Titre : Annales de la Société entomologique de France
Auteur : Société entomologique de France. Auteur du texte
Éditeur : Mequignon-Marvis (Paris)
Éditeur : F. G. LevraultF. G. Levrault (Paris)
Éditeur : Pitois-Levrault et CiePitois-Levrault et Cie (Paris)
Éditeur : Ch. PitoisCh. Pitois (Paris)
Éditeur : chez le trésorier de la Sociétéchez le trésorier de la Société (Paris)
Éditeur : au siège de la Sociétéau siège de la Société (Paris)
Éditeur : Le FrançoisLe François (Paris)
Éditeur : Masson & CieMasson & Cie (Paris)
Éditeur : Société entomologique de FranceSociété entomologique de France (Paris)
Date d'édition : 1989-01-01
Contributeur : Viette, Pierre (1921-2011). Directeur de publication
Notice du catalogue : http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb34349289k
Type : texte texte
Type : publication en série imprimée publication en série imprimée
Langue : français
Langue : anglais
Format : Nombre total de vues : 125079 Nombre total de vues : 125079
Description : 01 janvier 1989 01 janvier 1989
Description : 1989/01/01 (T25,N1)-1989/03/31. 1989/01/01 (T25,N1)-1989/03/31.
Droits : Consultable en ligne
Identifiant : ark:/12148/bpt6k61413568
Source : Muséum national d'histoire naturelle. Bibliothèques, 2008-139742
Conservation numérique : Bibliothèque nationale de France
Date de mise en ligne : 06/12/2010
- Aller à la page de la table des matièresNP
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- THIBAUD J.-M. & CHRISTIAN E. - Collemboles interstitiels aériens des sables littoraux méditerranéens.......... Page(s) .......... 71
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marks encircled with ferruginous lines, so forming an oval and a circle, respectively, contiguous
on vein 4; an irregular subterminal streak from before apex to tornus, running paraliel to margin,
halfway between preceding lines and wing margin ; here and there dilated along veins ; a faint orange
suffusion along termen. Cilia (imperfect) pale grey.
Hind wing pale orange, except cell, coarsely dusted with dark fuscous, denser suffused fus-
cous towards apex ; a light orange suffusion along edge of wing from costa, around apex, to tornus.
Cilia pale golden-ochreous, densely thickened along dorsum.
Male, paratype, 20 mm, rather more grey, without the white transverse band, costal patch
grey, costa throughout with round black dots, orange suffusion strongly reduced (or rubbed?). Hind
wing less infuscated.
Male genitalia. Rather similar to those of the type-species. Tegumen higher, socii shorter,
subscaphium broad ; valva shorter, narrowed before middle, cucullus shorter and broader, less nar-
rowed, less densely bristled. Aedeagus in a caliciform juxta.
Madagascar Centre : La Mandraka, 1 200 m, 10/13-111-1964 (P. Viette), 1 male,
holotype, GS 10736; ibidem, 1 male, paratype.
The paratype is smaller than the holotype, with a characteristically marked terminal
area, being an oblique oval, instead of almost a circle.
Plutographa orbiculi, spec. nov. (fig. 4, 37)
Cymolomia orbiculana Mabille, nom. nud. (collection label only).
Male, 19 mm. Head pale tawny, vertex rather tinged tawny-orange. Antenna tawny-whitish.
Labial palpus tawny, extreme base, tip of median segment and whole apical segment pale ochreous.
Antenna tawny-whitish. Thorax tawny-orange, suffused with grey. Abdomen pale golden ochreous.
Fore wing oblong-subtriangular, rather long and narrow, costa hardly curved at base, straight
posteriorly, apex rounded, termen slightly rounded, oblique. Pale tawny-ochreous, densely suffu-
sed over less than basai half with light brownish, faintly turning orangeish towards base; dorsum
with the same brownish suffusion tending to form parallel vertical marbling; remainder of wing
except the posterior patch, sparsely sprinckled with brownish scales ; costa with four dark brown
longitudinal inequal marks, alternating with minute dark strigulae, and finely dotted with dark brown ;
posterior patch occupying less than terminal third of wing, from end of costa and apex to above
tornus, transversely rounded-oval, with anterior edge prominent above middle of disc; this patch
tawny-fulvous, including a smaller vertical and oval pale ochreous spot, in its turn including in its
upper half a fulvous oval spot half as large, and preceded by three fasciate ferruginous marks, one
above, two others in a pair below middle, with a fourth suffused paler fuscous mark just above
end of fold; the patch finely edged by pale ochreous then by a ferruginous marginal line. Cilia
tawny, with a leaden gloss and a dull brighter tawny basal band.
Hind wing evenly pale orange. Cilia greyish.
Male genitalia. Uncus porrected, furcate. Socius extremely long, almost as long as tegu-
men, slender and long-haired. Valva robust, sacculus with a triangular dense patch of spines of
diverse sizes (Spc1 ; cucullus large rising slightly sinuate. Aedeagus thick, with dilated base ; cor-
nuti a sheaf of long spines.
Madagascar Est : Baie d'Antongil, [Antanambe], 1898 (A. Mocquerys) (printed
Madagascar), Cymolomia orbiculana Mab. (brownish ink, Mabille's hand), 1 male, holotype,
GS 2331. — Route d'Anosibe, km 26, forêt de Sandrangato, 18-XII-1954 (P. Viette),
1 male, paratype.
Resembling the type-species by the round terminal patch and leaden gloss of the
cilia of fore wings, but much smaller, not so robust and paler coloured.
