Titre : Annales de la Société entomologique de France
Auteur : Société entomologique de France. Auteur du texte
Éditeur : Mequignon-Marvis (Paris)
Éditeur : F. G. LevraultF. G. Levrault (Paris)
Éditeur : Pitois-Levrault et CiePitois-Levrault et Cie (Paris)
Éditeur : Ch. PitoisCh. Pitois (Paris)
Éditeur : chez le trésorier de la Sociétéchez le trésorier de la Société (Paris)
Éditeur : au siège de la Sociétéau siège de la Société (Paris)
Éditeur : Le FrançoisLe François (Paris)
Éditeur : Masson & CieMasson & Cie (Paris)
Éditeur : Société entomologique de FranceSociété entomologique de France (Paris)
Date d'édition : 1990-01-01
Contributeur : Viette, Pierre (1921-2011). Directeur de publication
Notice du catalogue : http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb34349289k
Type : texte texte
Type : publication en série imprimée publication en série imprimée
Langue : français
Langue : anglais
Format : Nombre total de vues : 125079 Nombre total de vues : 125079
Description : 01 janvier 1990 01 janvier 1990
Description : 1990/01/01-1990/03/31. 1990/01/01-1990/03/31.
Droits : Consultable en ligne
Identifiant : ark:/12148/bpt6k6140263r
Source : Muséum national d'histoire naturelle. Bibliothèques, 2008-139742
Conservation numérique : Bibliothèque nationale de France
Date de mise en ligne : 06/12/2010
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- SOMMAIRE Tome 26. N° 1. Janvier-Mars 1990
The ventral fusion of the cerci is unusual and although it is known in the Calyptra-
tae (McAlpine, 1981) it is rare in Drosophilidae. This character together with the présence
of one presutural and three postsutural pairs of dorsocentrals may warrant the création
of a new subgenus for this species. In the intérim, and until further spécimens and females
are available, S. mateolata, sp. n. is placed in the nominate subgenus. Hackman's (1959)
subgeneric description requires no modification to accomodate it. However, it should be
noted that in the first couplet of his 1959 subgeneric key, Macroscaptomyza is no longer
unique in having four pairs of dorsocentrals.
Etymology. — In caudal view the ventral projection of the epandrium resembles
a mace (matea Latin, diminutive : mateola).
Scaptomyza (Scaptomyza) merina, sp. n.
"Scaptomyza sp. 1" of Tsacas et al. (1981 : 218).
Holotype male in MP : "Madagascar Centre, Kimoro 1 680 m, Andringitra Amba-
lavao, 19.1.58 B. Stuckenberg", Reg. number 6172. Paratypes (3 males, 9 females) in
MP, with same data as holotype and Reg. numbers 6163-6171 and 6173-6175.
Distinguishing Features : Large species ; ocellar setae latéral to anterior ocellus ;
with two or three pairs of dorsocentral setae ; scutellar setae approximately subequal ; basai
postpronotal setae 0.8 apical; C-index = 3.61; wing hyaline, long and narrow.
Body length. 2.91 mm (paratype range : males 2.51-3.12; females 2.72-3.04 mm).
Head. Arista with short straight rays, usually two (three in some paratypes) above and one
below and a terminal fork. Frons dark brown posteriorly, pale brown anteriorly, reduced to narrow
bands between the large ocellar triangle and broad fronto-orbital plates. Ocellar triangle and orbital
plates concolorous ; the orbits terminate well before the anterior frontal margin, broaden posteriorly
and are slightly raised ; the ocelli are small and colourless and lie on slightly raised integument inside
a large silvery-grey, subshining, slightly pollinose triangle; hw:fw = 2.16, fw:fl = 1.12. Vertex
rounded. Pedicel tan with two setae as long as dorsal aristal rays ; first flagellomere darker and small.
Facial carina prominent, nose-like; face dusky grey-tan medially, paler laterally. Palpus pale tan,
with an apical and a shorter subapical seta and small setulae. Gena very broad and short (much
of the occiput visible in latéral view), tan, greatest width about a 1/3 greatest diameter of eye
(o:j = 3.61, o:ch = 3.47). Vibrissa single, first subvibrissal seta ca 0.6 its length; vibrissal and
genal setae subequal. Eye dull, with very dense and long pilosity. Reclinate orbital setae equidistant
from eye margin, proclinate orbital medial to anterior reclinate; orbitals in ratio 9:5:10
(orl:or3 = 0.91,orl:or2 = 1.82), orbito-index = 0.62, or3 about halfway between inner vertical
seta and anterior frontal margin. Ocellar setae parallel, their bases wide apart and arising latéral
to anterior ocellus and in line with posterior ocelli, oc:orl = 1.32; postocellars convergent,
poc:oc = 0.82. Inner and outer verticals approximately subequal (or3:iv = 0.72) ; paravertical and
anterior reclinate orbital setae subequal.
