Titre : Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Série 2, Mécanique, physique, chimie, sciences de l'univers, sciences de la terre
Auteur : Académie des sciences (France). Auteur du texte
Éditeur : Centrale des revues (Montrouge)
Date d'édition : 1989-08-01
Notice du catalogue : http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb343942015
Type : texte texte
Type : publication en série imprimée publication en série imprimée
Langue : français
Format : Nombre total de vues : 58253 Nombre total de vues : 58253
Description : 01 août 1989 01 août 1989
Description : 1989/08/01 (SER2,T309 (DOUBLE))-1989/12/31. 1989/08/01 (SER2,T309 (DOUBLE))-1989/12/31.
Droits : Consultable en ligne
Identifiant : ark:/12148/bpt6k56640789
Source : Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Collections numérisées, 2009-3813
Conservation numérique : Bibliothèque nationale de France
Date de mise en ligne : 01/12/2010
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t. 309, Série II, p. 763-768, 1989 763
Découverte de Trogontherium minus Newton 1890
(Rodentia: Castoridae) dans le Villafranchien inférieur
de Perrier-Étouaires (Puy-de-Dôme, France) :
implications phylogénétiques
Marguerite HUGUENEY, Claude GUÉRIN et Jean-Louis POIDEVIN
Résumé — Un matériel assez complet de T. minus, forme rare de petit Castoridé, trouvé dans le
gisement maintenant bien daté des Etouaires, ainsi que la présence de l'espèce plus grande T. cuvieri
à Vialette et Commenailles permet de démontrer la contemporanéité des deux espèces et de mettre
en doute leur appartenance à une lignée monophylétique dont T. minus serait l'ancêtre. L'extension
géographique et stratigraphique des différentes espèces de Trogontherium est discutée.
Discovery of Trogontherium minus Newton 1890 (Rodentia : Castoridae) in the Lower
Villafranchian locality of Perrier-Etouaires (Puy-de-Dôme, France) : phylogenetic
Abstract — The rare Castorid Trogontherium minus has been recovered from the classic Villafran-
chian site of "Les Etouaires". A revision of the spatio-temporal range of this species makes it possible
to contest the previously accepted evolution pattern of the genus. Geographical and stratigraphical
distribution of the three species of Trogontherium are discussed.
Abridged English Version — Recent excavations in the classic Villafranchian locality of
"Perrier-Les-Étouaires" provided an opportunity to collect new mammalian fauna [1]. The
locality was recendy dated at about 2.4 M.a. by means of paleomagnetic and geochronologic
methods ([2], [3]) and, in the mammalian biozonation, it corresponds to the MN16b
zone. The fauna yielded two upper tooth rows and an upper incisor of the rare Castorid
Trogontherium minus which no doubt represent a single adult specimen. The incisor shows
a rounded anterior part covered with longitudinaly-ribbed, finely rugose enamel and a charac-
teristic pear-shaped cross-section (in Castor, the incisor is triangular and the enamel is
smooth). The pattern of the hypsodont teeth that retain roots, as well as their respective
proportions (M 3 being the longest tooth by adjunction of additional enamel folds, then P4
and M2 longer than M 1) are also characteristic of the genus. The size is identical to that
of the type-maxillary from the English Red Crag and the Hungarian material from
Hajnacka[4] and is considerably smaller than that of T. cuvieri boisvilletti and T. cuvieri
cuvieri ([5], [6]).
A revision of the spatio-temporal range of the different species of the genus Trogontherium
makes it possible to contest the previously accepted evolutionary pattern of the
genus. According to this pattern, the minute ruscinian T. minus was supposed to have
turned into the large Pleistocene Trogontherium cuvieri. Contemporaneity of these two species
is demonstrated (cf. Table) since an upper incisor of T. cuvieri has been recovered in the
material from Vialette (Haute-Loire), a locality not far from Perrier but corresponding to a
surely older level (MN16a); moreover the coexistence of the two species has been recorded
Note présentée par Yves COPPENS.
0249-6313/89/03090763 $ 2.00 © Académie des Sciences
Découverte de Trogontherium minus Newton 1890
(Rodentia: Castoridae) dans le Villafranchien inférieur
de Perrier-Étouaires (Puy-de-Dôme, France) :
implications phylogénétiques
Marguerite HUGUENEY, Claude GUÉRIN et Jean-Louis POIDEVIN
Résumé — Un matériel assez complet de T. minus, forme rare de petit Castoridé, trouvé dans le
gisement maintenant bien daté des Etouaires, ainsi que la présence de l'espèce plus grande T. cuvieri
à Vialette et Commenailles permet de démontrer la contemporanéité des deux espèces et de mettre
en doute leur appartenance à une lignée monophylétique dont T. minus serait l'ancêtre. L'extension
géographique et stratigraphique des différentes espèces de Trogontherium est discutée.
Discovery of Trogontherium minus Newton 1890 (Rodentia : Castoridae) in the Lower
Villafranchian locality of Perrier-Etouaires (Puy-de-Dôme, France) : phylogenetic
Abstract — The rare Castorid Trogontherium minus has been recovered from the classic Villafran-
chian site of "Les Etouaires". A revision of the spatio-temporal range of this species makes it possible
to contest the previously accepted evolution pattern of the genus. Geographical and stratigraphical
distribution of the three species of Trogontherium are discussed.
Abridged English Version — Recent excavations in the classic Villafranchian locality of
"Perrier-Les-Étouaires" provided an opportunity to collect new mammalian fauna [1]. The
locality was recendy dated at about 2.4 M.a. by means of paleomagnetic and geochronologic
methods ([2], [3]) and, in the mammalian biozonation, it corresponds to the MN16b
zone. The fauna yielded two upper tooth rows and an upper incisor of the rare Castorid
Trogontherium minus which no doubt represent a single adult specimen. The incisor shows
a rounded anterior part covered with longitudinaly-ribbed, finely rugose enamel and a charac-
teristic pear-shaped cross-section (in Castor, the incisor is triangular and the enamel is
smooth). The pattern of the hypsodont teeth that retain roots, as well as their respective
proportions (M 3 being the longest tooth by adjunction of additional enamel folds, then P4
and M2 longer than M 1) are also characteristic of the genus. The size is identical to that
of the type-maxillary from the English Red Crag and the Hungarian material from
Hajnacka[4] and is considerably smaller than that of T. cuvieri boisvilletti and T. cuvieri
cuvieri ([5], [6]).
A revision of the spatio-temporal range of the different species of the genus Trogontherium
makes it possible to contest the previously accepted evolutionary pattern of the
genus. According to this pattern, the minute ruscinian T. minus was supposed to have
turned into the large Pleistocene Trogontherium cuvieri. Contemporaneity of these two species
is demonstrated (cf. Table) since an upper incisor of T. cuvieri has been recovered in the
material from Vialette (Haute-Loire), a locality not far from Perrier but corresponding to a
surely older level (MN16a); moreover the coexistence of the two species has been recorded
Note présentée par Yves COPPENS.
0249-6313/89/03090763 $ 2.00 © Académie des Sciences
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