- Aller à la page de la table des matières1
- .......... Page(s) .......... 1-16
- .......... Page(s) .......... 17-43
- .......... Page(s) .......... 44-47
- .......... Page(s) .......... 48-63
- .......... Page(s) .......... 65-72
- .......... Page(s) .......... 79-90
- .......... Page(s) .......... 91-96
- .......... Page(s) .......... 97-108
- .......... Page(s) .......... 109-119
- RAPPORTS sur l'écroulement de onze colonnes dans la Salle Hypostyle du Grand temple d'Amon à Karnak, le 3 Octobre 1899 (avec deux planches et un diagranne):
- .......... Page(s) .......... 120-129
- .......... Page(s) .......... 129-140
- .......... Page(s) .......... 141-148
- BARSANTI-MASPERO. Fouilles autour de la pyramide d'Ounas (1899-1900):
- .......... Page(s) .......... 150-160
- II. Les tombeaux de Psammétique et de Sétariban:
- .......... Page(s) .......... 161-166
- .......... Page(s) .......... 166-184
- .......... Page(s) .......... 185-188
- .......... Page(s) .......... 189-190
- .......... Page(s) .......... 191
- .......... Page(s) .......... 192
- .......... Page(s) .......... 200-210
- .......... Page(s) .......... 211-214
- .......... Page(s) .......... 215-229
- BARSANTI-MASPERO. Fouilles autour de la Pyramide d'Ounas, 1899-1900 (Suite):
- .......... Page(s) .......... 230-234
- .......... Page(s) .......... 234-261
- .......... Page(s) .......... 262-271
- .......... Page(s) .......... 271-281
- .......... Page(s) .......... 284
— 192 —
Le marquis de Norlhampton a demandé, en i8gg, l'autorisation d'opérer quelques sondages
à Kom cl-Ahmar, en face de Minièh. Il a travaillé sur ce site du 16 au 26 décembre, et
il a bien voulu consigner le résultat de ses recherches dans la lettre suivante :
Having carefully examined the site in 1898, I had decided that the best chance of
Jinding Egyptian remains was in the N. W. corner. It was only Ihere that I coidd find
any slone used in building, and ail the brick-buildings seemed to be of Roman limes.
I found on the first day, bolh on West and Soulh sides of the high mound forming
the N. W. corner of the ruins, a built slone wall with cut-stone facings. It could
hardly be a quay-wall, because Ihere are many brick buildings furlher soulh on a lower
level. Tbe facing stones are of soft limestone; but the stones used at the back and
which rise lo some height are not only of limestone but also of sandstone, and must
hâve been brought froin a distance or belonged to an older building. I had not
lime to folio w the wall ail round, owing to the great mounds of rubbish rising over
them ; but I found, by excavations at various points, that the West side of the wall
was over 2 4 feet and less Ihan 44 feetlong, and on the East the wall extended beyond
28 feel. Il appears lobe the solid basis of an édifice of slone, but nothingshowed whal
the édifice had been. Il looks rallier as if it had been a pyramidal loinb. On the base
wall there are two or Ihree very rudely scratched boats, with raisetl bows and slerns,
propelled by paddles, with the lower extremities of the rowers ; but il is so roughly
executed that il looks as if a very young child had been at work. Under the brick
Roman buildings, above the stones I dug in several places, 1 found some chambers ail
of laie period.i.e. post-Egyplian. In 0110 of them I found high up in the wall a codai
of a two year old child, with a métal bracelet broken and two small beads. In anolher
wall I found anolher coffin painled whiteinside, with maie and female skeletons in it, a
pair of very Ihin gold ear-rings, I believe Roman, and a queer l)roken pottery vessel.
In llic rubbish I found a scrapof papyrus, beads, broken odds and ends, mostly
Roman, but oneor two Egyptian.
A syslematic and lenglhened excavation mighl be productive, but the Sabakh
excavalors, who bave got very low in places, only found Roman remains and nolhing
of inlerest. Of course, thèse remarks only apply to ihe N. W. and W. end of the old
town. 1 do not lliink that there lias been any deep excavation rnade in the higber eastern
pari under the tonibs.
1 9 January 1 goo.
Le marquis de Norlhampton a demandé, en i8gg, l'autorisation d'opérer quelques sondages
à Kom cl-Ahmar, en face de Minièh. Il a travaillé sur ce site du 16 au 26 décembre, et
il a bien voulu consigner le résultat de ses recherches dans la lettre suivante :
Having carefully examined the site in 1898, I had decided that the best chance of
Jinding Egyptian remains was in the N. W. corner. It was only Ihere that I coidd find
any slone used in building, and ail the brick-buildings seemed to be of Roman limes.
I found on the first day, bolh on West and Soulh sides of the high mound forming
the N. W. corner of the ruins, a built slone wall with cut-stone facings. It could
hardly be a quay-wall, because Ihere are many brick buildings furlher soulh on a lower
level. Tbe facing stones are of soft limestone; but the stones used at the back and
which rise lo some height are not only of limestone but also of sandstone, and must
hâve been brought froin a distance or belonged to an older building. I had not
lime to folio w the wall ail round, owing to the great mounds of rubbish rising over
them ; but I found, by excavations at various points, that the West side of the wall
was over 2 4 feet and less Ihan 44 feetlong, and on the East the wall extended beyond
28 feel. Il appears lobe the solid basis of an édifice of slone, but nothingshowed whal
the édifice had been. Il looks rallier as if it had been a pyramidal loinb. On the base
wall there are two or Ihree very rudely scratched boats, with raisetl bows and slerns,
propelled by paddles, with the lower extremities of the rowers ; but il is so roughly
executed that il looks as if a very young child had been at work. Under the brick
Roman buildings, above the stones I dug in several places, 1 found some chambers ail
of laie period.i.e. post-Egyplian. In 0110 of them I found high up in the wall a codai
of a two year old child, with a métal bracelet broken and two small beads. In anolher
wall I found anolher coffin painled whiteinside, with maie and female skeletons in it, a
pair of very Ihin gold ear-rings, I believe Roman, and a queer l)roken pottery vessel.
In llic rubbish I found a scrapof papyrus, beads, broken odds and ends, mostly
Roman, but oneor two Egyptian.
A syslematic and lenglhened excavation mighl be productive, but the Sabakh
excavalors, who bave got very low in places, only found Roman remains and nolhing
of inlerest. Of course, thèse remarks only apply to ihe N. W. and W. end of the old
town. 1 do not lliink that there lias been any deep excavation rnade in the higber eastern
pari under the tonibs.
1 9 January 1 goo.
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