Titre : Annales de la Société entomologique de France
Auteur : Société entomologique de France. Auteur du texte
Éditeur : Mequignon-Marvis (Paris)
Éditeur : F. G. LevraultF. G. Levrault (Paris)
Éditeur : Pitois-Levrault et CiePitois-Levrault et Cie (Paris)
Éditeur : Ch. PitoisCh. Pitois (Paris)
Éditeur : chez le trésorier de la Sociétéchez le trésorier de la Société (Paris)
Éditeur : au siège de la Sociétéau siège de la Société (Paris)
Éditeur : Le FrançoisLe François (Paris)
Éditeur : Masson & CieMasson & Cie (Paris)
Éditeur : Société entomologique de FranceSociété entomologique de France (Paris)
Date d'édition : 1990-01-01
Contributeur : Viette, Pierre (1921-2011). Directeur de publication
Notice du catalogue : http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb34349289k
Type : texte texte
Type : publication en série imprimée publication en série imprimée
Langue : français
Langue : anglais
Format : Nombre total de vues : 125079 Nombre total de vues : 125079
Description : 01 janvier 1990 01 janvier 1990
Description : 1990/01/01-1990/03/31. 1990/01/01-1990/03/31.
Droits : Consultable en ligne
Identifiant : ark:/12148/bpt6k6140263r
Source : Muséum national d'histoire naturelle. Bibliothèques, 2008-139742
Conservation numérique : Bibliothèque nationale de France
Date de mise en ligne : 06/12/2010
- Aller à la page de la table des matièresNP
- SOMMAIRE Tome 26. N° 1. Janvier-Mars 1990
— FW = forewing length.
— HW = hind wing length.
— IO/D = smallest distance between compound eyes divided by greatest antero-posterior diameter
of compound eye in dorsal view.
— PO = transverse diameter of compound eye in dorsal view divided by greatest antero-posterior
diameter of eye in same view.
— fn = flagellar segment.
— F = posterior fémur.
— T = posterior tibia.
— tn = posterior tarsomere.
1 — Rhyopsocus afer (Badonnel, 1949).
Material examined : Equatorial Guinea, Rio Muni, Asonga, 1 male, 15-VIII-1987,
V.J. Monserrat leg.
This species is widespread in Africa : Angola, Ivory Coast, Zaire, Tanzania, South
Africa (see Garcia-Aldrete, 1987). It has been found on trees, in leaf Iitter and nests of
différent bird species (Badonnel, 1949, 1955).
2 — Rhyopsocus nidicola, n. sp. (fig. 1-13).
Male. — Colour (in alcohol) : Body reddish brown, compound eyes black, ocelli clear.
Epicraneal and epistomal sulci well defined. Maxillary palps dark. Se and basai half of p brown,
rest of antennae pale brown. Forewings dark brown (fig. 1), hind wing pale brown (fig. 2). Legs
(fig. 9) : coxa pale brown, trochanter dark brown except for the posterior half, fémur dark brown
with four white spots on the internai side, tibia dark brown, the tip whitish, tarsi pale brown. Abdo-
men reddish brown.
Morphology : Lacinia (fig. 3) with bifid apex. Fourth segment of maxillary palp broad
(fig. 4). Forewings (fig. 1) elytriform with rounded apex, with setae along margins, along veins
and in the membrane; hind wing glabrous. Venation in forewing difficult to see, hind wing vena
tion as in figure 2. Claws without preapical tooth, pulvillus fairly broad, a little expanded apically.
Hypandrium simple, rounded posteriorly and setose (fig. 8). Phallosome (fig. 5) with arms slender
diverging anteriorly, apex with two rows of small denticles. Epiproct approximately trapezoidal
chaetotaxy as in figure 6. Paraprocts (fig. 7) with stout médian spine and small seta next to it, sen
sory fields with 4 trichobothria arising from basai « rosettes ».
Female. — Colour : Same as the male.
Morphology : Eyes as male. Subgenital plate simple, setose. Gonapophyses (fig. 12) repre
sented by external, setose, somewhat fusiform valves, with a pigmented band along outer borde
Accesory glands of spermatheca (fig. 13) rounded with well defined « fingerprints » and witho
union conduit. Epiproct sharply triangular with setation as in figure 10. Paraprocts (fig. 11) wit
strong médian spine and a short seta next to it, sensory fields with three peripheral trichobothr'
on basai « rosettes ».
