Titre : The New York herald
Éditeur : [s.n.] (Paris)
Date d'édition : 1925-08-04
Notice du catalogue : http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb391150993
Type : texte texte
Type : publication en série imprimée publication en série imprimée
Langue : anglais
Description : 04 août 1925 04 août 1925
Description : 1925/08/04. 1925/08/04.
Droits : Consultable en ligne
Identifiant : ark:/12148/bd6t519450
Source : Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Droit, économie, politique, GR FOL-PB-1751 (BIS)
Conservation numérique : Bibliothèque nationale de France
Date de mise en ligne : 28/10/2020
Warmer, fine, cloudy.
Wind SW, light.
Temperature yesterday: Max. 21
(70 Fahr.), min. 13 (55 Fahr.).
Channel crossings: Moderate.
Dollar in Paris - - - 21fr. 10c.
Dollar in London - - - - 4s. 2d.
Dollar in Berlin (gold mk) 4m. 20pf.
Dollar in Rome - - - 27 lire 34c.
Pound in Paris - - - 102fr. 52c.
PEICE: Paris and France, 40c.; Abroad, 55 Centimes (French),
PBIX: Paris et France, 40c.; Etranger, 55 Centimes (Frangais).
president Enters Third
Year More Popular
than Ever.
f RESULT of economy
Nation Gratified Over Executive’s
Program— No Harm from Last
Year’s Scandals.
Fewer Babies Lost
At Coney Island
(By United Press.)
KE1V YORK, Monday. — -Entering
to-day the third year of the Pre
sidency, Mr. Coolidge seems at the
climax of his popularity. This is due
chiefly to his economy policy, political
observers declare, and they find at the
game time that the President’s • posi
tion has been unhurt by the last De
mocratic campaign, based upon the
1(1^4 scandals.
Popularity Grows.
Manifold defeats by Congress, such as
Japanese exclusion, I ,e soldiers’ bonus
and Mr. Charles B. Warren’s rejection
a - Attorney-General, . have increased
rather than detracted from Mr. Cool-
idge’s popularity throughout the country
which has been “fed up’’ on Congres
sional debates.
Outstanding among the feats claimed
tor the President in the foreign field is
I the Dawes plan, which, however, was
1 "private,” the Government only after
its success assuming a sort of unofficial
fath ership. The administration’s real
tests internationally are still ahead.
Numbered among them are disarma-
[ ment, conferences on China, settlement
of the Allied debts to the United States.
On the fourth point,- the proposed
entry 'into the World Court, the Presi-
•dent faces wide differences in Mis own
party among members of the Senate.
In a domestic way, in the foreground
is the trouble brewing in the coalfields
tn add to the controversy the Federation
[ of Labor has raised over wage reductions
| in New England's textile mills. Further
' off, the loss of a. few seats in the Con-
fgressional elections of 1926 would bring
[disastrous breaks, destroying the Ad-
l ministration's already precarious ma
jority. • ' L ' - ■ •
‘ In the meantime, the country is cheer
fully granting Mr. Coolidge his laurels in
advance, and.already is talking of a third
(By Special Cable to the Herald.)
N EW’ YORK, Monday.—Exposing
thoughtless mothers who for
get their babies in the blare of
Coney Island -has Fad its effect, for
yesterday only fifty little tots, a
third of the usual number lost
daily, found their way to the police
station nursery. While the
mothers may have irked under the
publicity the children were happy.
Why should they not be? In the
Coney Island police station they
found two-thirds as many toys as
there would have been had the
usual number of mothers gone off
on a lark. But fifty a day still is a
large number, the- police believe,
and a new program is going into
force soon by which each mother
will look to her -baby first and the
hurdy-gur'dy and “weiner” stand
Cell Shock ” Slogan Coined
In Fight to Save Scott
Country-wide Interest in Fate of Reprieved Fpriner
Millionaire, Who Fights for Life as Search
'• for Brother Proves Vain.
Soundings Show Depths of
30 Metres Where Charts
Mark 4,000.
1 term, whereby all precedents wop Id - be
broken. 11 is -chances * of re-election, how
ever, are dependable to a great extent
upon. ftis .record ' of the' remaining '-years
of bis term.
Prospective Soldiers for Morocco
from South America Start
Fighting in New York.
(By United Press.)
NEW YORK, Monday. — Prospective
soldiers in the Spanish army who are
to fight in the Riff, staged a mutiny on
'oard the Spanish liner Antonio Lopez
here this morning. Six jumped over
board during the riot and five were
picked up, but the other either drowned
or escaped. According to the master of
the liner, 150 men in ■ the party were
recruited in South America and Cuba for
service in the Spanish army in Morocco,
jlie declared that the men rioted because
they were dissatisfied with their food
sud accommodation on board the vessel,
which is scheduled to sail for Cadiz to-
[ morrow. ,
The mutiny became so serious that the
captain had to call for police assistance.
The police had to use their weapons be
fore the mutineers were subdued. The
.five who were picked up after jumping
overboard were chained with the rest
I Under heavy guard and will bs kept so
until Sp a i n i s reached.
LORIENT (Morbihan), Monday.—The
bottom of the ocean in the Bay of Bis
cay is rising with extraordinary' rapidity
and a huge plateau may soon appear
above the surface of the water about a
hundred nautical miles to the south-east
of Rochefort and off Cape Ortegal. This
is the astounding discovery made by the
captain and officers of the French trans
port Loiret on July 6 last.
Previous observations made by the
Loiret on May 25 last, the date of the
big storm off the coast of Brittany, tend
to show that the phenomenon is the
result of an upheaval in the earth’s crust
and of the last earthquake in Japan.
Where the charts gave. 4,000 to 5,000
metres of water, soundings taken by the
Loiret on the second occasion, after nine
hours cruising backwards and forwards,
revealed depths ranging from 36 to 135
metres only.
Danger to Navigation.
A report of.the discovery was sent to
the French Ministry of Marine at the
time it was made, in .view pf the danger
to navigation in ease the shoal continues
(By Special Cable to the Herald.)
CHICAGO, Monday.—“Cell shock.” a myth or a reality y—on this ques
tion hangs the life of Russell Scott, once a millionaire and now twice reprieved
from the gallows, unless his brother Robert makes good on the life-saving
telegrams and gives himself up as the real slayer of Joseph Maurer, clerk in
the City Hall drugstore. The trial, Scott’s final battle to escape a murderer’s
death, opened to-ejay with eight alienists., including two veterans of the Loe-b-
Leopold case, ready to testify that the defendant’s mind is broken as the
result of ten-months’ confinement in Cook County Jail.
Restricts Testimony.
Judge Joseph B. Davis intends to re
strict the scientific testimony of five
alienists on each side. The preliminaries
went smoothly. Thp jury was quickly
completed from a special panel of 100
While the long routine of scientific
testimony in a dreary courtroom pro
gresses a great city’s appeal to save
Scott and a dramatic search for the miss
ing Robert Scott mark one of the greatest
battles over one man’s lire that- the
country has ever known.
Try to Find Brother.
Catherine Scott, wife of the former
millionaire, and Thomas Scott, his aged
father, from Detroit, have sent out radio
appeals throughout the country, hoping
to Teach Robert to influence him to re
turn and,to confess. Their pitiful pleas
have stirred that city. Mrs. Scott rented’
a store in Detroit, from which actors,
itriends of her husband, called to the
public for funds- This campaign brought
in $1,500. Detroit clubwomen raised
$5,OCX) for attorney fees. Windsor, .Ont,,
staged a big parade with a “Save Scott”
slogan. A Detroit newspaper has been
fostering a nation-wide campaign to find,
Meanwhile, police still are seeking the
“lost” brother, -whose name was signed
to telegrams confessing to the crime.