Thorax. Mesonotum blackish-grey with faint golden pollinosity, scutellum and scutum con-
colorous. Acrostichal setulae in four well-defined rows between anterior dorsocentral setae dimi-
nishing to two rows posteriorly ; prescutellar acrostichal setulae slightly enlarged. Three pairs of
dorsocentral setae, adc barely larger than surrounding acrostichal setulae in holotype but larger in
some paratypes e.g., in paratype 6163 adc more than twice as long as acrostichals and in approxi-
mate ratio 4:5:9 (adc:mdc:pdc); mdc:pdc of holotype = 0.62. Basai postpronotal seta more than
half the length of the apical seta, bpn:apn = 0.8. Basai scutellar setae long and divergent, apicals
convergent, bsc:asc = 1.24(pdc:asc = 1.06). Thoracic pleurae and mesonotum concolorous. Halter
conspicuous, pale tan. Sterno-index (akpst:pkpst) = 0.54, mkpst:akpst = 0.66 (variable among
paratypes). Legs pale tan, paler than body; fore-femur with 6-7 long posteroventral setae and
4-5 posterodorsal setae; each tibia with a subapical seta dorsally, mid-tibia with an apical spur ven-
Wing. Hyaline, long and narrow, veins pale tan. Wing indices, with paratype range between
parenthèses : L:w = 2.74(2.58-2.91), C-index = 3.61 (3.28-4.04), 4v-index = 1.68 (1.51-1.71),
tae (McAlpine, 1981) it is rare in Drosophilidae. This character together with the présence
of one presutural and three postsutural pairs of dorsocentrals may warrant the création
of a new subgenus for this species. In the intérim, and until further spécimens and females
are available, S. mateolata, sp. n. is placed in the nominate subgenus. Hackman's (1959)
subgeneric description requires no modification to accomodate it. However, it should be
noted that in the first couplet of his 1959 subgeneric key, Macroscaptomyza is no longer
unique in having four pairs of dorsocentrals.
Etymology. — In caudal view the ventral projection of the epandrium resembles
a mace (matea Latin, diminutive : mateola).
Scaptomyza (Scaptomyza) merina, sp. n.
"Scaptomyza sp. 1" of Tsacas et al. (1981 : 218).
Holotype male in MP : "Madagascar Centre, Kimoro 1 680 m, Andringitra Amba-
lavao, 19.1.58 B. Stuckenberg", Reg. number 6172. Paratypes (3 males, 9 females) in
MP, with same data as holotype and Reg. numbers 6163-6171 and 6173-6175.
Distinguishing Features : Large species ; ocellar setae latéral to anterior ocellus ;
with two or three pairs of dorsocentral setae ; scutellar setae approximately subequal ; basai
postpronotal setae 0.8 apical; C-index = 3.61; wing hyaline, long and narrow.
Body length. 2.91 mm (paratype range : males 2.51-3.12; females 2.72-3.04 mm).
Head. Arista with short straight rays, usually two (three in some paratypes) above and one
below and a terminal fork. Frons dark brown posteriorly, pale brown anteriorly, reduced to narrow
bands between the large ocellar triangle and broad fronto-orbital plates. Ocellar triangle and orbital
plates concolorous ; the orbits terminate well before the anterior frontal margin, broaden posteriorly
and are slightly raised ; the ocelli are small and colourless and lie on slightly raised integument inside
a large silvery-grey, subshining, slightly pollinose triangle; hw:fw = 2.16, fw:fl = 1.12. Vertex
rounded. Pedicel tan with two setae as long as dorsal aristal rays ; first flagellomere darker and small.
Facial carina prominent, nose-like; face dusky grey-tan medially, paler laterally. Palpus pale tan,
with an apical and a shorter subapical seta and small setulae. Gena very broad and short (much
of the occiput visible in latéral view), tan, greatest width about a 1/3 greatest diameter of eye
(o:j = 3.61, o:ch = 3.47). Vibrissa single, first subvibrissal seta ca 0.6 its length; vibrissal and
genal setae subequal. Eye dull, with very dense and long pilosity. Reclinate orbital setae equidistant
from eye margin, proclinate orbital medial to anterior reclinate; orbitals in ratio 9:5:10
(orl:or3 = 0.91,orl:or2 = 1.82), orbito-index = 0.62, or3 about halfway between inner vertical
seta and anterior frontal margin. Ocellar setae parallel, their bases wide apart and arising latéral
to anterior ocellus and in line with posterior ocelli, oc:orl = 1.32; postocellars convergent,
poc:oc = 0.82. Inner and outer verticals approximately subequal (or3:iv = 0.72) ; paravertical and
anterior reclinate orbital setae subequal.
Thorax. Mesonotum blackish-grey with faint golden pollinosity, scutellum and scutum con-
colorous. Acrostichal setulae in four well-defined rows between anterior dorsocentral setae dimi-
nishing to two rows posteriorly ; prescutellar acrostichal setulae slightly enlarged. Three pairs of
dorsocentral setae, adc barely larger than surrounding acrostichal setulae in holotype but larger in
some paratypes e.g., in paratype 6163 adc more than twice as long as acrostichals and in approxi-
mate ratio 4:5:9 (adc:mdc:pdc); mdc:pdc of holotype = 0.62. Basai postpronotal seta more than
half the length of the apical seta, bpn:apn = 0.8. Basai scutellar setae long and divergent, apicals
convergent, bsc:asc = 1.24(pdc:asc = 1.06). Thoracic pleurae and mesonotum concolorous. Halter
conspicuous, pale tan. Sterno-index (akpst:pkpst) = 0.54, mkpst:akpst = 0.66 (variable among
paratypes). Legs pale tan, paler than body; fore-femur with 6-7 long posteroventral setae and
4-5 posterodorsal setae; each tibia with a subapical seta dorsally, mid-tibia with an apical spur ven-
Wing. Hyaline, long and narrow, veins pale tan. Wing indices, with paratype range between
parenthèses : L:w = 2.74(2.58-2.91), C-index = 3.61 (3.28-4.04), 4v-index = 1.68 (1.51-1.71),
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