Titre : Annales de la Société entomologique de France
Auteur : Société entomologique de France. Auteur du texte
Éditeur : Mequignon-Marvis (Paris)
Éditeur : F. G. LevraultF. G. Levrault (Paris)
Éditeur : Pitois-Levrault et CiePitois-Levrault et Cie (Paris)
Éditeur : Ch. PitoisCh. Pitois (Paris)
Éditeur : chez le trésorier de la Sociétéchez le trésorier de la Société (Paris)
Éditeur : au siège de la Sociétéau siège de la Société (Paris)
Éditeur : Le FrançoisLe François (Paris)
Éditeur : Masson & CieMasson & Cie (Paris)
Éditeur : Société entomologique de FranceSociété entomologique de France (Paris)
Date d'édition : 1990-01-01
Contributeur : Viette, Pierre (1921-2011). Directeur de publication
Notice du catalogue : http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb34349289k
Type : texte texte
Type : publication en série imprimée publication en série imprimée
Langue : français
Langue : anglais
Format : Nombre total de vues : 125079 Nombre total de vues : 125079
Description : 01 janvier 1990 01 janvier 1990
Description : 1990/01/01-1990/03/31. 1990/01/01-1990/03/31.
Droits : Consultable en ligne
Identifiant : ark:/12148/bpt6k6140263r
Source : Muséum national d'histoire naturelle. Bibliothèques, 2008-139742
Conservation numérique : Bibliothèque nationale de France
Date de mise en ligne : 06/12/2010
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- SOMMAIRE Tome 26. N° 1. Janvier-Mars 1990
Annls Soc. ent. Fr. (N.S.) 1990, 26 (1) : 125-126, 1 fig., 3 réf.
Baissoleon cretaceus gen. and sp. nov. Fossil Neuroptera
from the Lower Cretaceous of Baisa, East Siberia.
2. Nymphitidae
Vladimir N. MAKARKIN
Institute of Biology and Pedology,
Far Eastern Division of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok-22, USSR
The family Nymphitidae Handlirsch, 1906 was considered to contain six gênera
(Martynova, 1962): Sialium Westwood, 1854, Nymphites Haase, 1890, Chrysoleonites
Martynov, 1925, Mesonymphes Carpenter, 1929, Epigambria Handlirsch, 1939, and Sojuta
Martynova, 1958. Of thèse Sojuta is now placed within the Osmylidae (Makarkin, 1989),
and Mesonymphes belongs for certain to the Nymphidae. Of four rest gênera only Chryso-
leonites is satisfactorily described. However, this genus was recently placed by Panfilov
(1980) within the Mesochrysopidae Handlirsch, 1906. A dependable classification of thèse
families can be made only after a study of the type spécimens of the gênera Nymphites
and Mesochrysopa Handlirsch, 1906.
A new genus described below is considered to belong to the Nymphitidae. But it
is also related in some respects to the gênera of the Mesochrysopidae. Up to présent, the
Nymphitidae hâve been restricted to the Jurassic of Britain, Germany and USSR
Family Nymphitidae Handlirsch, 1906
Genus Baissoleon Makarkin, gen. nov.
Type species: Baissoleon cretaceus, sp. nov.
Description: Wings narrow. Costal area relatively narrow. Subcostal veinlets unforked
proximal to the pterostigma and forked distal to the pterostigma. Pterostigma destinct. Se fused
with R apically, Sc+R ending on costal margin near wing apex. No cross-veins between Se and
R présent. Rs arising close to the base of the wings. First branch of Rs arising at about middle
of the wing length. MP forked distally at about one-fourth of the wing length. CuA relatively
long with a séries of short terminal branches to the hind margin of the wing. CuP short. A] for-
ked. There are a number of cross-veins between the longitudinal veins. In the hind wing MP for-
ked close to the wing base and CuA shorter than in the fore wing.
Comparison: Baissoleon is closely related to the genus Chrysoleonites, but differs
from it by MP in the fore wing forked more distal and by CuA longer. Moreover a cross-
veins between the branches of MP are absent in the Chrysoleonites. A new genus differs
from the Nymphites by CuA in the hind wing longer and by MP provided with fewer ter-
minal branches to the wing margin.
Species included: Only the type species.
Baissoleon cretaceus Makarkin
Holotype: Spécimen N 1989/54; Paleontological Institute, Moscow; almost com-
plète fore and hind wings, overlying each other.
Manuscrit accepté le 9-IX-1989.
Baissoleon cretaceus gen. and sp. nov. Fossil Neuroptera
from the Lower Cretaceous of Baisa, East Siberia.
2. Nymphitidae
Vladimir N. MAKARKIN
Institute of Biology and Pedology,
Far Eastern Division of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok-22, USSR
The family Nymphitidae Handlirsch, 1906 was considered to contain six gênera
(Martynova, 1962): Sialium Westwood, 1854, Nymphites Haase, 1890, Chrysoleonites
Martynov, 1925, Mesonymphes Carpenter, 1929, Epigambria Handlirsch, 1939, and Sojuta
Martynova, 1958. Of thèse Sojuta is now placed within the Osmylidae (Makarkin, 1989),
and Mesonymphes belongs for certain to the Nymphidae. Of four rest gênera only Chryso-
leonites is satisfactorily described. However, this genus was recently placed by Panfilov
(1980) within the Mesochrysopidae Handlirsch, 1906. A dependable classification of thèse
families can be made only after a study of the type spécimens of the gênera Nymphites
and Mesochrysopa Handlirsch, 1906.
A new genus described below is considered to belong to the Nymphitidae. But it
is also related in some respects to the gênera of the Mesochrysopidae. Up to présent, the
Nymphitidae hâve been restricted to the Jurassic of Britain, Germany and USSR
Family Nymphitidae Handlirsch, 1906
Genus Baissoleon Makarkin, gen. nov.
Type species: Baissoleon cretaceus, sp. nov.
Description: Wings narrow. Costal area relatively narrow. Subcostal veinlets unforked
proximal to the pterostigma and forked distal to the pterostigma. Pterostigma destinct. Se fused
with R apically, Sc+R ending on costal margin near wing apex. No cross-veins between Se and
R présent. Rs arising close to the base of the wings. First branch of Rs arising at about middle
of the wing length. MP forked distally at about one-fourth of the wing length. CuA relatively
long with a séries of short terminal branches to the hind margin of the wing. CuP short. A] for-
ked. There are a number of cross-veins between the longitudinal veins. In the hind wing MP for-
ked close to the wing base and CuA shorter than in the fore wing.
Comparison: Baissoleon is closely related to the genus Chrysoleonites, but differs
from it by MP in the fore wing forked more distal and by CuA longer. Moreover a cross-
veins between the branches of MP are absent in the Chrysoleonites. A new genus differs
from the Nymphites by CuA in the hind wing longer and by MP provided with fewer ter-
minal branches to the wing margin.
Species included: Only the type species.
Baissoleon cretaceus Makarkin
Holotype: Spécimen N 1989/54; Paleontological Institute, Moscow; almost com-
plète fore and hind wings, overlying each other.
Manuscrit accepté le 9-IX-1989.
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