The postcard clue found on one of the
Drake Hotel bandits has failed to indi
cate Robert’s trail. Jack Woods, bandit
and holder of the postcard, was-grilled
again to-day, but he-stuck to his first
story* that the card belonged to William
Metlechuk, bandit leader, who has not
been found.
Dry Enforcement
Being Inau
Changes Being Introduced Are Ex
pected to Increase Effectiveness
of Prohibition Law.
to rise. Details of the report became
known here to-day and have aroused
much interest in French naval and mari
time cireles.--' 7
Confirming the report that depths of
34 metres were found where previous
charts marked 4,000 metres, Lieutenant
Didelot, a noted oceanographer, says in
the “Ouest-Eclair” to-day mat. the cap-,
MFITINY DIM QUID tain of tKe loiret became aware of some
1TIU 1 in I Uil Juir abnormal phenomenon on May 25 last,
when his ship encountered heavy seas
although the wind was slight and the
barometer high. Shortly before two. in
the mornihg, after the sea. had suddenly
calmed down, a huge wave struck tha
ship. 1 •
The discovery of the shoal was made
on the return journey of the Loiret while
approaching land off Cape Ortegal. The
sounding line, which is usually lowered
by ships on steering towards land began
to indicate depths under a hundred
metres while the charts register eel over
4,000. The captain continued to in
vestigate for several hours, with the same
astonishing result.
Rockaway Beach
Boardwalk Rumor
Starts Big Boom
Frantic Bush of Beal Estate Specu
lators to Get-Bich-Quick Forces
Police Action.
giants lose lead
(Hi/ Special Cable to the Herald.)
JKW YORK, Monday. — The New
York Giants again lost their lead in the
Ration a I League when they dropped a
fune to the hard-hitting St. Louis Car-
dinals, this afternoon, at just about the
Sanie t-ime that Fittsburg was winning a
die American League it’s the same
U'jl story with but few variations. The
- |)letics had to go twelve innings to
p, n ^ rom the pushing and clambering
leago White Sox, but they finally did
'' the other b
r eeovef fr<
land Detroit seemed
m the temporary loss of
t 0 ' rUs and went through to a vic-
iKn\u°' Pr ^ as Hington, which had its
[ Ua Hy modicum of hard luck.
Standing of the Clubs.
■ 'V. L.- Pr. ■ w. L Pc,
5R 38 .604 Brooklyn 48 46 : 5lJ
v? ac Philadelphia. 44 50 .468
a, „ , Phi'-agn 42 56 .429
.522 Boston 41 61 .402
W. L. P«
1 Pittsburg
N>v York,
f^t. Louis...
(By Special Cable to the Herald.)
SAN FRANCISCO. Monday. — Henry
Schwartz, vice-president and general
manager of the Pacific Celluloid Com- j
pany, who was believed to have been j
killed in an explosion in his laboratory!
here is now being sought for murder, i
Police were set on the trail of the. sup
posedly dead man after 'a dental expert
examined the teeth of a charred body
found in the wreckage of the laboratory
and declared tllat: it could not be that
of Schwartz. " , /
Immediately the District Attorney an
nounced the withdrawal of permission
for Mrs. Schwartz to proceed with the
burial of tire body. He insists that
Schwartz carried $180,000 insurance. A
Mexican laborer has been missing since
the explosion. .
High-priced issues in Wall Street lead
stocks in a strong market to r-ew high
levels. The general impression is that
business is quickening. The Federal
Reserve Bank receives a shipment of
$6,000,000 in gold from France. Full
report on page 6.
(By Special Cable to the Herald.)
NEW’ YORK, Monday. — Rumors that
Rockaway Beach is to-have a nine-mile
boardwalk to-day sent citizens in a
frenzy to that point with money in their
hands ready- to hand to the first real
estate agent in sight, and as a result
erstwhile peaceful Rockaway is experi
encing a boom that rivals the permanent
one in Florida.
Like an avalanche the crowds swept
down on Rockaway ~ fairly storming the
offices of real estate firms and fighting
harder to get in than during rush-hour
crowds in the subways. The buying
and selling was as fast as paper and
money could change hands. Many were
the stories of phenomenal profits on
Rockaway land' that rose in value faster
tlian in the oil regions of the Southwest.
Police lines were required outside of
realty offices to marshal the excited
would-be purchasers. Obliging- sellers
came out of the offices and met the city
crowds half way. An impromptu curb-
market was established.
Asked if the boom was a healthy one
a realtor replied, “When people are
land-crazy it is the same as a gold
rush. When prices are too high some
one must hold the bag.” In the mean
while, efforts to trace the rumor about
the proposed boardwalk have been futile.
Such a project was begun several years
ago, but never completed because of
discord in the Board of Estimate. At the
City Hall nothing was known of a re
sumption of the work.
FEZ, Monday. — Abd-el-Krim has is
sued a proclamation addressed to all the
native tribes in Morocco, in ^which he
assures them that he will not engage in
any peace negotiations, either with the
French or the Spaniards, unless the in
dependence of the Riff is properly
guaranteed beforehand.
Trade Union Rivalry Causes Short
Strike of New York Bricklayers
Score of Persons Injured
During Pitched Battle in
(By Special Cable to the Herald.)
WESTWOOD, Mass., Mond,,^.---Smoul
dering opposition to the Ku Kiux Klan
broke out afresh here to-night and before j has enough duties in
enough police reserves could be rushed
to intervene in a riot that followed an
“Invisible Empire”, gathering, a score of
its members and those of an Anti-Klan
attacking party were injured and a
farmhouse on the outskirts of Westwood
was wrecked. Three persons were ar
rested after the clash charged with
carrying concealed weapons.
To-night’s outbreak, the first open
disorder' caused by the Klan in the
East for several months, resulted when
the “Westwood branch of the “Invisible
Empire” attempted to hold its first
meeting since the recent announcement
of the Massachusetts State Police De
partment that- it would henceforth refuse
to guard gatherings of, the Klan.
Refused Protection.
Westwood Klansmen . decided to hold
their .meeting in.spite of this refusal of
police protection, and they chose a Spot
outside of town a.s their assembly-place.
When ..their decision became known .Anti-
Klan leaders enlisted an army of five
hundred men and, armed with - rocks,
clubs and brickbats, stormed the meet
Fleeing members of the secret society
took refuge in the cellar of a farmhouse,
against which the assailant's directed
their barrage of brickbats and stones.
Before the police arrived, every window
in the, house was broken, the furniture
was demolished and the house itself
wrecked almost beyond repair by the
terrific bombardment.
Threats and entreaties by the police
succeeded in ; calming the Anti-Klan
force of besiegers shortly after the. ar
rival of the’ officers and most of the
members of both groups were argued
into, returning to their homes without
further demonstrations. First aid treat
ment was administered: to the injured
battlers, all of whom were struck
flying rocks.
Finding No Cash,
Western Bandit
Kills Motorists
Two Women and Man Left Dead—
Another of Party Escapes
Long-standing Controversy with
Plasterers Causes Walk-out,
But Few Quit.
(By United Press.)
DENVER, Col., Monday.—Enraged at
not finding a cent in the pockets of a
party oi automobilists he had waylaid
in a lonely spot on the outskirts of Den
ver to-day, a highwayman poured a
volley of lead into the four members of
the group, leaving two women and a
man dead at the roadside and their com
panion, another man,.seriously wouilded.-
All efforts to find'a trace, of. the bandit-
murderer had proved futile to-night.
