Titre : The Chicago tribune and the Daily news, New York
Éditeur : [s.n.] (Paris)
Date d'édition : 1930-01-07
Notice du catalogue : http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb327410645
Type : texte texte
Type : publication en série imprimée publication en série imprimée
Langue : anglais
Description : 07 janvier 1930 07 janvier 1930
Description : 1930/01/07 (A0,N4456). 1930/01/07 (A0,N4456).
Droits : Consultable en ligne
Identifiant : ark:/12148/bpt6k47769434
Source : Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Droit, économie, politique, JO-20258
Conservation numérique : Bibliothèque nationale de France
Date de mise en ligne : 05/08/2018
Chicago Daily Tribune
PublfSiiied DaiJy.-N°. 4,556.
OFFICES, 5 Rue Lamartine. Tel.: Trudaine 50-90^
1 RUE SCRIBE. Tel : Gutenberg 51-22.
Price in France 70 centimes.
8 Rue Lafayette — PARIS
> j Tel.: Provence 58-98.
}tt< Ave. et 52nd St. ' 1 27 N. State St.
.- - .
HUlJ Office: 39-41. Bouleftrd HaUlimalUl. PARIS
Upta»n Branch : 44. Avenue des Champt-Elytéw. .
Riviera Branch : 6. Jardin du Roi Albert ,... NICE
Issues N. C. B. Travelers Checka
and Travelers Letters of Credit.
Good - throughout the World
With a. population of nearly 40,000,000
to Ilve in about 200,000 square miles,
- with a venerable civi!iza.tion which long
ago t'educed ail life to principles of
order, it would sec-m incredible that
France should possess any regions which
are wild, even in appoarance. Yet such
1 there are, and enough of them.
Such are some parts of the mountain
région of central France, generally
known as Auvergne. There are taies
of villages in the department of the
^ Ardèche where the inhabitants are open-
I ly hostile to ail foreigners, which in-
| cludes Parisians. Then, in some parts
* of the Jura and of the Vosges, there
| is a legend that wolves may stiil be
I heard howling about the lonely cabins
: in the depths of winter, but those who
speak with authority have assured me
that it is merely a legend.
These are mountain fastnesses, but
there is also a Loneliness of the marshes.
Such is the country of the delta of the
Rhone, the Camargue, where it if; said
that horses still run wild, but that 1
believe is again a story. The place is
dreary enough without anv adventitioiis
aids to the imagination. It is inhabited
by a miserable population picking up a
scanty living from the salt marshes,
and it posse,sses one glorious city on its
i western fringe, Aiguës-Mortes. ,
In the interior of western Brittany
' is another such de.serbed region, that
of the mountain range of the Arrée.
One great highway traverses it, from
I Sizun to Huelgoat, just beneath the
I bald crests of those mountains which
| were there when the Alps were mere
| geological children. Not even the go&ts
i' can find pasturage In that waste. Deep
1 in the eroded g'ullies lives a peoiple with
■fscant relation to the outside world. They
make sabots and occasionally descend (
;.| I to more populous towns to do their trade. (
iAnotfher such wild région of France
1 have recently seen. It is, for what rea-
son I do not know, called Le Double.
It lies full in the center of the ancrent
région of the Périgord, now the depart-
ment of the Dordogne. It is a country of
upland moors, and its center is the
village of Saint-André-de-Double. Scrub
I oak and pine cover those uplands. and
a few squatters there keep their p:gs.
.. But there is no cultivation, and life
; has been reduced to as simple a plane
as can be done within the geographical
limits of a great modem state.
Thrèe lonely lakes lie in those uiplands
where the wild boar corne for water,
and this, I am sure, is not a legend,
though but rarely is any sportsman
wjJIjng- to wait through-a whole frosty I
""""Ï1i;.f¡t.uü thofe' ivainry shores on the
chance of bagging such rare game. It is
1 start)ing' to see lying on one of thost,
lakes a motbrtioat, looking as purposeless
as if it had j'ust dropped from the skies.
It is the one stgn of the 20th century
for miles around. Some city man has
recently bought this la"ke and turned
it into a duck farm.
More expressive of the spirit of this
région is the church of Saint-André-de-
©O'Uble. tiny but solid, built of cyclop-
ean masonry. It looks as if it had been
made by hard men in hard days, to
withstand the assau't of many a rival
-robber band. For this country has its
story, too, a story which is mostly true.
