- Auteurs similaires Wilson John Wilson John /services/engine/search/sru?operation=searchRetrieve&version=1.2&maximumRecords=50&collapsing=true&exactSearch=true&query=(dc.creator adj "Wilson John" or dc.contributor adj "Wilson John")Catch that catch can : or the Musical companion. Containing catches and rounds for three and four voyces. To which is now added a second book containing dialogues, glees, ayres, & ballads, &c. Some for two three foure voyces. [First part] /ark:/12148/btv1b10875701v.highres Select musicall Ayres and dialogues, for one and two voyces, to sing to the theorbo, lute, or basse violl. Composed by John Wilson, Charles Colman. Doctours of Musick, Henry Lawes, William Webb, gentlemen. To which is added some few short ayres or songs for three voyces, to an instrument /ark:/12148/btv1b108678168.highres
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