The autoists.. according to the story
told by the wounded survivor, were rid
ing leisurely along on the outskirts of
the city when the bandit; leaped sud
denly upon the running board and or-
eered the driver to steer the car to the
side of the road. Tn the meantime, how
ever, the two men in the machine deftly
transferred their money from, their
pockets to a place under the seat. After
the bandit, still clinging to the running
hoard, had seen the car driven to a
spot secluded enough to satisfy him,
he ordered the ■occupants out.
Both the men and women stepped
from the machine at-the point of a re
volver and the highwayman made a
thorough search. Then In his rage he
shot down his victims in cold-blooded
fashion and made his escape without
leaving the slightest cine.
(By Special Cable to the Herald.)
WASHINGTON, Monday—The first
actual, step-to make effective a new
Prohibition enforcement plan came to
day in the form ot an order relieving
Federal Prohibition Commissioner Roy
A. Haynes of all authority relative to
the supervision of juestions of Intoxi
cating liquors and placing those
powers in the hands of twenty-two re
gional administrators, who will be
appointed under the plan of General
Lincoln C. Andrews.
Centralisation Plan.
Internal, Revenue Commission Blair
issued the order but declined to com
ment on it beyond saying: “It'means cen
tralisation,” Mr. Haynes is not now in
Washington, but assistants said that he
the new regime
to keep him busy. The only function
left in his hands under the new order
is the control of gaugers stationed in dis
tilleries and warehouses on which the
Revenue Bureau b;*es tl^e Federal tax
on liquors produced or _stored. Mr.
Haynes was appointed by President
Harding in 1921. He has been in Pro
hibition work for many years.
The order relieving' Mr. Haynes from
his duties is believed to be in strict ac
cordance ..with the wishes of President
Coolidge. In a recent warning to Re
publican politicians not to interfere with
the operation -of the Prohibition depart
ment after a delay of the date set for
the inauguration of the new system Pre
sident Coolidge said that . General An
drews will have an .absolutely free hand,
both in making, appointments for the
twenty-two regional administrators* and
in carrying out. such policies as he
thinks will be most effective in reducing
the country's alcoholic supplies. The
President, it was stated, did not mean
to reflect on the administration of Mr.
Haynes- He believed, that the Federal
Commissioner had done his best to pre
vent politics from entering into appoint
Beyond divesting Me Haynqs of his
Prohibition enforcement duties General
Andrews and his board admittedly have
made but little p: ogress in selecting men
who are to make the new enforcement
system .go. The biggest development
came yesterday when Judge Elbert H.
Gary, Mr. John D. Rockefeller, Jr., and
ether members of the Citizens’ Com
mittee of One Thousand on Law En-
foreement pledged their services to car
rying out the enforcement plan in New
York. Mr. John A. Foster,, divisional
Prohibition chief at Philadelphia, is
being seriously considered for. the posi
tion of administrator for the (New York
district. Unofficially. it is said that he
is a very likely , candidate. .
General ‘Andrews has practically de
cided that there will be virtually no
realignment of the Prohibition areas,
although it is said, that some of the
big industrial zones, may be changed.
Ford Would Put Dance
Hall in Every Church.
(Special to the Herald.)
D ETROIT, Mich.,Monday.—“Every
church in the United Statds
should provide a hall with a good
floor and music for old-fashioned
dancing,” declares Mr. Plenty Ford,
automobile manufacturer, “if they
desire to hold youth to-day. The
Bible saying that there is a time
to dance is true, I believe for all
people of all ages. Churches really
have a special responsibility. Danc
ing originated with a religious
ceremony. Young people are sure
to dance because dancing is ins
tinctive. Everybody keeping time
to music with their hands and feet
are really dancing whether they
call it so or not. If people are
sure to dance why shoudn’t the
Church set a standard of dancing
for the young.”
October Should See Moroc
can Peace and Financial
(Special to the Herald.)
. OSLO, Monday.—Mr. George K. Stiles.
United States Consul at-Stavanger, has-
left and is said to have been recalled on
the ground, that he favored a British
steamship company in issuing visas to
intending immigrants.
According to reports published in the
Stavanger newspapers, the Consul is
said to have favored passengers sailing
in Cunard ships in giving visas. The
Norwegiari-American Line is said to
have revealed theirregularity after its
passengers were continually set aside in
favor of those taking passages from a
Cunard agent.
The case recalls the closing of the
American Consulate at Newcastle-on-
Tyne in England on August 31, 1922,
when the American Consul’s exequatur
was called in by the British Govern
ment on the ground that Consulate of
ficials had used undue influence to
induce persons seeking visas to travel in
American ships.
AUTUN (Saone-et-Loire), Monday.—
Presiding at the banquet of the annual
meeting of the Gymnastic Associations
of the Saone-et-Loire Department, M.
Painleve, the Premier, made an im
portant political speech to-day, in which
he took up three problems, which, he
said, had the Government by the
throat” immediately, after its accession
to power. The three problems are the
stability of the franc, inter-Allied- debts
and the war in Morocco.
To prevent any fall in French cur
rency had been the immediate task fac
ing the Cabinet in the financial domain,
declared the Premier, and for this the
success of the gold-guaranteed loan was
absolutely necessary, for it represented
a preliminary but indispensable measure
for the general restoration of French
finances. In October, he said, when the
results of this venture will be known,
if, will be possible to take in hand the
general financial and fiscal problem.
Referring very briefly to inter-Alliecl
debts, the Premier pointed out that the
country would not be Dee, as regards its
foreign policy, until this question is
settled, both with the United States and
Great Britain. In order to be able to
carry-on its ; negotiations in- a'Satisfactory
manner, M. Painleve continued, the
Government needed the understanding
and.the support.of public opinion.
Colonial Policy at Stake.
Devoting the last and the greater. part
of his speech to Morocco. M. Painleve
repeated his former statements that it
would be a crime to fight one hour
more than necessary, but the Govern
ment, lie- said, was faced by an inexor
able dilemma, namely, a situation in
in which what really was at stake was
not only the Moroccan zone, but the
whole colonial empire of France, her
economic independence, which de
pended thereon, the country’s prestige
and its influence in the world.
“But,” the Premier went on, “we have
not lost a moment in preparing the con
ditions for ' a durable, equitable and
generous peace. It rests with the R.if-
fians to abide by them. At the same
time, we have not lost a moment in
making all the necessary military pre
parations to impose these- conditions in
case they are not accepted. No Govern
ment could have fofiowed any other
policy. Whatever happens, I have a
firm hope that the beginning of October
will see the end of our troubles m
North Africa.”
JAMESTOWN (St. Helena), Monday.—
The Prince of Wales arrived here this
afternoon in the-Repulse, coming from
South Africa. After a short stay, the
Prince will sail for South America, being
expected at Montevideo on August 14.
G'EINEViA, Monday.—A hundred emi
nent dentists from all parts of the world
are attending the 19th International
Congress of Dentistry which opened here
to-day. After the inaugural address of
M- Andre' Oltramare, representing the
Government of the Canton of Geneva,
Professor William Truman Brophy, the
veteran oral specialist of Chicago, traced
the history of t'Le International Federa
tion of Dentists since its foundation in
Paris in 1901.
Professor Bropihy was appointed an
honorary member of the Swiss Society
of DentistrJ, which awarded him the
Miller prize, given every two years.
Federation of Labor Re-
fuses to Back Third
Workers Urged to Support Candi
dates of Either Party Most
Useful to Interests.
(By Special Cable to the Herald.)
