Titre : Annales de la Société entomologique de France
Auteur : Société entomologique de France. Auteur du texte
Éditeur : Mequignon-Marvis (Paris)
Éditeur : F. G. LevraultF. G. Levrault (Paris)
Éditeur : Pitois-Levrault et CiePitois-Levrault et Cie (Paris)
Éditeur : Ch. PitoisCh. Pitois (Paris)
Éditeur : chez le trésorier de la Sociétéchez le trésorier de la Société (Paris)
Éditeur : au siège de la Sociétéau siège de la Société (Paris)
Éditeur : Le FrançoisLe François (Paris)
Éditeur : Masson & CieMasson & Cie (Paris)
Éditeur : Société entomologique de FranceSociété entomologique de France (Paris)
Date d'édition : 1989-01-01
Contributeur : Viette, Pierre (1921-2011). Directeur de publication
Notice du catalogue : http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb34349289k
Type : texte texte
Type : publication en série imprimée publication en série imprimée
Langue : français
Langue : anglais
Format : Nombre total de vues : 125079 Nombre total de vues : 125079
Description : 01 janvier 1989 01 janvier 1989
Description : 1989/01/01 (T25,N1)-1989/03/31. 1989/01/01 (T25,N1)-1989/03/31.
Droits : Consultable en ligne
Identifiant : ark:/12148/bpt6k61413568
Source : Muséum national d'histoire naturelle. Bibliothèques, 2008-139742
Conservation numérique : Bibliothèque nationale de France
Date de mise en ligne : 06/12/2010
- Aller à la page de la table des matièresNP
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- THIBAUD J.-M. & CHRISTIAN E. - Collemboles interstitiels aériens des sables littoraux méditerranéens.......... Page(s) .......... 71
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Plutographa xyloglypha, spec. nov. (fig. 32, 62)
Female 20 mm. Head white, orbits and sides of vertex greyish-tawny. Antenna whitish-
tawny, scape white. Palpus ascending, appressed to face, smoothly short-scaled, median segment
dilated, broadest in middle, edges smooth, lower edge strongly convex, terminal segment, slender,
obtuse ; dull pale greyish-tawny, a dark fuscous suffused subapical transverse band, extreme apex
of median segment and entire terminal segment glossy snow-white, inside of palpus white. Thorax
glossy pale grey, faintly parted darker, patagia and apex white, tegula fuscous-tawny. Abdomen
greyish-fuscous with a bronze gloss.
Fore wing oblong-suboval, considerably dilated, costa curved throughout, more so at base,
apex pointed and slightly prominent, termen concave below apex, rounded-prominent below, almost
vertical. Pale glossy greyish-tawny, marked with suffused brownish spots, with numerous paler
long costal strigulae and with blackish inwards-oblique strigulation across fold. Costa with dark
fuscous-brown spots : one oblong, along more than basai fourth, a second, median, obliquely qua-
drate, this faintly strigulated with darker oblique lines; a semioval smaller spot well before apex
and apex itself dark brown; pairs of long, slender, slightly sinuate whitish costal strigulae : two
pairs before middle spot, four pairs beyond it, two small faint pairs on median spot ; one pair before
apex, an oblong subcostal area below these markings along median half of wing glossy pale greyish-
tawny, traversed by a pair of brownish, strongly inwards-oblique lines ; fold from base to 2/3 strea-
ked transversely by dark fuscous inwards-oblique striae and suffused with blackish ; dorsum white
below these, from beyond base to beyond middle, with a slender jet-black marginal mark on middle
of dorsal edge; tornal fourth of wing whitish with golden, posterior edge silvery, slightly rounded
before termen, with two horizontal black lines before middle of termen. Cilia (imperfect) brownish.
Hind wing rather deep golden-bronze, with a fine transverse striation becoming paler towards
termen. Cilia (rubbed) brownish, with a white basai line.
Female genitalia. Sterigma an inverted-trapezoidal sclerite, with horn-shaped, slightly sinuate
lateral processes ; upper edge of sterigma concave, convex in middle, short-aciculate ; sides of scle-
rite sinuate and concave. Ostium a large oval inverted-trapezoidal opening (in frontal aspect). Col-
liculum strongly constricted tube with thick walls and a lip-shaped transverse fold below. Ductus
bursae wide. Signa equal slender curved horns.
Madagascar Est : Route d'Anosibe, km 26, forêt de Sandrangato, 18-XII-1954
(P. Viette), 1 female, holotype, GS 2649.
A robust, distinctly marked species.
Plutographa microsarca, spec. nov. (fig. 21-22, 56)
Male 13 mm. Head white. Antenna fuscous, scape white. Labial palpi broken. Thorax
pale fuscous, with a white narrow transverse median line and white apex, tegula white, with a fus-
cous spot on shoulder. Abdomen grey, anal tuft pale ochreous.
Fore wing long and narrow, costa gently curved at ends, straight in middle, apex obtusely
pointed and prominent, termen deeply concave below apex, sinuate below, strongly oblique. Whi-
tish, densely dusted with pale fuscous and marbled with darker brownish. Costa darker fuscous,
throughout with numerous oblique whitish, closely spaced small costal marks, small along anterior
half, larger, arranged in five thick pairs along posterior half; a darker fuscous longitudinal spot
along costa rather beyond base, obliquely continued across wing as a moderately darker transverse
band to above dorsum ; a dark fuscous submedian costal spot, continued by a distinct dark brown
fascia to upper edge of cell ; thence subcostal to termen below apex, including a snow-white, slightly
elongate patch below costa at 3/4 of wing, truncate anteriorly, slightly pointed above posteriorly;
termen slightly darker fuscous ; dorsum snow-white from edge to fold and from beyond base to middle ;
this white spot incised from above almost to wing margin angularly ; another, ill-defined white patch
in tornus. Cilia fuscous with a narrow white basai line, cilia around tornus white.
