Titre : Annales de la Société entomologique de France
Auteur : Société entomologique de France. Auteur du texte
Éditeur : Mequignon-Marvis (Paris)
Éditeur : F. G. LevraultF. G. Levrault (Paris)
Éditeur : Pitois-Levrault et CiePitois-Levrault et Cie (Paris)
Éditeur : Ch. PitoisCh. Pitois (Paris)
Éditeur : chez le trésorier de la Sociétéchez le trésorier de la Société (Paris)
Éditeur : au siège de la Sociétéau siège de la Société (Paris)
Éditeur : Le FrançoisLe François (Paris)
Éditeur : Masson & CieMasson & Cie (Paris)
Éditeur : Société entomologique de FranceSociété entomologique de France (Paris)
Date d'édition : 1990-01-01
Contributeur : Viette, Pierre (1921-2011). Directeur de publication
Notice du catalogue : http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb34349289k
Type : texte texte
Type : publication en série imprimée publication en série imprimée
Langue : français
Langue : anglais
Format : Nombre total de vues : 125079 Nombre total de vues : 125079
Description : 01 janvier 1990 01 janvier 1990
Description : 1990/01/01-1990/03/31. 1990/01/01-1990/03/31.
Droits : Consultable en ligne
Identifiant : ark:/12148/bpt6k6140263r
Source : Muséum national d'histoire naturelle. Bibliothèques, 2008-139742
Conservation numérique : Bibliothèque nationale de France
Date de mise en ligne : 06/12/2010
- Aller à la page de la table des matièresNP
- SOMMAIRE Tome 26. N° 1. Janvier-Mars 1990
irradiation did not appear to affect the mating activity of emerged moths as it happened
in other Lepidoptera (Brower, 1979; Henneberry & Clayton, 1981). The mean number
of eggs laid per control female did not differ significantly from the number laid by females
mated either with maies from irradiated pupae or irradiated moths (table III). The number
of eggs decreased continuously as gamma doses increased to reach less than 110 eggs per
female at 30 Krads or higher doses. The fecundity of tobacco moths was also not affected
significandy when the females mated with irradiated or non irradiated maies (Brower, 1979).
The failure in progeny development reached 50 % of the control at 25 Krads or higher
doses. This was observed when maies from irradiated pupae were crossed with normal
females. The number of emerging larvae decreased to 20 % and 6 % at 25 and 50 Krads
treatments, respectively (fig. F). Results on other Lepidoptera species showed a zéro hatch
at 50 Krads treatment (Ahmed et al., 1976).
The effect of gamma rays on E. ceratoniae was similar to the effect on other Lepi-
dopterous. It caused réduction in fertility egg when normal females mated with males ste-
rilized at doses higher than 30 Krads (Proshold & Bartel, 1970; Henneberry & Clayton,
1981), and decreaseof the number of developed larvae (Brower, 1975, 1976; White, 1978).'
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Gamma Dose (Krad.)
Fig. 1, effect of gamma-rays on egg hatch following irradiation of pupae or adult males of Ectomyelois cerato
niae at the âges of (A) 3-4 days-old pupae, (B) 5-6 days-old pupae, and (C) one day old moths. (■
A , • : progeny developed to larvae, D, , O : undeveloped progeny, dotted line represents 50
of control development).
in other Lepidoptera (Brower, 1979; Henneberry & Clayton, 1981). The mean number
of eggs laid per control female did not differ significantly from the number laid by females
mated either with maies from irradiated pupae or irradiated moths (table III). The number
of eggs decreased continuously as gamma doses increased to reach less than 110 eggs per
female at 30 Krads or higher doses. The fecundity of tobacco moths was also not affected
significandy when the females mated with irradiated or non irradiated maies (Brower, 1979).
The failure in progeny development reached 50 % of the control at 25 Krads or higher
doses. This was observed when maies from irradiated pupae were crossed with normal
females. The number of emerging larvae decreased to 20 % and 6 % at 25 and 50 Krads
treatments, respectively (fig. F). Results on other Lepidoptera species showed a zéro hatch
at 50 Krads treatment (Ahmed et al., 1976).
The effect of gamma rays on E. ceratoniae was similar to the effect on other Lepi-
dopterous. It caused réduction in fertility egg when normal females mated with males ste-
rilized at doses higher than 30 Krads (Proshold & Bartel, 1970; Henneberry & Clayton,
1981), and decreaseof the number of developed larvae (Brower, 1975, 1976; White, 1978).'
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Gamma Dose (Krad.)
Fig. 1, effect of gamma-rays on egg hatch following irradiation of pupae or adult males of Ectomyelois cerato
niae at the âges of (A) 3-4 days-old pupae, (B) 5-6 days-old pupae, and (C) one day old moths. (■
A , • : progeny developed to larvae, D, , O : undeveloped progeny, dotted line represents 50
of control development).
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