WASHINGTON, Monday.—A pos
thumous triumph for Samuel Gompers
came to-day in the official announce
ment that the American Federation of
Labor will have absolutely nothing to
do with any third-party movement,
and that its future policy will be en
tirely unequivocably non-partisan.
To Favor Friends.
Action taken by the Executive Council
commits the organisation to future
support of candidates who are favorable
to Labor and opposition to others re
gardless of whose standard they bear.
Regarding a third party the Council
made its stand plain. No aid nor
comfort will be given to those seeking
to launch a third party, it declared.
It was indicated that the hulk of
Labor leaders throughout the country
favor a non-partisan policy wliiclh the
Council declared, has passed the cru
cible of ex " ience and has proved to
be the best >mur yet adopted for Labor
to voice itself politically.
Thus the Federation vindicates the
far-sightedness of its late leader, Mr.
Gompers, and thus is Mr. Robert La-
Follette, Jr., warned that any attempt
to, form a third party will be without
the sympathy or assistance of the power
ful Labor organisation. Labor’s part in
the last Presidential campaign was
rather hectic. Early in the spring Mr.
Gompers sounded his word of warning
against support of the third party move
ment headed by the late Senator La Fol-
lette. They were wmrds passed unheeded
by various trades which, one by one,
swung- into line behind the Wisconsin
Defeat Was Lesson.
Then came the dismal defeat of the
La Follette movement. -The crushing of
Labor’s rising hopes evidently have
brought the Federation to a realisation
that non-partisanship is the only course,
that it must, look which way the wind
blows and do its best with the can
didate, who includes thjC traditional
“full dinner pail” with his assortment of
(By Special Cable to the Herald.)
NEW YORK, Monday. — Immediate
launching of a nation-wide campaign
against crime of every variety is fore
seen in a letter written by Mr. Richard
W. Child, former United States Ambas
sador to Italy, Jo Mr. Elbert H, Gary,
in which Mr. Gary is urged to assume
the permanent leadership of the National
Commission for the Suppression, of
Crime. If the latter accepts the. chair
manship of the organisation, the cru
saders are prepared to begin their well-
defined drive for crime prevention, in
which they will seek the support of
President Coolidge.
(Special to the Herald.)
ZURICH, Monday.—Four persons were
drowned in the Lake of Zurich yesterday
evening when a sudden storm caused a
little sailing boat, to capsize and dis
appear with all its occupants.
\V a h rW ? hia - M to .656
^r 0n '^6 .633
DetrJl 55 47 -539
: ” « 49 .500
St. Louis...
CTeve] and..
New York..
Results of Monday’s Games.
national league.
If- Louis
|«ew York
W. L. Pc.
50 50 .500
46 55 .455
43 56 .434
29 71 .290
R. H. E.
7 9 2
6 10 2
3 7 1
15 2
7 14 0
4 6 0
£pv York
ev eland...
(12 innings.)
R. H. E.
Pittsburg .... 3 6 1
Philadelphia. 2 9 0
(First game.)
Pittsburg .... 3 11 0
Philadelphia. 2 9 0
(2nd game; 11 innings.)
R- H. E.
5 11 1 Detroit
^70 Washington.
3 9 2
1® 2 st. Louis.
(By Special Cable to the. Herald .'j
NEW YORK, Monday.—Because they
are bread-winners first and unionists af
terward the bricklayers of New York
to-day helped to avert a great loss of time
and money on several 'million dollars
worth of construction by, not going .out
on a strike that was called this morning.
This strike lias been threatened ’for
several weeks after the last big tie-up of
building in large cities throughout the
I country, brought on by differences be-
I tween the bricklayers and plasterers.
This morning it was announced that
| the bricklayers, infuriated at an agree-
12 17 i I ment between contractors and plasterer
R. IT. E.
3 8 1
2 8 0
traditional bone between the trades, had
struck. It was said that the walk-out.was
general, but a check on the most impor
tant, construction, notably the $7,500,000, |
job covering a block between Fourth
and Lexington avenues and Thirty-
second and Thirty-third streets, repealed
that only twelve men had quit. Union
leaders protested that a,strike was really
on. It looked, nevertheless, like a twelve-
man strike.
This is the second time in recent weeks
that the bricklayers have demonstrated
their good-will. The last strike came
when all but the bricklayers went out
after several non-union teamsters were
found hauling sand to the $7,500,000 job.
At that time Mr. George W. Thorton,
acting president of the bricklayers’ orga
nisation announced that his men would
take no retaliatory measures against the
plasterers who won an agreement from
the contractors, principal, sufferers of th§
Bosto .n 4 5 &i regarding the laying in of stucco work, long controversy over stucco work.
(Special to the Herald.)
ROME, Monday. — Four persons were
killed, including three women, and fif
teen were wounded, some seriously, as
a result of a riot to-day in the peaceful
little town of San Giovanni in Fiore at
the base of the highest point of the
Apennines and about twenty-five miles
from Cosenza.
The riot developed from popular, in
dignation at the alleged extravagance of
the municipality and its failure to re
duce local taxation. A crowd of 2,000
persons attacked the Town Hall this
morning with stones and guns. The
Carabinieri failed to hold back the
rioters with blank cartridges, and being
roughly handled, used real shot, *
American Marines Leave Nicaragua
After Thirteen Years of Service
Recall Follows Removal of Troops
from Santo Domingo—Haiti
Withdrawal Expected.
(By United Press.)
WASHINGTON, Monday.—The Marine
contingent at Managua, Nicaragua,
which comprises nine officers, all ‘ told
under command of Major R. S. Keyser,
and a battalion of men, leaves to-mor
row for transfer to stations in this coun
try. The detachment will embark ii. a
warship at Corinto to he brought to the
United States and assigned to new sta
The Marines have been in Nicaragua
for the past thirteen years as Legation
guard and general keepers of the peace
in that troubled country, and their re
call follows the recent withdrawal of
other Marines from Santo Domingo, and
will likely be followed by the with
drawal of the Marine detachment from
Haiti before next spring.
It was feared in official circles that an
attack on American missionaries in Ni
caragua would delay indefinitely the
withdrawal of the Marines, but the
State Department declined to prolong
the situation and requested the Nicara
guan Government to protect the mission
aries from the resentment* of the native
population which resents Protestant
Bight to Maintain Water-carriers in
New York Harbor Bestored
After Twelve Years.
(By Special Cable to the Herald.)
NEW YORK, Monday. — After more
than twelve years of alternate considera
tion, postponement and delay, the Inter-
State Commerce Commission, in a deci
sion announced to-day, declared that
railroads are entitled to maintain ferries,
towboats, barges and other water-carriers
in New York harbor. This right was
questioned under the Panama Canal Act
passed by Congress in 1912, ordering all
railroads of the United States to he di
vorced from steamship companies in
order to insure genuine water and rail
This feature of the Panama Canal Act
was one. of the most bitterly contested
points before the measure was finally
adopted by both Houses of Congress on
August 18, 1912. Far-reaching in its ef
fects, the Bill was primarily intended
as a curb on those railway lines owning
steamships that might be placed on runs
through the Panama Canal. Its authors,
however, made the provision general in
its application, so that’it prohibited any
railroad in the United States from own
ing or controlling any wafer-carrier with
which it “does or may compete for
Under the provision, which was re
garded as one of the most sweeping
transportation Bills ever placed before
Congress, the roads were given until July
1, 1914, to dispose of any steamships un
der their control, unless the Interstate
Commission should decide that any par
ticular carrier was operated in the in
terest of the public. This was the loop
hole taken advantage of by opponents
of the measure, who have just won theii
New York harbor victory.