Hind wing pale fulvous-golden, glossy, with dense transverse strigulation, semipellucent.
Cilia fulvous-fuscous, a pale basal line, cilia along dorsum whitish.
Male genitalia. Tegumen rather high, moderately narrowed. Uncus porrected, bifid, tips
slightly curving down. Socii long and slender, weakly bristled, not reaching middle distance from
top of uncus to that of vinculum. Valva rather slender and long, with an acute triangular process
(harpe) at the outer edge of top of basal cavity ; valva narrowed to middle, top of cucullus turning
upwards. Aedeagus rather long, narrowed; cornuti a sheaf of thin spines.
Female 20 mm. Head white, orbits and sides of vertex greyish-tawny. Antenna whitish-
tawny, scape white. Palpus ascending, appressed to face, smoothly short-scaled, median segment
dilated, broadest in middle, edges smooth, lower edge strongly convex, terminal segment, slender,
obtuse ; dull pale greyish-tawny, a dark fuscous suffused subapical transverse band, extreme apex
of median segment and entire terminal segment glossy snow-white, inside of palpus white. Thorax
glossy pale grey, faintly parted darker, patagia and apex white, tegula fuscous-tawny. Abdomen
greyish-fuscous with a bronze gloss.
Fore wing oblong-suboval, considerably dilated, costa curved throughout, more so at base,
apex pointed and slightly prominent, termen concave below apex, rounded-prominent below, almost
vertical. Pale glossy greyish-tawny, marked with suffused brownish spots, with numerous paler
long costal strigulae and with blackish inwards-oblique strigulation across fold. Costa with dark
fuscous-brown spots : one oblong, along more than basai fourth, a second, median, obliquely qua-
drate, this faintly strigulated with darker oblique lines; a semioval smaller spot well before apex
and apex itself dark brown; pairs of long, slender, slightly sinuate whitish costal strigulae : two
pairs before middle spot, four pairs beyond it, two small faint pairs on median spot ; one pair before
apex, an oblong subcostal area below these markings along median half of wing glossy pale greyish-
tawny, traversed by a pair of brownish, strongly inwards-oblique lines ; fold from base to 2/3 strea-
ked transversely by dark fuscous inwards-oblique striae and suffused with blackish ; dorsum white
below these, from beyond base to beyond middle, with a slender jet-black marginal mark on middle
of dorsal edge; tornal fourth of wing whitish with golden, posterior edge silvery, slightly rounded
before termen, with two horizontal black lines before middle of termen. Cilia (imperfect) brownish.
Hind wing rather deep golden-bronze, with a fine transverse striation becoming paler towards
termen. Cilia (rubbed) brownish, with a white basai line.
Female genitalia. Sterigma an inverted-trapezoidal sclerite, with horn-shaped, slightly sinuate
lateral processes ; upper edge of sterigma concave, convex in middle, short-aciculate ; sides of scle-
rite sinuate and concave. Ostium a large oval inverted-trapezoidal opening (in frontal aspect). Col-
liculum strongly constricted tube with thick walls and a lip-shaped transverse fold below. Ductus
bursae wide. Signa equal slender curved horns.
Madagascar Est : Route d'Anosibe, km 26, forêt de Sandrangato, 18-XII-1954
(P. Viette), 1 female, holotype, GS 2649.
A robust, distinctly marked species.
Plutographa microsarca, spec. nov. (fig. 21-22, 56)
Male 13 mm. Head white. Antenna fuscous, scape white. Labial palpi broken. Thorax
pale fuscous, with a white narrow transverse median line and white apex, tegula white, with a fus-
cous spot on shoulder. Abdomen grey, anal tuft pale ochreous.
Fore wing long and narrow, costa gently curved at ends, straight in middle, apex obtusely
pointed and prominent, termen deeply concave below apex, sinuate below, strongly oblique. Whi-
tish, densely dusted with pale fuscous and marbled with darker brownish. Costa darker fuscous,
throughout with numerous oblique whitish, closely spaced small costal marks, small along anterior
half, larger, arranged in five thick pairs along posterior half; a darker fuscous longitudinal spot
along costa rather beyond base, obliquely continued across wing as a moderately darker transverse
band to above dorsum ; a dark fuscous submedian costal spot, continued by a distinct dark brown
fascia to upper edge of cell ; thence subcostal to termen below apex, including a snow-white, slightly
elongate patch below costa at 3/4 of wing, truncate anteriorly, slightly pointed above posteriorly;
termen slightly darker fuscous ; dorsum snow-white from edge to fold and from beyond base to middle ;
this white spot incised from above almost to wing margin angularly ; another, ill-defined white patch
in tornus. Cilia fuscous with a narrow white basai line, cilia around tornus white.
Hind wing pale fulvous-golden, glossy, with dense transverse strigulation, semipellucent.
Cilia fulvous-fuscous, a pale basal line, cilia along dorsum whitish.
Male genitalia. Tegumen rather high, moderately narrowed. Uncus porrected, bifid, tips
slightly curving down. Socii long and slender, weakly bristled, not reaching middle distance from
top of uncus to that of vinculum. Valva rather slender and long, with an acute triangular process
(harpe) at the outer edge of top of basal cavity ; valva narrowed to middle, top of cucullus turning
upwards. Aedeagus rather long, narrowed; cornuti a sheaf of thin spines.
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