Titre : Annales de la Société entomologique de France
Auteur : Société entomologique de France. Auteur du texte
Éditeur : Mequignon-Marvis (Paris)
Éditeur : F. G. LevraultF. G. Levrault (Paris)
Éditeur : Pitois-Levrault et CiePitois-Levrault et Cie (Paris)
Éditeur : Ch. PitoisCh. Pitois (Paris)
Éditeur : chez le trésorier de la Sociétéchez le trésorier de la Société (Paris)
Éditeur : au siège de la Sociétéau siège de la Société (Paris)
Éditeur : Le FrançoisLe François (Paris)
Éditeur : Masson & CieMasson & Cie (Paris)
Éditeur : Société entomologique de FranceSociété entomologique de France (Paris)
Date d'édition : 1989-01-01
Contributeur : Viette, Pierre (1921-2011). Directeur de publication
Notice du catalogue : http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb34349289k
Type : texte texte
Type : publication en série imprimée publication en série imprimée
Langue : français
Langue : anglais
Format : Nombre total de vues : 125079 Nombre total de vues : 125079
Description : 01 janvier 1989 01 janvier 1989
Description : 1989/01/01 (T25,N1)-1989/03/31. 1989/01/01 (T25,N1)-1989/03/31.
Droits : Consultable en ligne
Identifiant : ark:/12148/bpt6k61413568
Source : Muséum national d'histoire naturelle. Bibliothèques, 2008-139742
Conservation numérique : Bibliothèque nationale de France
Date de mise en ligne : 06/12/2010
- Aller à la page de la table des matièresNP
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- THIBAUD J.-M. & CHRISTIAN E. - Collemboles interstitiels aériens des sables littoraux méditerranéens.......... Page(s) .......... 71
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Female genitalia. Abdomen moderately sclerotic. Seventh ventrite narrow, upper edge deeply
excised, containing large semiovoidal sterigma, densely aciculate and with a few longer bristles
along upper edge; a large round frontal opening leads to unmodified ostium. Colliculum submem-
braneous, with a sclerotic basai ring. Signa two, large horns with round basai plates.
Madagascar Centre : Massif de l'Andringitra, Andringitra oriental, forêt d'Anja-
vidilava, 1 975 m, 26/30-XII-1970 (P. Griveaud), 1 female, allotype, GS 8335, ibidem,
1 female, paratype; Andringitra méridional, chaîne de l'Andrianony, cirque de Manjari-
volo, 1 650 m, 26-X/4-XI-1970 (P. Viette), 1 male, holotype, GS 8254.
Plutographa lichenophyes, spec. nov. (fig. 3, 11, 42-43)
Male 15 mm, female 18 mm. Head whitish-ochreous, more or less greenish-tinged. Antenna
black, finely ringed with creamy. Palpus sordid white touched with green, a black transverse suffu-
sion below apex of median segment, terminal segment black. Thorax light green in male, posterior
half black, tegulae with a subbasal black band; thorax light ochreous-green in female, black half
wilh a pair of lateral green spots, tegula without band. Abdomen glossy grey, in female glossy
Fore wing oblong, rather narrow, costa gently curved throughout, apex moderately roun-
ded, prominent, termen sinuate above, rounded beneath, oblique. Light olive-green, deeper towards
base, more olive-tinged towards termen, in female lighter and more ochreous-olive tinged; with
a series of faint blackish suffused lines. Markings black and white. Basal patch to 1/3, edge rather
acutely angulate in fold, upper part gently concave, lower slightly notched in its middle; posterior
half of patch formed by black marbling, anterior half only with a U-shaped mark, extending from
dorsum to costa, arms twice interrupted ; costa with three larger transverse spots (two anterior being
the tops of the U), and a smaller spot, all alternating with minute black marks transverse fascia
jet-black, rather narrow, from middle of costa to dorsum before tornus, oblique on costa, transver-
sely extended on both sides in upper half of cell as far as lower parting vein, interrupted by a roun-
dish white and grey spot on end of cell, thence erected-subtriangular, vertical and slightly shifted
posterad ; posterior half of costa with four subtriangular spots alternating with minute strigulae, these
edged on both sides by thick glossy snow-white streaks, posterior of these subapical ; apex only
slightly suffused with black ; ocellus rather thickly edged with snow-white and dark leaden-grey
shining scales, except above, where ocellus is crowned by a round spot of regularly spaced sparce
slender black scales, arranged longitudinally ; some glossy white scales in centre between basai patch
and transverse fascia. Cilia sordid creamy, suffused with grey and pale green, an interrupted, sub-
basal black band, posterior half of cilia around apex and along termen except below suffused with
Hind wing blackish-fuscous becoming paler towards base, dark scales with pale bases. Cilia
dark grey-fuscous with a blackish subbasal fascia, base and a faint line above fascia whitish.
Male genitalia. Resembling those of P. latefracta, spec. nov., closely, but differing thus.
Tegumen narrowed. Ventral processus of uncus longer. Valva with a deeper excision, sacculus
longer, less bristled, Spc1 absent. Cucullus broader. Aedeagus somewhat longer.
