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Search and find: a decree of naturalization

28 juillet 2020

To find a naturalization decree in the National Library of France collections (Bibliothèque nationale de France), search according to three main time periods: before 1900; from 1900 to 1979; after 1979.

République Française, Décret relatif à la naturalisation des étrangers, april 1848

Prior to the publication of an alphabetical list, naming people who had acquired or lost French nationality, naturalizations were published in the supplement of  the Bulletin des lois de la République Française which is being digitized at the time of writing (currently digitized up until 1871).


Before 1900

The naturalization decrees are published in the supplement of the Bulletin des lois de la République Française, in the Partie supplémentaire du Bulletin des lois which is being digitized at the time of writing (currently digitized up until 1871). The digitized issues are available online from Gallica. The paper copy is kept in the research library (accreditation necessary) in reading room N/O. Here is a user guide to the different parts of the Bulletin des lois.


From 1900 to 1979

The Alphabetical list of persons having acquired or lost French nationality by decree (Liste alphabétique des personnes ayant acquis ou perdu la nationalité française par décret) supplies a list of the names of people who were naturalized and the date of publication in the supplement Bulletin des lois, partie supplémentaire since 1900. Then, from January 1, 1924 it is also published in the Journal officiel de la République française, lois et décrets.

At the BnF/ French national Library, the alphabetical list is accessible on microform. The alphabetical list is also available at the National Archives of Algeria, at the following address: 20 rue Hassan Bennamane, Birkhadem, BP N°38, 16000, Alger, Algérie. Telephone : +213 021 54 16 20. Web site.

From 1931, the Bulletin des lois was no longer published, and decrees of naturalization were exclusively published in the Journal officiel de la République française, lois et décrets (JORF), entirely digitized until 1946 and available online via Gallica.

After 1946, you can consult the JORF in person at the research library of the BnF (accreditation necessary) available on microform or access the digitized version from Gallica intra muros from one of the research library computers.


Parution des Décrets-Lois à Paris : le tirage, Agence Meurisse, 1935

After 1979

From 1979, there is no alphabetical list which would enable you to find out the exact date of the decree of naturalization starting out with only a name. If the date of the decree is known, you can access the JORF in print or on microform at the national library. Online searching is possible on Légifrance  from January 1, 2016.

If the date of the decree is unknown, a request must be sent by post to : Sous-Direction de l’accès à la nationalité française, Bureau des naturalisations, 12, rue Francis-le-Carval, 44 404 Rezé Cedex. The request must include Name, First name, place and date of birth as well  as names, first names, dates and places of birth of the parents.

Admission to the status of French citizen by court ruling

This concerns Algerian nationals prior to independence. Legislation passed on February 4, 1919, Jonnart’s Law (Loi Jonnart), gave Algerians the possibility to request to be admitted to the status of French citizen from the tribunal of first instance. The results of the court rulings as to the admission to the status of French citizen are kept in Algeria


To search for a court ruling admission to the rights of French citizen, requests must be made to the competent Algerian administration ; or alternatively to the relevant courts administration service in Algeria.

Contact details for the different jurisdictions are available on the website of the Ministry of Justice of the Democratic Popular Republic of Algeria (www.mjustice.dz); and at the national archives of the Democratic Popular Republic of Algeria (www.archives-dgan.gov.dz)

Translated from French by Claire Carolan

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