It was known even in the days of the
To these desolate moors came ail the
slaves who had escaped from ail the
ergastula of sout-iwest Gaul, ail the
crooks, ail th-e soldiers who were tired
of clanking' about the Empire, ail the
weary of life. Here they had their own
society, and, in a way, their own civiliza-
tion, They could finish in short order
any unlucky traveler who came within
* their province, and, in default of that,
they could prey on each other, like a
real pirate «lony.
It took centuries and some strong
arm work by the law before the place
was pacified, for the successive convul-
sions which affected the outside . world,
such as the long English occupation
âuring the Hundred Years' War, left the
haracter of the place essentially un-
altered. Ail that is, of course, far away
and long ago. The few peasants who
ive here now, descendants though they
may be of! hardboiled ancestors, are
n,tle enough. Only nature has remain-
îd savage.
The royalist leader, M. Léon Daudet,
iost no time after his return from his
exile in Brussels, in telling the world
hat he is as intransigent as ever, there-
by confirming the easy prediction which
I made in this column a few days ago.
; He does not mention a pardon, nor
does he have any gratitude to the Gov-
ernment of the Republic, for it 1s his
contention that he could not be pardon-
never having- committed any offense.
)Se was, it will be remembered, sentenced
five months in prison on the charge
having- libeled a taxi driver, Bajot,
who, said he, had knowledge that his
son. Philippe Daudet, had been murdered
and had not comraltted suicide, as alleged
by the authorities.
With such firm faith in his own
convictions, a man of his inflexible
haracter could not be expected to re-
|>ract. So he announces that his decision
remains intact to pursue the punish-
|Fîent of the police officiais, assassins
my son.''
Nor. naturaily, could it be exipected
..that M. Daudet would show any weak-
" "ing of his politioal convictions. He is
1®^ an enerriy'of the republican form
ffovernment than ever. "My determi-
, . ation to destroy the regime which is
OIIir in New York Fr. 25.42
DOllar in Paris Fr. 25.425
DOllar in Berlin M. 4.190
DOllar in Rome L. 19.107
Pound in London $ 4.8730
> Pound in Pari* ......... Fr. 123.915
Seen As Move To Push
Young Plan To
(Tribune Press Service)
' THE HAGUE, Jan. 6.—It was an-
nouneed tonight, following a secret meet-
ing between delegates from Germany,
Great Britain, France, Italy, Belgium
and Jaipan, that Dr. Hjalmar Schacht
has been summoned from Berlin and is
due here tomorrow.
This reveals that the inviting Powers
are determined to proceed with the prin-
cipal task of settling the German repara-
tions and the Young Plan a'nd do not 'n-
tend to wait for an agreement between
the members of thé Little Entente with
Austria, Hungary and Bulgaria.
Dr. Schacht's presence is required
principally to elucidate - the question as
to the date on which the Young Plan
supersedes the Dawes Plan.
The Allies claim that payments should
begin on the 15th of the month and
they want their payments thereafter on
the middl
Interest Is Involved.
The Reich claims that payments should
begin on the first of the month and
demandis that it be credited with 15
days' interest if it rnoves up payments
to the middle of the month.
The amount involved approximates
4,000,000 marks pe'r annum over 37
years, making a capital value of about
60,0'0'0,000 marks.
Germany insists that this be cred/ited
as reparations paid to the Allies and
objects that the total of their final claims
included this sum, and that therefore
it is impossible t'o waive it.
Outside of what. was accomipliahed in
tonigh't's secret meeting, the morning.
and afternoon were cotmipa-rativëly wast-
ed. with thé Liittle Entente and Poland
trying to make Austria, Hungary, and
All Italian Hearts
Touched By Fetes
For Royal Wedding
Umberto And Fiancee
Give Reception To
Visiting Royalty
ROME), Jan. 6.—On Wedinesday a
charmiing blond princess and a handsome
Crown Prince will wed, and already a
whole nation is in merriment. Not in
many years will the world see such
hymenal festivities as are taking place
in this Italian city which is called
eternal, for ail Italy has abandoned it.s€lf
---,much as did the nations of o!d—to
the marriage of Princess Marie-José and
Prince Umberto.
Rome is complet'ely and gloriously en
fête and its citizens and their guests are
seeing the capital in the greatest
splendor it has known in modern times.