Female genitalia. Sternites moderately sclerotized throughout, also ninth segment. Lamella
antevaginalis absent. Ostium + colliculum cylindrical, in middle irregularly constricted. Lamella
postvaginalis a strongly aciculate transverse band, with upper lateral angles acutely extended and
obliquely projecting, lower angles rounded. Signa shorter than in the type-species.
Madagascar Centre : Massif de l'Ankaratra, Manjakatompo, forêt d'Ambahona,
1 850 m, 21-1-1952 (P. Viette), 1 male, holotype, GS 2619, ibidem, 25-1-1952, 1 female,
allotype, GS 2610.
Judging from the genitalia allied with the type-species closely, but considerably dif-
fering as to the general facies and size.
Plutographa semna, spec. nov. (fig. 12, 44)
Female 19 mm. Head and scape of antenna creamy, flagellum dark fuscous. Palpus rather
long, excurved, strongly dilated with roughly appressed scales upper edge concave, lower projec-
ting in a bluntly triangular tuft, terminal segment short, blunt, exposed : creamy, slightly suffused
excised, containing large semiovoidal sterigma, densely aciculate and with a few longer bristles
along upper edge; a large round frontal opening leads to unmodified ostium. Colliculum submem-
braneous, with a sclerotic basai ring. Signa two, large horns with round basai plates.
Madagascar Centre : Massif de l'Andringitra, Andringitra oriental, forêt d'Anja-
vidilava, 1 975 m, 26/30-XII-1970 (P. Griveaud), 1 female, allotype, GS 8335, ibidem,
1 female, paratype; Andringitra méridional, chaîne de l'Andrianony, cirque de Manjari-
volo, 1 650 m, 26-X/4-XI-1970 (P. Viette), 1 male, holotype, GS 8254.
Plutographa lichenophyes, spec. nov. (fig. 3, 11, 42-43)
Male 15 mm, female 18 mm. Head whitish-ochreous, more or less greenish-tinged. Antenna
black, finely ringed with creamy. Palpus sordid white touched with green, a black transverse suffu-
sion below apex of median segment, terminal segment black. Thorax light green in male, posterior
half black, tegulae with a subbasal black band; thorax light ochreous-green in female, black half
wilh a pair of lateral green spots, tegula without band. Abdomen glossy grey, in female glossy
Fore wing oblong, rather narrow, costa gently curved throughout, apex moderately roun-
ded, prominent, termen sinuate above, rounded beneath, oblique. Light olive-green, deeper towards
base, more olive-tinged towards termen, in female lighter and more ochreous-olive tinged; with
a series of faint blackish suffused lines. Markings black and white. Basal patch to 1/3, edge rather
acutely angulate in fold, upper part gently concave, lower slightly notched in its middle; posterior
half of patch formed by black marbling, anterior half only with a U-shaped mark, extending from
dorsum to costa, arms twice interrupted ; costa with three larger transverse spots (two anterior being
the tops of the U), and a smaller spot, all alternating with minute black marks transverse fascia
jet-black, rather narrow, from middle of costa to dorsum before tornus, oblique on costa, transver-
sely extended on both sides in upper half of cell as far as lower parting vein, interrupted by a roun-
dish white and grey spot on end of cell, thence erected-subtriangular, vertical and slightly shifted
posterad ; posterior half of costa with four subtriangular spots alternating with minute strigulae, these
edged on both sides by thick glossy snow-white streaks, posterior of these subapical ; apex only
slightly suffused with black ; ocellus rather thickly edged with snow-white and dark leaden-grey
shining scales, except above, where ocellus is crowned by a round spot of regularly spaced sparce
slender black scales, arranged longitudinally ; some glossy white scales in centre between basai patch
and transverse fascia. Cilia sordid creamy, suffused with grey and pale green, an interrupted, sub-
basal black band, posterior half of cilia around apex and along termen except below suffused with
Hind wing blackish-fuscous becoming paler towards base, dark scales with pale bases. Cilia
dark grey-fuscous with a blackish subbasal fascia, base and a faint line above fascia whitish.
Male genitalia. Resembling those of P. latefracta, spec. nov., closely, but differing thus.
Tegumen narrowed. Ventral processus of uncus longer. Valva with a deeper excision, sacculus
longer, less bristled, Spc1 absent. Cucullus broader. Aedeagus somewhat longer.
Female genitalia. Sternites moderately sclerotized throughout, also ninth segment. Lamella
antevaginalis absent. Ostium + colliculum cylindrical, in middle irregularly constricted. Lamella
postvaginalis a strongly aciculate transverse band, with upper lateral angles acutely extended and
obliquely projecting, lower angles rounded. Signa shorter than in the type-species.
Madagascar Centre : Massif de l'Ankaratra, Manjakatompo, forêt d'Ambahona,
1 850 m, 21-1-1952 (P. Viette), 1 male, holotype, GS 2619, ibidem, 25-1-1952, 1 female,
allotype, GS 2610.
Judging from the genitalia allied with the type-species closely, but considerably dif-
fering as to the general facies and size.
Plutographa semna, spec. nov. (fig. 12, 44)
Female 19 mm. Head and scape of antenna creamy, flagellum dark fuscous. Palpus rather
long, excurved, strongly dilated with roughly appressed scales upper edge concave, lower projec-
ting in a bluntly triangular tuft, terminal segment short, blunt, exposed : creamy, slightly suffused
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