After President Taft had approved the
Canal Act, many important railway lines,
including the Pennsylvania and the New
York Central, busied themselves in dis
posing of millions of dollars worth oi
vessels and in cancelling orders for ad
ditional Steamers which were to have
been placed in service on the Great
Lakes, through the Panama Canal and
on other runs.
Warmer, fine, cloudy.
Wind SW, light.
Temperature yesterday: Max. 21
(70 Fahr.), min. 13 (55 Fahr.).
Channel crossings: Moderate.
Dollar in Paris - - - 21fr. 10c.
Dollar in London - - - - 4s. 2d.
Dollar in Berlin (gold mk) 4m. 20pf.
Dollar in Rome - - - 27 lire 34c.
Pound in Paris - - - 102fr. 52c.
PEICE: Paris and France, 40c.; Abroad, 55 Centimes (French),
PBIX: Paris et France, 40c.; Etranger, 55 Centimes (Frangais).
president Enters Third
Year More Popular
than Ever.
f RESULT of economy
Nation Gratified Over Executive’s
Program— No Harm from Last
Year’s Scandals.
Fewer Babies Lost
At Coney Island
(By United Press.)
KE1V YORK, Monday. — -Entering
to-day the third year of the Pre
sidency, Mr. Coolidge seems at the
climax of his popularity. This is due
chiefly to his economy policy, political
observers declare, and they find at the
game time that the President’s • posi
tion has been unhurt by the last De
mocratic campaign, based upon the
1(1^4 scandals.
Popularity Grows.
Manifold defeats by Congress, such as
Japanese exclusion, I ,e soldiers’ bonus
and Mr. Charles B. Warren’s rejection
a - Attorney-General, . have increased
rather than detracted from Mr. Cool-
idge’s popularity throughout the country
which has been “fed up’’ on Congres
sional debates.
Outstanding among the feats claimed
tor the President in the foreign field is
I the Dawes plan, which, however, was
1 "private,” the Government only after
its success assuming a sort of unofficial
fath ership. The administration’s real
tests internationally are still ahead.
Numbered among them are disarma-
[ ment, conferences on China, settlement
of the Allied debts to the United States.
On the fourth point,- the proposed
entry 'into the World Court, the Presi-
•dent faces wide differences in Mis own
party among members of the Senate.
In a domestic way, in the foreground
is the trouble brewing in the coalfields
tn add to the controversy the Federation
[ of Labor has raised over wage reductions
| in New England's textile mills. Further
' off, the loss of a. few seats in the Con-
fgressional elections of 1926 would bring
[disastrous breaks, destroying the Ad-
l ministration's already precarious ma
jority. • ' L ' - ■ •
‘ In the meantime, the country is cheer
fully granting Mr. Coolidge his laurels in
advance, and.already is talking of a third
(By Special Cable to the Herald.)
N EW’ YORK, Monday.—Exposing
thoughtless mothers who for
get their babies in the blare of
Coney Island -has Fad its effect, for
yesterday only fifty little tots, a
third of the usual number lost
daily, found their way to the police
station nursery. While the
mothers may have irked under the
publicity the children were happy.
Why should they not be? In the
Coney Island police station they
found two-thirds as many toys as
there would have been had the
usual number of mothers gone off
on a lark. But fifty a day still is a
large number, the- police believe,
and a new program is going into
force soon by which each mother
will look to her -baby first and the
hurdy-gur'dy and “weiner” stand
Cell Shock ” Slogan Coined
In Fight to Save Scott
Country-wide Interest in Fate of Reprieved Fpriner
Millionaire, Who Fights for Life as Search
'• for Brother Proves Vain.
Soundings Show Depths of
30 Metres Where Charts
Mark 4,000.
1 term, whereby all precedents wop Id - be
broken. 11 is -chances * of re-election, how
ever, are dependable to a great extent
upon. ftis .record ' of the' remaining '-years
of bis term.
Prospective Soldiers for Morocco
from South America Start
Fighting in New York.
(By United Press.)
NEW YORK, Monday. — Prospective
soldiers in the Spanish army who are
to fight in the Riff, staged a mutiny on
'oard the Spanish liner Antonio Lopez
here this morning. Six jumped over
board during the riot and five were
picked up, but the other either drowned
or escaped. According to the master of
the liner, 150 men in ■ the party were
recruited in South America and Cuba for
service in the Spanish army in Morocco,
jlie declared that the men rioted because
they were dissatisfied with their food
sud accommodation on board the vessel,
which is scheduled to sail for Cadiz to-
[ morrow. ,
The mutiny became so serious that the
captain had to call for police assistance.
The police had to use their weapons be
fore the mutineers were subdued. The
.five who were picked up after jumping
overboard were chained with the rest
I Under heavy guard and will bs kept so
until Sp a i n i s reached.
LORIENT (Morbihan), Monday.—The
bottom of the ocean in the Bay of Bis
cay is rising with extraordinary' rapidity
and a huge plateau may soon appear
above the surface of the water about a
hundred nautical miles to the south-east
of Rochefort and off Cape Ortegal. This
is the astounding discovery made by the
captain and officers of the French trans
port Loiret on July 6 last.
Previous observations made by the
Loiret on May 25 last, the date of the
big storm off the coast of Brittany, tend
to show that the phenomenon is the
result of an upheaval in the earth’s crust
and of the last earthquake in Japan.
Where the charts gave. 4,000 to 5,000
metres of water, soundings taken by the
Loiret on the second occasion, after nine
hours cruising backwards and forwards,
revealed depths ranging from 36 to 135
metres only.
Danger to Navigation.
A report of.the discovery was sent to
the French Ministry of Marine at the
time it was made, in .view pf the danger
to navigation in ease the shoal continues
(By Special Cable to the Herald.)
CHICAGO, Monday.—“Cell shock.” a myth or a reality y—on this ques
tion hangs the life of Russell Scott, once a millionaire and now twice reprieved
from the gallows, unless his brother Robert makes good on the life-saving
telegrams and gives himself up as the real slayer of Joseph Maurer, clerk in
the City Hall drugstore. The trial, Scott’s final battle to escape a murderer’s
death, opened to-ejay with eight alienists., including two veterans of the Loe-b-
Leopold case, ready to testify that the defendant’s mind is broken as the
result of ten-months’ confinement in Cook County Jail.
Restricts Testimony.
Judge Joseph B. Davis intends to re
strict the scientific testimony of five
alienists on each side. The preliminaries
went smoothly. Thp jury was quickly
completed from a special panel of 100
While the long routine of scientific
testimony in a dreary courtroom pro
gresses a great city’s appeal to save
Scott and a dramatic search for the miss
ing Robert Scott mark one of the greatest
battles over one man’s lire that- the
country has ever known.
Try to Find Brother.
Catherine Scott, wife of the former
millionaire, and Thomas Scott, his aged
father, from Detroit, have sent out radio
appeals throughout the country, hoping
to Teach Robert to influence him to re
turn and,to confess. Their pitiful pleas
have stirred that city. Mrs. Scott rented’
a store in Detroit, from which actors,
itriends of her husband, called to the
public for funds- This campaign brought
in $1,500. Detroit clubwomen raised
$5,OCX) for attorney fees. Windsor, .Ont,,
staged a big parade with a “Save Scott”
slogan. A Detroit newspaper has been
fostering a nation-wide campaign to find,
Meanwhile, police still are seeking the
“lost” brother, -whose name was signed
to telegrams confessing to the crime.
The postcard clue found on one of the
Drake Hotel bandits has failed to indi
cate Robert’s trail. Jack Woods, bandit
and holder of the postcard, was-grilled
again to-day, but he-stuck to his first
story* that the card belonged to William
Metlechuk, bandit leader, who has not
been found.