It is even difficult to imagine that the
Romle of old could ever have been
covered. with so dazzling a halo of color.
Today, the first day of the six days of
festivités; was memorable for the spirit
of g'aie'ty which doûminated everywnere.
Prince Umberto and Princess Marie-
(Special Cable To The Tribune.)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 6.—Chief Jus-
tice William Howard Taft has been
forced to interrupt his court work
abruptly because of weakened physical
The Chief Justice is in a highly nerv-
ous state caused by the récurrence of
his bladder trouble and by the recent
death of his brother. He will undergo
treatment for a week in a Washington
hospital, and then will go to Asheville,
N.C., for a rest of several weeke.
American Chamber Of Commerce Prepares
Report On Double Tax On American Business
The American Chamber of Commerce
in France is engaged in drawing up a
detailed report which will be submitted
to Ambassador Walter Evans Edge on
the question of double taxation of
American subsidiary business organiza-
tions in this country, it was learned yes-
This report constitutes a complété
survey of double taxation as at present
imposed upon American firms here, il-
lustrated by specific examples, and its
study will enable the Ambassador to
déterminé what measures can be sug-
gested to relieve existing conditions
against which American business men
have been protesting- for a long time.
If the Chamber's report shows evidence
of injustice done to American organiza-
Lions, steps will be taken to bring about
a satisfactory solution of this long-pend-
ing question, which has caused much
irritation in American business circles,
Within recent months more than 60
protests against double taxation have
been filed by American companies at
the French Ministry of Finance, a fact
which sufficiently indicates the import-
ance of finding some way out of the
existing difficultés with as little de.!ay
as possible.
As matters are now, American sub-
sidiary companies in France, which were
.liready paying a tax of 18 per cent on
their profits, are being subjected to a
second tax partially based on the earn-
in'gs of their parent companies in Amer-
ica. This second tax, which is the cause
of ail the trouble, is rooted in an old law
which was dug up several years ago
and had never been applied up to that
In theory the second tax was designed
to reach only those subsidiary companies
that showed no ea.rnmg's. the French
Shearer, 'Greatest Naval Authority',
Warns America Against Great Britain
Propagandist Tells 150
At Speech That He's
Tired Of It All
(Special Cable To The Tribune).
.NEW YORK, Jan. 6.—After a warning
to the United States not to give in to
the BÊtish, William B. Shearer, speak-
ing in Carnegie Hall here yesterday,
indicated his intention of abandoning his
naval propaganda activities.
Concluding a dramatic peroration in
which he shouted challenges and de-
fiances to his enemies. he declared ber
fore Admirai Fiske. who had introduC2d
him, "God knows I'm tired of it ail.
I've had nothing but navy this, navy
that, for the last ten years. Tes, l'm'
tired of it.
"What has my reward been? The only
reward I had from my Government—
the Government 1 served-was Importa-
tion of mud, dirt, filthy scum, with
which they plastered me to appease
Great Britain, who has dominated our
State Departrnent for the last 25 years.
Yes, thank God, l'm tired of' it."
Shearer roared attacks at Senator Wil-
liam E. Borah, Chartes Evans Hugh.:;s,
Josephus Daniels and a dozen others.
and expressed pessimism as to the Lon-
don Conférence. '
Intrigue Causes War.
"I don't think the empire that held
the high seas for 300 years is going to
give it up just because von a.
Jail Conversation
Seen As New Clue
In Taylor Mystery
Prisoners' Talk Linked
With Story About
(Special Cable To The Tribune)
CHICAGO, Jan. 6.-The eight-year-old
mystery surrounding the murder of Wil-
liam Desmond Taylor, movie director, in
his Hollywood residence, may be nearer
solution today dUe to the account of a
conversation between two prisoners in
the Los Angeles jail which was overheard
and reported today to California author-
Coroner Herman N. Bundesen of Chi-
cago stated today that a ChicagQ busi-
ness man recently told him that one of
the lattcr's employees had said, "A China-
man told me that he had been planted in
the Taylor home to kill him because
Taylor had some difficulties with the
narcotic interests." According to the
Chinese' story, the price he received for
the job was . $1,000.
The Chinese, it appears, was a ceH-
mate of the Chicago business man's
employee at the time the conversation
occurred in the Los Angeles ja,il.
