Titre : Annales de la Société entomologique de France
Auteur : Société entomologique de France. Auteur du texte
Éditeur : Mequignon-Marvis (Paris)
Éditeur : F. G. LevraultF. G. Levrault (Paris)
Éditeur : Pitois-Levrault et CiePitois-Levrault et Cie (Paris)
Éditeur : Ch. PitoisCh. Pitois (Paris)
Éditeur : chez le trésorier de la Sociétéchez le trésorier de la Société (Paris)
Éditeur : au siège de la Sociétéau siège de la Société (Paris)
Éditeur : Le FrançoisLe François (Paris)
Éditeur : Masson & CieMasson & Cie (Paris)
Éditeur : Société entomologique de FranceSociété entomologique de France (Paris)
Date d'édition : 1989-01-01
Contributeur : Viette, Pierre (1921-2011). Directeur de publication
Notice du catalogue : http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb34349289k
Type : texte texte
Type : publication en série imprimée publication en série imprimée
Langue : français
Langue : anglais
Format : Nombre total de vues : 125079 Nombre total de vues : 125079
Description : 01 janvier 1989 01 janvier 1989
Description : 1989/01/01 (T25,N1)-1989/03/31. 1989/01/01 (T25,N1)-1989/03/31.
Droits : Consultable en ligne
Identifiant : ark:/12148/bpt6k61413568
Source : Muséum national d'histoire naturelle. Bibliothèques, 2008-139742
Conservation numérique : Bibliothèque nationale de France
Date de mise en ligne : 06/12/2010
- Aller à la page de la table des matièresNP
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- THIBAUD J.-M. & CHRISTIAN E. - Collemboles interstitiels aériens des sables littoraux méditerranéens.......... Page(s) .......... 71
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Hind wing yellowish-ochreous with a strong golden gloss, apical third suffusedly strigulated
with dark grey, strigulae parallel to wing edge and slightly converging ; a blackish suffusion in cell
le towards edge of wing. Cilia pale ochreous mixed with blackish (imperfect).
Female genitalia. Ovipositor rather small, lobi anales slender and pointed, postapophyses
very slender ; seventh segment sclerotized and large, sterigma with an oval plate-like ostium bur-
sae, enclosed in a deep emargination of the seventh ventrite; this ostium is finely aciculate, with
an excision of the lower edge, flanked by two deep pit-like impressions. Corpus bursae small, subey-
lindrical. Signa, two small hooks, on moderate, inequal basai plates.
Madagascar Est : Environs de Périnet, forêt d'Analamazoatra, 910 m, 19-IV-1955
(P. Viette). 1 female, metallotype, GS 2108.
Plutographa anopa, spec. nov. (fig. 2, 35)
Female 29 mm. Head chestnut colour. Palpus ferruginous. Thorax light tawny partly infus-
catetl. Abdomen purplish and pale ochreous.
Fore wing suboval, rather broad, broadest at 3/4, costa gently curved, more so at end, apex
rounded, termen moderately so. Light grey, below fold pale creamy. Costa suffused with lilac-
grey. with numerous transverse black strigulae and dots of diverse size; along posterior fourth costa
suffused with creamy ; a black suffusion filling out posterior half of cell ; terminal area large, but
little paler than remainder of wing, not at all contrasting, its posterior half with two sinuate narrow
streaks, parallel to apical and terminal margin, from below costa to termen, here and there anasto-
inozing ; dorsum transversely striated with blackish, on lower half suffused darker ; the whole wing
laintly touched with vinaceous-pinkish. (Cilia worn).
Hind wing light ochraceous-yellow, costa and terminal 1/5 as far as vein A3, marbled with
black; dorsum white.
Female genitalia. Rather similar to those of the type-species. Ovipositor lobes long and
slender. Ninth segment elongate, conical above. Sterigma finely and densely punctulate, with a
semioval excision of the upper edge, in which fits an oval, depressed and also punctulate body of
ostium, with a round frontal opening in the middle, in which a smaller, thin triangular lamella post-
vaginalis, with a dark, basai transverse fold; lower edge of opening medially with a bicornute pro-
cess. Colliculum a small dark funnel. Ductus bursae hyaline. Corpus bursae elongate-oval. Signa
two, short, obtuse horns.
Madagascar Est : Route d'Anosibe, XI-1966 (G. Cadorel), 1 female, holotype,
GS 10737.
The only specimen is rather rubbed, but the genitalia and the pattern of the terminal
area of the fore wing are sufficiently characteristic and distinct.
Plutographa seriopa, spec. nov. (fig. 1, 36)
Male, holotype, 24 mm. Head deep ferruginous, face white. Antenna light fuscous. Labial
palpus fuscous; orange, greyish-fuscous on the outside rather slender, little dilated, median seg-
ment with very short, smooth scales, roughish along lower edge, terminal segment very short, pointed.
Thorax with dense, partly raised, rough and curly scales, dark grey ; tegulae ferruginous, with a
dense, double blackish posterior tuft. Abdomen with long, smoothly appressed scales ; tergites 1-2
creamy, rest of tergum dark fuscous, anal tuft pale ochreous-orange, venter glossy ochreous-creamy.
Posterior tibia pale ochreous, normally scaled, not thickened.