Dry Enforcement
Being Inau
Changes Being Introduced Are Ex
pected to Increase Effectiveness
of Prohibition Law.
to rise. Details of the report became
known here to-day and have aroused
much interest in French naval and mari
time cireles.--' 7
Confirming the report that depths of
34 metres were found where previous
charts marked 4,000 metres, Lieutenant
Didelot, a noted oceanographer, says in
the “Ouest-Eclair” to-day mat. the cap-,
MFITINY DIM QUID tain of tKe loiret became aware of some
1TIU 1 in I Uil Juir abnormal phenomenon on May 25 last,
when his ship encountered heavy seas
although the wind was slight and the
barometer high. Shortly before two. in
the mornihg, after the sea. had suddenly
calmed down, a huge wave struck tha
ship. 1 •
The discovery of the shoal was made
on the return journey of the Loiret while
approaching land off Cape Ortegal. The
sounding line, which is usually lowered
by ships on steering towards land began
to indicate depths under a hundred
metres while the charts register eel over
4,000. The captain continued to in
vestigate for several hours, with the same
astonishing result.
Rockaway Beach
Boardwalk Rumor
Starts Big Boom
Frantic Bush of Beal Estate Specu
lators to Get-Bich-Quick Forces
Police Action.
giants lose lead
(Hi/ Special Cable to the Herald.)
JKW YORK, Monday. — The New
York Giants again lost their lead in the
Ration a I League when they dropped a
fune to the hard-hitting St. Louis Car-
dinals, this afternoon, at just about the
Sanie t-ime that Fittsburg was winning a
die American League it’s the same
U'jl story with but few variations. The
- |)letics had to go twelve innings to
p, n ^ rom the pushing and clambering
leago White Sox, but they finally did
'' the other b
r eeovef fr<
land Detroit seemed
m the temporary loss of
t 0 ' rUs and went through to a vic-
iKn\u°' Pr ^ as Hington, which had its
[ Ua Hy modicum of hard luck.
Standing of the Clubs.
■ 'V. L.- Pr. ■ w. L Pc,
5R 38 .604 Brooklyn 48 46 : 5lJ
v? ac Philadelphia. 44 50 .468
a, „ , Phi'-agn 42 56 .429
.522 Boston 41 61 .402
W. L. P«
1 Pittsburg
N>v York,
f^t. Louis...
(By Special Cable to the Herald.)
SAN FRANCISCO. Monday. — Henry
Schwartz, vice-president and general
manager of the Pacific Celluloid Com- j
pany, who was believed to have been j
killed in an explosion in his laboratory!
here is now being sought for murder, i
Police were set on the trail of the. sup
posedly dead man after 'a dental expert
examined the teeth of a charred body
found in the wreckage of the laboratory
and declared tllat: it could not be that
of Schwartz. " , /
Immediately the District Attorney an
nounced the withdrawal of permission
for Mrs. Schwartz to proceed with the
burial of tire body. He insists that
Schwartz carried $180,000 insurance. A
Mexican laborer has been missing since
the explosion. .
High-priced issues in Wall Street lead
stocks in a strong market to r-ew high
levels. The general impression is that
business is quickening. The Federal
Reserve Bank receives a shipment of
$6,000,000 in gold from France. Full
report on page 6.
(By Special Cable to the Herald.)
NEW’ YORK, Monday. — Rumors that
Rockaway Beach is to-have a nine-mile
boardwalk to-day sent citizens in a
frenzy to that point with money in their
hands ready- to hand to the first real
estate agent in sight, and as a result
erstwhile peaceful Rockaway is experi
encing a boom that rivals the permanent
one in Florida.
Like an avalanche the crowds swept
down on Rockaway ~ fairly storming the
offices of real estate firms and fighting
harder to get in than during rush-hour
crowds in the subways. The buying
and selling was as fast as paper and
money could change hands. Many were
the stories of phenomenal profits on
Rockaway land' that rose in value faster
tlian in the oil regions of the Southwest.
Police lines were required outside of
realty offices to marshal the excited
would-be purchasers. Obliging- sellers
came out of the offices and met the city
crowds half way. An impromptu curb-
market was established.
Asked if the boom was a healthy one
a realtor replied, “When people are
land-crazy it is the same as a gold
rush. When prices are too high some
one must hold the bag.” In the mean
while, efforts to trace the rumor about
the proposed boardwalk have been futile.
Such a project was begun several years
ago, but never completed because of
discord in the Board of Estimate. At the
City Hall nothing was known of a re
sumption of the work.
FEZ, Monday. — Abd-el-Krim has is
sued a proclamation addressed to all the
native tribes in Morocco, in ^which he
assures them that he will not engage in
any peace negotiations, either with the
French or the Spaniards, unless the in
dependence of the Riff is properly
guaranteed beforehand.
Trade Union Rivalry Causes Short
Strike of New York Bricklayers
Score of Persons Injured
During Pitched Battle in
(By Special Cable to the Herald.)
WESTWOOD, Mass., Mond,,^.---Smoul
dering opposition to the Ku Kiux Klan
broke out afresh here to-night and before j has enough duties in
enough police reserves could be rushed
to intervene in a riot that followed an
“Invisible Empire”, gathering, a score of
its members and those of an Anti-Klan
attacking party were injured and a
farmhouse on the outskirts of Westwood
was wrecked. Three persons were ar
rested after the clash charged with
carrying concealed weapons.
To-night’s outbreak, the first open
disorder' caused by the Klan in the
East for several months, resulted when
the “Westwood branch of the “Invisible
Empire” attempted to hold its first
meeting since the recent announcement
of the Massachusetts State Police De
partment that- it would henceforth refuse
to guard gatherings of, the Klan.
Refused Protection.
Westwood Klansmen . decided to hold
their .meeting in.spite of this refusal of
police protection, and they chose a Spot
outside of town a.s their assembly-place.
When ..their decision became known .Anti-
Klan leaders enlisted an army of five
hundred men and, armed with - rocks,
clubs and brickbats, stormed the meet
Fleeing members of the secret society
took refuge in the cellar of a farmhouse,
against which the assailant's directed
their barrage of brickbats and stones.
Before the police arrived, every window
in the, house was broken, the furniture
was demolished and the house itself
wrecked almost beyond repair by the
terrific bombardment.
Threats and entreaties by the police
succeeded in ; calming the Anti-Klan
force of besiegers shortly after the. ar
rival of the’ officers and most of the
members of both groups were argued
into, returning to their homes without
further demonstrations. First aid treat
ment was administered: to the injured
battlers, all of whom were struck
flying rocks.
Finding No Cash,
Western Bandit
Kills Motorists
Two Women and Man Left Dead—
Another of Party Escapes
Long-standing Controversy with
Plasterers Causes Walk-out,
But Few Quit.
(By United Press.)
DENVER, Col., Monday.—Enraged at
not finding a cent in the pockets of a
party oi automobilists he had waylaid
in a lonely spot on the outskirts of Den
ver to-day, a highwayman poured a
volley of lead into the four members of
the group, leaving two women and a
man dead at the roadside and their com
panion, another man,.seriously wouilded.-
All efforts to find'a trace, of. the bandit-
murderer had proved futile to-night.
The autoists.. according to the story
told by the wounded survivor, were rid
ing leisurely along on the outskirts of
the city when the bandit; leaped sud
denly upon the running board and or-
eered the driver to steer the car to the
side of the road. Tn the meantime, how
ever, the two men in the machine deftly
transferred their money from, their
pockets to a place under the seat. After
the bandit, still clinging to the running
hoard, had seen the car driven to a
spot secluded enough to satisfy him,
he ordered the ■occupants out.
