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- CONTENTS 1987 - VOLUME 305 - SECTION I - N° 14
- .......... Page(s) .......... 643
- .......... Page(s) .......... 643
- We give a formula for the Arakelov-Green function G of a compact connected Riemann surface X of genus , which involues the integral of a Neron function on the theta divisor of the jacobian variety of X. When g = 2, we deduce from this formula an effective estimate of G and integral formulae for the invariant of Faltings.
- .......... Page(s) .......... 657
- .......... Page(s) .......... 657
- We study an estimation method of the parameter of a startionary autoregressive process of order p where the X, are independent, identically distributed, this common law is unknown and has no moment of order 2. A speed of convergence of the estimator, better than , is attained under the classical assumption that the polynom has no root in the complex unity disc. The consistency of the estimator persists without this assumption.
- .......... Page(s) .......... 661
- Let X, be a recurrent diffusion on R. The drift depends on an unknown parameter . Let be the process obtained through linear interpotation between . One observes the sequence sign sampling interval. We construct asymptotic efficient estimators based on number of zeros of in the interval [0, 1]. It is shown that (t) converges in L2 as to the zero local time of X.
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