Titre : Annales de la Société entomologique de France
Auteur : Société entomologique de France. Auteur du texte
Éditeur : Mequignon-Marvis (Paris)
Éditeur : F. G. LevraultF. G. Levrault (Paris)
Éditeur : Pitois-Levrault et CiePitois-Levrault et Cie (Paris)
Éditeur : Ch. PitoisCh. Pitois (Paris)
Éditeur : chez le trésorier de la Sociétéchez le trésorier de la Société (Paris)
Éditeur : au siège de la Sociétéau siège de la Société (Paris)
Éditeur : Le FrançoisLe François (Paris)
Éditeur : Masson & CieMasson & Cie (Paris)
Éditeur : Société entomologique de FranceSociété entomologique de France (Paris)
Date d'édition : 1990-07-01
Contributeur : Viette, Pierre (1921-2011). Directeur de publication
Notice du catalogue : http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb34349289k
Type : texte texte
Type : publication en série imprimée publication en série imprimée
Langue : français
Langue : anglais
Format : Nombre total de vues : 125079 Nombre total de vues : 125079
Description : 01 juillet 1990 01 juillet 1990
Description : 1990/07/01 (NOUV SER,26,N3)-1990/09/30. 1990/07/01 (NOUV SER,26,N3)-1990/09/30.
Droits : Consultable en ligne
Identifiant : ark:/12148/bpt6k6140535g
Source : Muséum national d'histoire naturelle. Bibliothèques, 2008-139742
Conservation numérique : Bibliothèque nationale de France
Date de mise en ligne : 06/12/2010
- Aller à la page de la table des matièresNP
- SOMMAIRE Tome 26. N° 3. Juillet-Septembre 1990
- DUPUIS Cl. & MATILE L. - Notre cher Séguy. La vie et l'oeuvre du Diptériste Eugène Séguy (1890-1985).......... Page(s) .......... 269
- .......... Page(s) .......... 301
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- .......... Page(s) .......... 451
Annls Soc. ent. Fr. (N.S.) 1990, 26 (3) : 325-334, 17 réf.
Lloyd KNUTSON (*)
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service,
Biological Control of Weeds Laboratory-Europe Rome, Italy,
and European Parasite Laboratory Béhoust, France
Mots-clés : Taxonomie-alpha, biologie évolutive, écologie, quarantaine, contrôle bio-
Résumé. — La taxonomie-alpha. Le métier de Séguy et ses besoins actuels. — La
définition et la description des champs d'application et des buts de la taxonomie-alpha
sont données. Son importance dans les sciences biologiques théoriques et appliquées
(biologie évolutive, écologie, quarantaine, contrôle biologique) est démontrée. Les pers-
pectives de la taxonomie-alpha, à l'échelle mondiale, sont également analysées.
Summary. — The définition and description of the scopes and aims of alpha taxonomy
are given. Its importance in theoretical and applied biology (evolutionary biology, eco-
logy, quarantine, biological control) is demonstrated. The prospects of alpha-taxonomy
on a world-wide basis are also analyzed.
"The society which scorns excellence in plumbing, because
plumbing is a humble activity and tolerates shoddiness in phi-
losophy because it is an exalted activity will hâve neither good
plumbing nor good philosophy. Neither its pipes nor its théo-
ries will hold water. " John W. Gardner (1961).
Eugène Séguy's entomological contributions were diverse, and particularly signifi-
cant were his alpha taxonomie and other basic studies in insect classification and biology.
But at the same time that we celebrate Séguy's alpha taxonomy achievements, this impor-
tant and broad area of research on the diversity of life is in a precarious situation, world-
wide (Wilson, 1985). Funding problems that began in the 1940's and 1950's as alpha
taxonomy began to lose scientific prestige have resulted in an erosion of capability to the
point that the lack of alpha taxonomic expertise is a roadblock to progress in other areas.
Alpha taxonomy is an essential requirement for research and practical applications in many
areas of biological and agricultural science. At least for this reason it is essential that the
work of alpha taxonomists, professional and so-called "amateur", be understood and sup-
ported by the broader scientific community and the public and private agencies that are
responsible or otherwise involved. That is the objective of this paper, which is directed
to non-taxonomic biologists, science administrators and research leaders, biology students
and teachers, as well as the alpha taxonomists who are concerned about improving the
condition of their science.
(*) Mail address: Biological Control of Weeds Laboratory-Europe. American Embassy-AGRIC/ARS.
via V. Veneto 119/A, 1-00187 Rome, Italy.
Article dédié à Eugène Séguy, à l'occasion du centenaire de sa naissance.
Lloyd KNUTSON (*)
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service,
Biological Control of Weeds Laboratory-Europe Rome, Italy,
and European Parasite Laboratory Béhoust, France
Mots-clés : Taxonomie-alpha, biologie évolutive, écologie, quarantaine, contrôle bio-
Résumé. — La taxonomie-alpha. Le métier de Séguy et ses besoins actuels. — La
définition et la description des champs d'application et des buts de la taxonomie-alpha
sont données. Son importance dans les sciences biologiques théoriques et appliquées
(biologie évolutive, écologie, quarantaine, contrôle biologique) est démontrée. Les pers-
pectives de la taxonomie-alpha, à l'échelle mondiale, sont également analysées.
Summary. — The définition and description of the scopes and aims of alpha taxonomy
are given. Its importance in theoretical and applied biology (evolutionary biology, eco-
logy, quarantine, biological control) is demonstrated. The prospects of alpha-taxonomy
on a world-wide basis are also analyzed.
"The society which scorns excellence in plumbing, because
plumbing is a humble activity and tolerates shoddiness in phi-
losophy because it is an exalted activity will hâve neither good
plumbing nor good philosophy. Neither its pipes nor its théo-
ries will hold water. " John W. Gardner (1961).
Eugène Séguy's entomological contributions were diverse, and particularly signifi-
cant were his alpha taxonomie and other basic studies in insect classification and biology.
But at the same time that we celebrate Séguy's alpha taxonomy achievements, this impor-
tant and broad area of research on the diversity of life is in a precarious situation, world-
wide (Wilson, 1985). Funding problems that began in the 1940's and 1950's as alpha
taxonomy began to lose scientific prestige have resulted in an erosion of capability to the
point that the lack of alpha taxonomic expertise is a roadblock to progress in other areas.
Alpha taxonomy is an essential requirement for research and practical applications in many
areas of biological and agricultural science. At least for this reason it is essential that the
work of alpha taxonomists, professional and so-called "amateur", be understood and sup-
ported by the broader scientific community and the public and private agencies that are
responsible or otherwise involved. That is the objective of this paper, which is directed
to non-taxonomic biologists, science administrators and research leaders, biology students
and teachers, as well as the alpha taxonomists who are concerned about improving the
condition of their science.
(*) Mail address: Biological Control of Weeds Laboratory-Europe. American Embassy-AGRIC/ARS.
via V. Veneto 119/A, 1-00187 Rome, Italy.
Article dédié à Eugène Séguy, à l'occasion du centenaire de sa naissance.
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