Both the men and women stepped
from the machine at-the point of a re
volver and the highwayman made a
thorough search. Then In his rage he
shot down his victims in cold-blooded
fashion and made his escape without
leaving the slightest cine.
(By Special Cable to the Herald.)
WASHINGTON, Monday—The first
actual, step-to make effective a new
Prohibition enforcement plan came to
day in the form ot an order relieving
Federal Prohibition Commissioner Roy
A. Haynes of all authority relative to
the supervision of juestions of Intoxi
cating liquors and placing those
powers in the hands of twenty-two re
gional administrators, who will be
appointed under the plan of General
Lincoln C. Andrews.
Centralisation Plan.
Internal, Revenue Commission Blair
issued the order but declined to com
ment on it beyond saying: “It'means cen
tralisation,” Mr. Haynes is not now in
Washington, but assistants said that he
the new regime
to keep him busy. The only function
left in his hands under the new order
is the control of gaugers stationed in dis
tilleries and warehouses on which the
Revenue Bureau b;*es tl^e Federal tax
on liquors produced or _stored. Mr.
Haynes was appointed by President
Harding in 1921. He has been in Pro
hibition work for many years.
The order relieving' Mr. Haynes from
his duties is believed to be in strict ac
cordance ..with the wishes of President
Coolidge. In a recent warning to Re
publican politicians not to interfere with
the operation -of the Prohibition depart
ment after a delay of the date set for
the inauguration of the new system Pre
sident Coolidge said that . General An
drews will have an .absolutely free hand,
both in making, appointments for the
twenty-two regional administrators* and
in carrying out. such policies as he
thinks will be most effective in reducing
the country's alcoholic supplies. The
President, it was stated, did not mean
to reflect on the administration of Mr.
Haynes- He believed, that the Federal
Commissioner had done his best to pre
vent politics from entering into appoint
Beyond divesting Me Haynqs of his
Prohibition enforcement duties General
Andrews and his board admittedly have
made but little p: ogress in selecting men
who are to make the new enforcement
system .go. The biggest development
came yesterday when Judge Elbert H.
Gary, Mr. John D. Rockefeller, Jr., and
ether members of the Citizens’ Com
mittee of One Thousand on Law En-
foreement pledged their services to car
rying out the enforcement plan in New
York. Mr. John A. Foster,, divisional
Prohibition chief at Philadelphia, is
being seriously considered for. the posi
tion of administrator for the (New York
district. Unofficially. it is said that he
is a very likely , candidate. .
General ‘Andrews has practically de
cided that there will be virtually no
realignment of the Prohibition areas,
although it is said, that some of the
big industrial zones, may be changed.
Ford Would Put Dance
Hall in Every Church.
(Special to the Herald.)
D ETROIT, Mich.,Monday.—“Every
church in the United Statds
should provide a hall with a good
floor and music for old-fashioned
dancing,” declares Mr. Plenty Ford,
automobile manufacturer, “if they
desire to hold youth to-day. The
Bible saying that there is a time
to dance is true, I believe for all
people of all ages. Churches really
have a special responsibility. Danc
ing originated with a religious
ceremony. Young people are sure
to dance because dancing is ins
tinctive. Everybody keeping time
to music with their hands and feet
are really dancing whether they
call it so or not. If people are
sure to dance why shoudn’t the
Church set a standard of dancing
for the young.”
October Should See Moroc
can Peace and Financial
(Special to the Herald.)
. OSLO, Monday.—Mr. George K. Stiles.
United States Consul at-Stavanger, has-
left and is said to have been recalled on
the ground, that he favored a British
steamship company in issuing visas to
intending immigrants.
According to reports published in the
Stavanger newspapers, the Consul is
said to have favored passengers sailing
in Cunard ships in giving visas. The
Norwegiari-American Line is said to
have revealed theirregularity after its
passengers were continually set aside in
favor of those taking passages from a
Cunard agent.
The case recalls the closing of the
American Consulate at Newcastle-on-
Tyne in England on August 31, 1922,
when the American Consul’s exequatur
was called in by the British Govern
ment on the ground that Consulate of
ficials had used undue influence to
induce persons seeking visas to travel in
American ships.
AUTUN (Saone-et-Loire), Monday.—
Presiding at the banquet of the annual
meeting of the Gymnastic Associations
of the Saone-et-Loire Department, M.
Painleve, the Premier, made an im
portant political speech to-day, in which
he took up three problems, which, he
said, had the Government by the
throat” immediately, after its accession
to power. The three problems are the
stability of the franc, inter-Allied- debts
and the war in Morocco.
To prevent any fall in French cur
rency had been the immediate task fac
ing the Cabinet in the financial domain,
declared the Premier, and for this the
success of the gold-guaranteed loan was
absolutely necessary, for it represented
a preliminary but indispensable measure
for the general restoration of French
finances. In October, he said, when the
results of this venture will be known,
if, will be possible to take in hand the
general financial and fiscal problem.
Referring very briefly to inter-Alliecl
debts, the Premier pointed out that the
country would not be Dee, as regards its
foreign policy, until this question is
settled, both with the United States and
Great Britain. In order to be able to
carry-on its ; negotiations in- a'Satisfactory
manner, M. Painleve continued, the
Government needed the understanding
and.the support.of public opinion.
Colonial Policy at Stake.
Devoting the last and the greater. part
of his speech to Morocco. M. Painleve
repeated his former statements that it
would be a crime to fight one hour
more than necessary, but the Govern
ment, lie- said, was faced by an inexor
able dilemma, namely, a situation in
in which what really was at stake was
not only the Moroccan zone, but the
whole colonial empire of France, her
economic independence, which de
pended thereon, the country’s prestige
and its influence in the world.
“But,” the Premier went on, “we have
not lost a moment in preparing the con
ditions for ' a durable, equitable and
generous peace. It rests with the R.if-
fians to abide by them. At the same
time, we have not lost a moment in
making all the necessary military pre
parations to impose these- conditions in
case they are not accepted. No Govern
ment could have fofiowed any other
policy. Whatever happens, I have a
firm hope that the beginning of October
will see the end of our troubles m
North Africa.”
JAMESTOWN (St. Helena), Monday.—
The Prince of Wales arrived here this
afternoon in the-Repulse, coming from
South Africa. After a short stay, the
Prince will sail for South America, being
expected at Montevideo on August 14.
G'EINEViA, Monday.—A hundred emi
nent dentists from all parts of the world
are attending the 19th International
Congress of Dentistry which opened here
to-day. After the inaugural address of
M- Andre' Oltramare, representing the
Government of the Canton of Geneva,
Professor William Truman Brophy, the
veteran oral specialist of Chicago, traced
the history of t'Le International Federa
tion of Dentists since its foundation in
Paris in 1901.
Professor Bropihy was appointed an
honorary member of the Swiss Society
of DentistrJ, which awarded him the
Miller prize, given every two years.
Federation of Labor Re-
fuses to Back Third
Workers Urged to Support Candi
dates of Either Party Most
Useful to Interests.
(By Special Cable to the Herald.)
WASHINGTON, Monday.—A pos
thumous triumph for Samuel Gompers
came to-day in the official announce
ment that the American Federation of
Labor will have absolutely nothing to
do with any third-party movement,
and that its future policy will be en
tirely unequivocably non-partisan.
To Favor Friends.
Action taken by the Executive Council
commits the organisation to future
support of candidates who are favorable
to Labor and opposition to others re
gardless of whose standard they bear.
