939) The Cell in development and inheritance
WILSON, Edmund Beecher (1856-1939)
The Cell in development and inheritance
The Cell in development and inheritance
WILSON, Edmund Beecher (1856-1939) The chromosomes in relation to determination of sex in insects
WILSON, Edmund Beecher (1856-1939)
The chromosomes in relation to determination of sex in insects
The chromosomes in relation to determination of sex in insects
WIRSUNG, Johann Georg (1589-1643) Figura ductus... in Pancreate
WIRSUNG, Johann Georg (1589-1643)
Figura ductus... in Pancreate
Figura ductus... in Pancreate
WITELO (1220?-1275?) Vitellionis mathematici doctissimi περι ὀπτικης
WITELO (1220?-1275?)
Vitellionis mathematici doctissimi περι ὀπτικης
Vitellionis mathematici doctissimi περι ὀπτικης
WITHERING, William (1741-1799) An Account of the foxglove
WITHERING, William (1741-1799)
An Account of the foxglove
An Account of the foxglove
WITKOWSKI, Gustave-Joseph (1844-1923) Anatomie iconoclastique
WITKOWSKI, Gustave-Joseph (1844-1923)
Anatomie iconoclastique
Anatomie iconoclastique
WITKOWSKI, Gustave-Joseph (1844-1923) Anatomie iconologique
WITKOWSKI, Gustave-Joseph (1844-1923)
Anatomie iconologique
Anatomie iconologique
WOLFF, Caspar Friedrich (1734-1794) De formatione intestinorum
WOLFF, Caspar Friedrich (1734-1794)
De formatione intestinorum
De formatione intestinorum
WOLFF, Caspar Friedrich (1734-1794) Theoria generationis
WOLFF, Caspar Friedrich (1734-1794)
Theoria generationis
Theoria generationis
WOLFF, Christian (1679-1754) Philosophia rationalis, sive Logica
WOLFF, Christian (1679-1754)
Philosophia rationalis, sive Logica
Philosophia rationalis, sive Logica
WOLLASTON, William Hyde (1766-1828) A method of examining refractive and dispersive powers, by prismatic reflection
WOLLASTON, William Hyde (1766-1828)
A method of examining refractive and dispersive powers, by prismatic reflection
A method of examining refractive and dispersive powers, by prismatic reflection
WOOD, Nicholas (1795-1865) A practical treatise on rail-roads
WOOD, Nicholas (1795-1865)
A practical treatise on rail-roads
A practical treatise on rail-roads
WOODALL, John (1570-1643) The Surgions Mate
WOODALL, John (1570-1643)
The Surgions Mate
The Surgions Mate
WOODHOUSE, Robert (1773-1827) The Principles of Analytical Calculation
WOODHOUSE, Robert (1773-1827)
The Principles of Analytical Calculation
The Principles of Analytical Calculation
WOODWARD, John (1665-1728) An attempt towards a natural history of the fossils of England
WOODWARD, John (1665-1728)
An attempt towards a natural history of the fossils of England
An attempt towards a natural history of the fossils of England
WRIGHT, Edward (1558-1615) Certaine errors of Navigation
WRIGHT, Edward (1558-1615)
Certaine errors of Navigation
Certaine errors of Navigation
WRIGHT, Thomas (1711-1786) An original theory or new hypothesis of the universe
WRIGHT, Thomas (1711-1786)
An original theory or new hypothesis of the universe
An original theory or new hypothesis of the universe
WRIGHT, Wilbur (1867-1912) Some aeronautical experiments
WRIGHT, Wilbur (1867-1912)
Some aeronautical experiments
Some aeronautical experiments
WUNDT, Wilhelm (1832-1920) Grundzüge der physiologischen Psychologie
WUNDT, Wilhelm (1832-1920)
Grundzüge der physiologischen Psychologie
Grundzüge der physiologischen Psychologie
YERSIN, Alexandre (1863-1943) La peste bubonique à Hong-Kong
YERSIN, Alexandre (1863-1943)
La peste bubonique à Hong-Kong
La peste bubonique à Hong-Kong
YOUNG, Thomas (1773-1829) Experiments and Calculations Relative to Physical Optics
YOUNG, Thomas (1773-1829)
Experiments and Calculations Relative to Physical Optics
Experiments and Calculations Relative to Physical Optics
YOUNG, Thomas (1773-1829) On the Theory of Light and Colours
YOUNG, Thomas (1773-1829)
On the Theory of Light and Colours
On the Theory of Light and Colours
YOUNG, Thomas (1773-1829) An Account of Some Cases of the Production of Colours
YOUNG, Thomas (1773-1829)
An Account of Some Cases of the Production of Colours
An Account of Some Cases of the Production of Colours
YUKAWA, Hideki (1907-1981) On the Interaction of Elementary Particles
YUKAWA, Hideki (1907-1981)
On the Interaction of Elementary Particles
On the Interaction of Elementary Particles
ZEEMAN, Pieter (1865-1943) The Effect of Magnetisation on the Nature of Light Emitted by a Substance
ZEEMAN, Pieter (1865-1943)
The Effect of Magnetisation on the Nature of Light Emitted by a Substance
The Effect of Magnetisation on the Nature of Light Emitted by a Substance
ZEISING, Heinrich (15..-16..) Theatri Machinarum
ZEISING, Heinrich (15..-16..)
Theatri Machinarum
Theatri Machinarum
ZERBIS, Gabriele de (1455?-1505) Gerontocomia
ZERBIS, Gabriele de (1455?-1505)
ZERBIS, Gabriele de (1455?-1505) Liber anathomie corporis humani
ZERBIS, Gabriele de (1455?-1505)
Liber anathomie corporis humani
Liber anathomie corporis humani
ZONCA, Vittorio (1568-1602) Novo teatro di machine et edificii
ZONCA, Vittorio (1568-1602)
Novo teatro di machine et edificii
Novo teatro di machine et edificii