- Sujets similaires Parkinson John Parkinson John /services/engine/search/sru?operation=searchRetrieve&version=1.2&maximumRecords=50&collapsing=true&exactSearch=true&query=(dc.creator adj "Parkinson John" or dc.contributor adj "Parkinson John")Stirpium illustrationes, plurimas elaborantes inauditas plantas, subreptitiis Joh. Parkinsoni rapsodiis ... Ejusdem adjecta sunt ad calcem Theatri botanici @ . Accurante Guil. How,... /ark:/12148/bd6t5377183d.highres Paradisi in sole paradisus terrestris or A garden of all sorts of pleasant flowers which our English ayre will permitt to be noursed up : with a kitchen garden of all manner of herbes, rootes, & fruites, for meate or sause used with us, and an orchard of all sorte of fruitbearing trees and shrubbes fit for our land together with the right orderinge planting & preserving of them and their uses & vertues collected by John Parkinson apothecary of London 1629 /ark:/12148/bpt6k15203444.highres
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- Auteurs similaires Parkinson John Parkinson John /services/engine/search/sru?operation=searchRetrieve&version=1.2&maximumRecords=50&collapsing=true&exactSearch=true&query=(dc.creator adj "Parkinson John" or dc.contributor adj "Parkinson John")Stirpium illustrationes, plurimas elaborantes inauditas plantas, subreptitiis Joh. Parkinsoni rapsodiis ... Ejusdem adjecta sunt ad calcem Theatri botanici @ . Accurante Guil. How,... /ark:/12148/bd6t5377183d.highres Paradisi in sole paradisus terrestris or A garden of all sorts of pleasant flowers which our English ayre will permitt to be noursed up : with a kitchen garden of all manner of herbes, rootes, & fruites, for meate or sause used with us, and an orchard of all sorte of fruitbearing trees and shrubbes fit for our land together with the right orderinge planting & preserving of them and their uses & vertues collected by John Parkinson apothecary of London 1629 /ark:/12148/bpt6k15203444.highres
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