Regarding a third party the Council
made its stand plain. No aid nor
comfort will be given to those seeking
to launch a third party, it declared.
It was indicated that the hulk of
Labor leaders throughout the country
favor a non-partisan policy wliiclh the
Council declared, has passed the cru
cible of ex " ience and has proved to
be the best >mur yet adopted for Labor
to voice itself politically.
Thus the Federation vindicates the
far-sightedness of its late leader, Mr.
Gompers, and thus is Mr. Robert La-
Follette, Jr., warned that any attempt
to, form a third party will be without
the sympathy or assistance of the power
ful Labor organisation. Labor’s part in
the last Presidential campaign was
rather hectic. Early in the spring Mr.
Gompers sounded his word of warning
against support of the third party move
ment headed by the late Senator La Fol-
lette. They were wmrds passed unheeded
by various trades which, one by one,
swung- into line behind the Wisconsin
Defeat Was Lesson.
Then came the dismal defeat of the
La Follette movement. -The crushing of
Labor’s rising hopes evidently have
brought the Federation to a realisation
that non-partisanship is the only course,
that it must, look which way the wind
blows and do its best with the can
didate, who includes thjC traditional
“full dinner pail” with his assortment of
(By Special Cable to the Herald.)
NEW YORK, Monday. — Immediate
launching of a nation-wide campaign
against crime of every variety is fore
seen in a letter written by Mr. Richard
W. Child, former United States Ambas
sador to Italy, Jo Mr. Elbert H, Gary,
in which Mr. Gary is urged to assume
the permanent leadership of the National
Commission for the Suppression, of
Crime. If the latter accepts the. chair
manship of the organisation, the cru
saders are prepared to begin their well-
defined drive for crime prevention, in
which they will seek the support of
President Coolidge.
(Special to the Herald.)
ZURICH, Monday.—Four persons were
drowned in the Lake of Zurich yesterday
evening when a sudden storm caused a
little sailing boat, to capsize and dis
appear with all its occupants.
\V a h rW ? hia - M to .656
^r 0n '^6 .633
DetrJl 55 47 -539
: ” « 49 .500
St. Louis...
CTeve] and..
New York..
Results of Monday’s Games.
national league.
If- Louis
|«ew York
W. L. Pc.
50 50 .500
46 55 .455
43 56 .434
29 71 .290
R. H. E.
7 9 2
6 10 2
3 7 1
15 2
7 14 0
4 6 0
£pv York
ev eland...
(12 innings.)
R. H. E.
Pittsburg .... 3 6 1
Philadelphia. 2 9 0
(First game.)
Pittsburg .... 3 11 0
Philadelphia. 2 9 0
(2nd game; 11 innings.)
R- H. E.
5 11 1 Detroit
^70 Washington.
3 9 2
1® 2 st. Louis.
(By Special Cable to the. Herald .'j
NEW YORK, Monday.—Because they
are bread-winners first and unionists af
terward the bricklayers of New York
to-day helped to avert a great loss of time
and money on several 'million dollars
worth of construction by, not going .out
on a strike that was called this morning.
This strike lias been threatened ’for
several weeks after the last big tie-up of
building in large cities throughout the
I country, brought on by differences be-
I tween the bricklayers and plasterers.
This morning it was announced that
| the bricklayers, infuriated at an agree-
12 17 i I ment between contractors and plasterer
R. IT. E.
3 8 1
2 8 0
traditional bone between the trades, had
struck. It was said that the walk-out.was
general, but a check on the most impor
tant, construction, notably the $7,500,000, |
job covering a block between Fourth
and Lexington avenues and Thirty-
second and Thirty-third streets, repealed
that only twelve men had quit. Union
leaders protested that a,strike was really
on. It looked, nevertheless, like a twelve-
man strike.
This is the second time in recent weeks
that the bricklayers have demonstrated
their good-will. The last strike came
when all but the bricklayers went out
after several non-union teamsters were
found hauling sand to the $7,500,000 job.
At that time Mr. George W. Thorton,
acting president of the bricklayers’ orga
nisation announced that his men would
take no retaliatory measures against the
plasterers who won an agreement from
the contractors, principal, sufferers of th§
Bosto .n 4 5 &i regarding the laying in of stucco work, long controversy over stucco work.
(Special to the Herald.)
ROME, Monday. — Four persons were
killed, including three women, and fif
teen were wounded, some seriously, as
a result of a riot to-day in the peaceful
little town of San Giovanni in Fiore at
the base of the highest point of the
Apennines and about twenty-five miles
from Cosenza.
The riot developed from popular, in
dignation at the alleged extravagance of
the municipality and its failure to re
duce local taxation. A crowd of 2,000
persons attacked the Town Hall this
morning with stones and guns. The
Carabinieri failed to hold back the
rioters with blank cartridges, and being
roughly handled, used real shot, *
American Marines Leave Nicaragua
After Thirteen Years of Service
Recall Follows Removal of Troops
from Santo Domingo—Haiti
Withdrawal Expected.
(By United Press.)
WASHINGTON, Monday.—The Marine
contingent at Managua, Nicaragua,
which comprises nine officers, all ‘ told
under command of Major R. S. Keyser,
and a battalion of men, leaves to-mor
row for transfer to stations in this coun
try. The detachment will embark ii. a
warship at Corinto to he brought to the
United States and assigned to new sta
The Marines have been in Nicaragua
for the past thirteen years as Legation
guard and general keepers of the peace
in that troubled country, and their re
call follows the recent withdrawal of
other Marines from Santo Domingo, and
will likely be followed by the with
drawal of the Marine detachment from
Haiti before next spring.
It was feared in official circles that an
attack on American missionaries in Ni
caragua would delay indefinitely the
withdrawal of the Marines, but the
State Department declined to prolong
the situation and requested the Nicara
guan Government to protect the mission
aries from the resentment* of the native
population which resents Protestant
Bight to Maintain Water-carriers in
New York Harbor Bestored
After Twelve Years.
(By Special Cable to the Herald.)
NEW YORK, Monday. — After more
than twelve years of alternate considera
tion, postponement and delay, the Inter-
State Commerce Commission, in a deci
sion announced to-day, declared that
railroads are entitled to maintain ferries,
towboats, barges and other water-carriers
in New York harbor. This right was
questioned under the Panama Canal Act
passed by Congress in 1912, ordering all
railroads of the United States to he di
vorced from steamship companies in
order to insure genuine water and rail
This feature of the Panama Canal Act
was one. of the most bitterly contested
points before the measure was finally
adopted by both Houses of Congress on
August 18, 1912. Far-reaching in its ef
fects, the Bill was primarily intended
as a curb on those railway lines owning
steamships that might be placed on runs
through the Panama Canal. Its authors,
however, made the provision general in
its application, so that’it prohibited any
railroad in the United States from own
ing or controlling any wafer-carrier with
which it “does or may compete for
Under the provision, which was re
garded as one of the most sweeping
transportation Bills ever placed before
Congress, the roads were given until July
1, 1914, to dispose of any steamships un
der their control, unless the Interstate
Commission should decide that any par
ticular carrier was operated in the in
terest of the public. This was the loop
hole taken advantage of by opponents
of the measure, who have just won theii
New York harbor victory.
After President Taft had approved the
Canal Act, many important railway lines,
including the Pennsylvania and the New
York Central, busied themselves in dis
posing of millions of dollars worth oi
vessels and in cancelling orders for ad
ditional Steamers which were to have
been placed in service on the Great
Lakes, through the Panama Canal and
on other runs.
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