Fore wing oblong, sub-semioval, strongly dilated, broadest at 2/3, costa almost straight ante-
riorly, appearing concave beyond middle, apex and termen rounded. Basai patch to 1/3, edge well
defined, sometimes straight or slightly inwards-oblique ; patch ferruginous-fuscous, scales slightly
curling ; a row of suffused round blackish dots along costa and posterior edge ; this followed by
a whitish transverse band, narrowed downwards, from below costa to above dorsum, sometimes
absent; third fourth of costa with a coal-black triangular patch, continued by a dark grey suffusion
to fold, parted throughout by an irregular dark fuscous line to dorsum and followed by an orange-
ochreous suffusion from fold, dilated towards costa, thence narrowed to a marginal streak to apex ;
a transversely-oval, inwards-oblique and large preterminal area of glossy whitish ground colour,
suffused with light smoky grey, marked with slightly suffused ferruginous markings; an inwards-
oblique fasciate spot beyond orange suffusion and parallel to it, with a spot above tornus, both these
with dark grey, strigulae parallel to wing edge and slightly converging ; a blackish suffusion in cell
le towards edge of wing. Cilia pale ochreous mixed with blackish (imperfect).
Female genitalia. Ovipositor rather small, lobi anales slender and pointed, postapophyses
very slender ; seventh segment sclerotized and large, sterigma with an oval plate-like ostium bur-
sae, enclosed in a deep emargination of the seventh ventrite; this ostium is finely aciculate, with
an excision of the lower edge, flanked by two deep pit-like impressions. Corpus bursae small, subey-
lindrical. Signa, two small hooks, on moderate, inequal basai plates.
Madagascar Est : Environs de Périnet, forêt d'Analamazoatra, 910 m, 19-IV-1955
(P. Viette). 1 female, metallotype, GS 2108.
Plutographa anopa, spec. nov. (fig. 2, 35)
Female 29 mm. Head chestnut colour. Palpus ferruginous. Thorax light tawny partly infus-
catetl. Abdomen purplish and pale ochreous.
Fore wing suboval, rather broad, broadest at 3/4, costa gently curved, more so at end, apex
rounded, termen moderately so. Light grey, below fold pale creamy. Costa suffused with lilac-
grey. with numerous transverse black strigulae and dots of diverse size; along posterior fourth costa
suffused with creamy ; a black suffusion filling out posterior half of cell ; terminal area large, but
little paler than remainder of wing, not at all contrasting, its posterior half with two sinuate narrow
streaks, parallel to apical and terminal margin, from below costa to termen, here and there anasto-
inozing ; dorsum transversely striated with blackish, on lower half suffused darker ; the whole wing
laintly touched with vinaceous-pinkish. (Cilia worn).
Hind wing light ochraceous-yellow, costa and terminal 1/5 as far as vein A3, marbled with
black; dorsum white.
Female genitalia. Rather similar to those of the type-species. Ovipositor lobes long and
slender. Ninth segment elongate, conical above. Sterigma finely and densely punctulate, with a
semioval excision of the upper edge, in which fits an oval, depressed and also punctulate body of
ostium, with a round frontal opening in the middle, in which a smaller, thin triangular lamella post-
vaginalis, with a dark, basai transverse fold; lower edge of opening medially with a bicornute pro-
cess. Colliculum a small dark funnel. Ductus bursae hyaline. Corpus bursae elongate-oval. Signa
two, short, obtuse horns.
Madagascar Est : Route d'Anosibe, XI-1966 (G. Cadorel), 1 female, holotype,
GS 10737.
The only specimen is rather rubbed, but the genitalia and the pattern of the terminal
area of the fore wing are sufficiently characteristic and distinct.
Plutographa seriopa, spec. nov. (fig. 1, 36)
Male, holotype, 24 mm. Head deep ferruginous, face white. Antenna light fuscous. Labial
palpus fuscous; orange, greyish-fuscous on the outside rather slender, little dilated, median seg-
ment with very short, smooth scales, roughish along lower edge, terminal segment very short, pointed.
Thorax with dense, partly raised, rough and curly scales, dark grey ; tegulae ferruginous, with a
dense, double blackish posterior tuft. Abdomen with long, smoothly appressed scales ; tergites 1-2
creamy, rest of tergum dark fuscous, anal tuft pale ochreous-orange, venter glossy ochreous-creamy.
Posterior tibia pale ochreous, normally scaled, not thickened.
Fore wing oblong, sub-semioval, strongly dilated, broadest at 2/3, costa almost straight ante-
riorly, appearing concave beyond middle, apex and termen rounded. Basai patch to 1/3, edge well
defined, sometimes straight or slightly inwards-oblique ; patch ferruginous-fuscous, scales slightly
curling ; a row of suffused round blackish dots along costa and posterior edge ; this followed by
a whitish transverse band, narrowed downwards, from below costa to above dorsum, sometimes
absent; third fourth of costa with a coal-black triangular patch, continued by a dark grey suffusion
to fold, parted throughout by an irregular dark fuscous line to dorsum and followed by an orange-
ochreous suffusion from fold, dilated towards costa, thence narrowed to a marginal streak to apex ;
a transversely-oval, inwards-oblique and large preterminal area of glossy whitish ground colour,
suffused with light smoky grey, marked with slightly suffused ferruginous markings; an inwards-
oblique fasciate spot beyond orange suffusion and parallel to it, with a spot above tornus, both these
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