Mabille's label apparently remained in the collection. The species has never been
described, and therefore the name « orbiculana » is a nomen nudum. As Dr P. Viette informs
me (in litt.), in the Paris Museum collection there are some other species with similar unpu-
blished collection names by P. Mabille from other families. Mabille's names of Mada-
gascan Tortricidae that have been published indeed are all listed by Viette & Fletcher (1968).
The names « orbiculana » and « nigrivittana » (cf. below) are not among them.
on vein 4; an irregular subterminal streak from before apex to tornus, running paraliel to margin,
halfway between preceding lines and wing margin ; here and there dilated along veins ; a faint orange
suffusion along termen. Cilia (imperfect) pale grey.
Hind wing pale orange, except cell, coarsely dusted with dark fuscous, denser suffused fus-
cous towards apex ; a light orange suffusion along edge of wing from costa, around apex, to tornus.
Cilia pale golden-ochreous, densely thickened along dorsum.
Male, paratype, 20 mm, rather more grey, without the white transverse band, costal patch
grey, costa throughout with round black dots, orange suffusion strongly reduced (or rubbed?). Hind
wing less infuscated.
Male genitalia. Rather similar to those of the type-species. Tegumen higher, socii shorter,
subscaphium broad ; valva shorter, narrowed before middle, cucullus shorter and broader, less nar-
rowed, less densely bristled. Aedeagus in a caliciform juxta.
Madagascar Centre : La Mandraka, 1 200 m, 10/13-111-1964 (P. Viette), 1 male,
holotype, GS 10736; ibidem, 1 male, paratype.
The paratype is smaller than the holotype, with a characteristically marked terminal
area, being an oblique oval, instead of almost a circle.
Plutographa orbiculi, spec. nov. (fig. 4, 37)
Cymolomia orbiculana Mabille, nom. nud. (collection label only).
Male, 19 mm. Head pale tawny, vertex rather tinged tawny-orange. Antenna tawny-whitish.
Labial palpus tawny, extreme base, tip of median segment and whole apical segment pale ochreous.
Antenna tawny-whitish. Thorax tawny-orange, suffused with grey. Abdomen pale golden ochreous.
Fore wing oblong-subtriangular, rather long and narrow, costa hardly curved at base, straight
posteriorly, apex rounded, termen slightly rounded, oblique. Pale tawny-ochreous, densely suffu-
sed over less than basai half with light brownish, faintly turning orangeish towards base; dorsum
with the same brownish suffusion tending to form parallel vertical marbling; remainder of wing
except the posterior patch, sparsely sprinckled with brownish scales ; costa with four dark brown
longitudinal inequal marks, alternating with minute dark strigulae, and finely dotted with dark brown ;
posterior patch occupying less than terminal third of wing, from end of costa and apex to above
tornus, transversely rounded-oval, with anterior edge prominent above middle of disc; this patch
tawny-fulvous, including a smaller vertical and oval pale ochreous spot, in its turn including in its
upper half a fulvous oval spot half as large, and preceded by three fasciate ferruginous marks, one
above, two others in a pair below middle, with a fourth suffused paler fuscous mark just above
end of fold; the patch finely edged by pale ochreous then by a ferruginous marginal line. Cilia
tawny, with a leaden gloss and a dull brighter tawny basal band.
Hind wing evenly pale orange. Cilia greyish.
Male genitalia. Uncus porrected, furcate. Socius extremely long, almost as long as tegu-
men, slender and long-haired. Valva robust, sacculus with a triangular dense patch of spines of
diverse sizes (Spc1 ; cucullus large rising slightly sinuate. Aedeagus thick, with dilated base ; cor-
nuti a sheaf of long spines.
Madagascar Est : Baie d'Antongil, [Antanambe], 1898 (A. Mocquerys) (printed
Madagascar), Cymolomia orbiculana Mab. (brownish ink, Mabille's hand), 1 male, holotype,
GS 2331. — Route d'Anosibe, km 26, forêt de Sandrangato, 18-XII-1954 (P. Viette),
1 male, paratype.
Resembling the type-species by the round terminal patch and leaden gloss of the
cilia of fore wings, but much smaller, not so robust and paler coloured.
Mabille's label apparently remained in the collection. The species has never been
described, and therefore the name « orbiculana » is a nomen nudum. As Dr P. Viette informs
me (in litt.), in the Paris Museum collection there are some other species with similar unpu-
blished collection names by P. Mabille from other families. Mabille's names of Mada-
gascan Tortricidae that have been published indeed are all listed by Viette & Fletcher (1968).
The names « orbiculana » and « nigrivittana » (cf. below) are not among them.
Le taux de reconnaissance estimé pour ce document est de 99.98%.
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Le texte affiché peut comporter un certain nombre d'erreurs. En effet, le mode texte de ce document a été généré de façon automatique par un programme de reconnaissance optique de caractères (OCR). Le taux de reconnaissance estimé pour ce document est de 99.98%.
- Auteurs similaires Société entomologique de France Société entomologique de France /services/engine/search/sru?operation=searchRetrieve&version=1.2&maximumRecords=50&collapsing=true&exactSearch=true&query=(dc.creator adj "Société entomologique de France" or dc.contributor adj "Société entomologique de France")Viette Pierre Viette Pierre /services/engine/search/sru?operation=searchRetrieve&version=1.2&maximumRecords=50&collapsing=true&exactSearch=true&query=(dc.creator adj "Viette Pierre" or dc.contributor adj "Viette Pierre")
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