- Aller à la page de la table des matièresNP
- BARSANTI-MASPERO. Fouilles autour de la pyramide d'Ounas (1900-1901):
- Recherches sur les Momies d'animaux de l'ancienne Egypte:
- .......... Page(s) .......... 96
- BARSANTI-MASPERO. Fouilles autour de la pyramide d'Ounas (1900-1901):
- Recherches sur les Momies d'animaux de l'ancienne Egypte:
- CHABAN-QUIBELL. Sur une nécropole de la VIe dynastie, à Koçeir el-Amarnah:
- .......... Page(s) .......... 286
( Suite. )
i3. This tomb, whicli is the only fully inscribed one in ihe group,
requires a more particular description.
In plan it is similar to the previously described mastabas, with one
important différence, that, whereas they hâve only one long passage behind
the central mass, in this case, besides the passage, a chamber has been
excavated in the mass parallel lo the long passage and communicating with
it by means of a small door. The interest of this tomb lies in ils inscriptions,
as, from the architect's or stone mason's point of view it is very inferior to
ihe other mastabas, notably to n° i p.
The chamber, the only part enlirely finished, is not parallel truly to the
passage or to the face of the mastaba outside. Both the northern and long
passage are unfinished, and, in the long passage, the vvall belween it and
the chamber has been eut so thin that a large pièce of the eastern wall of
the chamber has been broken away. Three chambers hâve been begun in
the east wall of the long passage; but only the central one has made much
progress, and it is still quite in the rough with half eut out blocks still in situ.
The outer face of the mastaba w as sloped al an angle as in the built tombs
of this kind.
The burial shafts, tvvo innumber, were as usual in the mass of rock, but
were small and irregularly oriented. They were rougbly behind the false
doors sculplured on the west wall of the chamber. They had been rifled
and I did not reclear them.
In the long passage opposite the central chamber, 1 found a large jar of
the short spout type which we knovv from Meydum ; it contained charcoal
( Suite. )
i3. This tomb, whicli is the only fully inscribed one in ihe group,
requires a more particular description.
In plan it is similar to the previously described mastabas, with one
important différence, that, whereas they hâve only one long passage behind
the central mass, in this case, besides the passage, a chamber has been
excavated in the mass parallel lo the long passage and communicating with
it by means of a small door. The interest of this tomb lies in ils inscriptions,
as, from the architect's or stone mason's point of view it is very inferior to
ihe other mastabas, notably to n° i p.
The chamber, the only part enlirely finished, is not parallel truly to the
passage or to the face of the mastaba outside. Both the northern and long
passage are unfinished, and, in the long passage, the vvall belween it and
the chamber has been eut so thin that a large pièce of the eastern wall of
the chamber has been broken away. Three chambers hâve been begun in
the east wall of the long passage; but only the central one has made much
progress, and it is still quite in the rough with half eut out blocks still in situ.
The outer face of the mastaba w as sloped al an angle as in the built tombs
of this kind.
The burial shafts, tvvo innumber, were as usual in the mass of rock, but
were small and irregularly oriented. They were rougbly behind the false
doors sculplured on the west wall of the chamber. They had been rifled
and I did not reclear them.
In the long passage opposite the central chamber, 1 found a large jar of
the short spout type which we knovv from Meydum ; it contained charcoal
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