Measuréments (in mm) : Male (Holotype) : BL = 1.41 ; FW = 0.77 ; HW = 0.6
IO/D = 1.6; PO = 0.66; f1 = 0.05; f2 = 0.04; f3 = 0.05; f4 = 0.07; F = 0.2
T = 0.34; t = 0.08 (the three tarsomeres fused). Female (Allotype) : BL = 1.5
FW = 0.86; HW = 0.73; IO/D = 2; PO = 0.53; fl = 0.04; f2 = 0.03; f3 = 0.0
f4 = 0.05; F = 0.26; T = 0.38; t1 = 0.14; t2 = 0.05; t3 = 0.05.
Type material : Equatorial Guinea, Rio Muni, Asonga, 1 male (Holotype), 1 fem
(Allotype), 17 males and 4 females (Paratypes), 15-VIII-1987, V.J. Monserrat leg. T
type material are deposited at the University of Alcala de Henares (UAH).
Comments. — The most closely related species to R. nidicola are R. peregrin
(Pearman, 1929) which was described from a single spécimen collected in a banana st
— HW = hind wing length.
— IO/D = smallest distance between compound eyes divided by greatest antero-posterior diameter
of compound eye in dorsal view.
— PO = transverse diameter of compound eye in dorsal view divided by greatest antero-posterior
diameter of eye in same view.
— fn = flagellar segment.
— F = posterior fémur.
— T = posterior tibia.
— tn = posterior tarsomere.
1 — Rhyopsocus afer (Badonnel, 1949).
Material examined : Equatorial Guinea, Rio Muni, Asonga, 1 male, 15-VIII-1987,
V.J. Monserrat leg.
This species is widespread in Africa : Angola, Ivory Coast, Zaire, Tanzania, South
Africa (see Garcia-Aldrete, 1987). It has been found on trees, in leaf Iitter and nests of
différent bird species (Badonnel, 1949, 1955).
2 — Rhyopsocus nidicola, n. sp. (fig. 1-13).
Male. — Colour (in alcohol) : Body reddish brown, compound eyes black, ocelli clear.
Epicraneal and epistomal sulci well defined. Maxillary palps dark. Se and basai half of p brown,
rest of antennae pale brown. Forewings dark brown (fig. 1), hind wing pale brown (fig. 2). Legs
(fig. 9) : coxa pale brown, trochanter dark brown except for the posterior half, fémur dark brown
with four white spots on the internai side, tibia dark brown, the tip whitish, tarsi pale brown. Abdo-
men reddish brown.
Morphology : Lacinia (fig. 3) with bifid apex. Fourth segment of maxillary palp broad
(fig. 4). Forewings (fig. 1) elytriform with rounded apex, with setae along margins, along veins
and in the membrane; hind wing glabrous. Venation in forewing difficult to see, hind wing vena
tion as in figure 2. Claws without preapical tooth, pulvillus fairly broad, a little expanded apically.
Hypandrium simple, rounded posteriorly and setose (fig. 8). Phallosome (fig. 5) with arms slender
diverging anteriorly, apex with two rows of small denticles. Epiproct approximately trapezoidal
chaetotaxy as in figure 6. Paraprocts (fig. 7) with stout médian spine and small seta next to it, sen
sory fields with 4 trichobothria arising from basai « rosettes ».
Female. — Colour : Same as the male.
Morphology : Eyes as male. Subgenital plate simple, setose. Gonapophyses (fig. 12) repre
sented by external, setose, somewhat fusiform valves, with a pigmented band along outer borde
Accesory glands of spermatheca (fig. 13) rounded with well defined « fingerprints » and witho
union conduit. Epiproct sharply triangular with setation as in figure 10. Paraprocts (fig. 11) wit
strong médian spine and a short seta next to it, sensory fields with three peripheral trichobothr'
on basai « rosettes ».
Measuréments (in mm) : Male (Holotype) : BL = 1.41 ; FW = 0.77 ; HW = 0.6
IO/D = 1.6; PO = 0.66; f1 = 0.05; f2 = 0.04; f3 = 0.05; f4 = 0.07; F = 0.2
T = 0.34; t = 0.08 (the three tarsomeres fused). Female (Allotype) : BL = 1.5
FW = 0.86; HW = 0.73; IO/D = 2; PO = 0.53; fl = 0.04; f2 = 0.03; f3 = 0.0
f4 = 0.05; F = 0.26; T = 0.38; t1 = 0.14; t2 = 0.05; t3 = 0.05.
Type material : Equatorial Guinea, Rio Muni, Asonga, 1 male (Holotype), 1 fem
(Allotype), 17 males and 4 females (Paratypes), 15-VIII-1987, V.J. Monserrat leg. T
type material are deposited at the University of Alcala de Henares (UAH).
Comments. — The most closely related species to R. nidicola are R. peregrin
(Pearman, 1929) which was described from a single spécimen collected in a banana st
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