This is the third important develop-
ment in the Taylor case within the past
few days to indicate that forces are still
at work which may yet bring the guilty
person into, court. '
The first wâs the statement made by
former Governor Friend A. Richardson
of California that a well known movie
actress had killed Taylor. This was a.c-
companied by a declaration that the name
of the actress and other testimony had
Chicago Firemen Also
Dropped; Gunmen Etc.
Howl With Glee
(International News Service).
CHICAGO, Jan. 6.—Numerous crim-
inals and incendiaries in Chicago are
looking forward to a merry time this
year following the dismissal of 473
policemen and 250 firemen as an
economy measure owing to the empti-
ness of the city treasury.
The dismissals follow a recent an-
nouncement that the city is bankrupt,
with little likelihood of the empty
coffers being replenished _for some
time. Treasury officiais are making
every effort to eut out the deadwood
in order to reduce expenses.
Even the chauffeur supplied ' to
Mayor William Hale 'rhompson at the
city's expense has been dismissed, while
police guards assigned to protect of-
ficiais investigating crime have been
dropped from the civic payroll. The
décision to eut down police and fire
patrols has not been permitted to pass
without protest from a majority of the
citizens. Nutnerous petitions are be-
ing drawn up demanding that the city's
finances be re-organized and placed on
a footing commensurate with Chicago's
importance as one of the largest and
wealthiest American cities.
Nicky Arnstein Weds
Rich Chicago Woman
(Special Cable To The Tribune).
CHICAGO, Jan. 6,"'-Jules "Nicky"
Arstein, the "my man" of Fannie
Brice's unusually enduring passion,
married the former Mrs. Isabelle Mc-
Culloch, a wealthy woman of this
city, today.
Fannie was "Nicky's" wife at the
time he was sent to Leavenworth
prison for his connection with a $5,-
000,000 bond theft. She remained
faithful to him throughout his stay *
behind the bars, even visiting him in
his cell at times. Then, to the as-
tonishment of the public, she
divorced on ehe grounds that Mrs.
McCulloch had lured him from the
straight and narrow paths of con-
jugal fidelity.
Vitale Conferred
With Diamond, Is
Report To Whalen
Police Probe Stories Of
Meeting With
(Special Cable To The Tribune)
NEW YORK, Jan. 6.—Police Com-
missioner Whalen tôday is investigat-
ing reports that Magistrats Albert H.
Vit;1le. whose récent dinner in a Bronx
café cost his guests some $3,300, met
and conferred with Jack "Legs" Dia-
mond, notorious gang leader now a
fugitive from justice charged with com-
plicity in the ' double murdèr at the
HÓt& is also alleged that Ciro Terranova, who
was a prominent figure in the dinner
scandai, was present at the conférence.
The dinner, which was tendered by
the magistrate to various judges, law-
yers, politicians, prominent civic fig-
ures, and—according to Mr. Whalen—
criminals, ended in a surprise, but not
a pleasant one. Seven armed men en-
tered the restaurant and relieved the
gue&ts of cash and jewelry. Several
détectives attending the banquet con-
tributed their share of the loot, which
included their revolvers.
Magistrate Vitale, upon the entrance
of the gangsters, advised his guests to
give up their valuables without resist-
ance, but himself had sufficient pres-
ence of mind to conceal a four-and-a-
half-carat diamond ring.
It was later charged that the hold-up
had been staged under the direction of
Terranova, who had hoped to find two
Cbicago gunmen who pre&umably were
in possession of a written contract call-
ing for the murders of Frankie Yale
and Frank Marlow, recently slain. It
was hinted even that the dinner had
been held for that purpose atone.
Glider Make s Four Loops
From 1,200 Feet Under
Control Of Chicago Man
(Special Cable To The Tribune)
CHICAGO, Jan. 6.—Nothing new under
the sun?' Get put! A man looped the
loop in a glider today. At least a claim
was made by Edward B. Heath, Chicago
aviator, that his feat of looping the
loop in a glider today is the first stunt
of its kind on record. So you see there
is always something new turning t1Jp and
Heat got himself towed by an air-
plane up to a dizzy altitude. When he
reached a height of 1,200 feet the glider
was released. It came sailing to the
ground, but during the descent Heath
made four loops—four perfect loop-the-
loops—in his motorless airplane.
If you register
your name will be
cabled to the
Pilfering Rum Boat's
Cargo And Drinking
Are Alleged
(Special Cable To The Tribune.)
NEW LONDON, Conn., Jan. 6.—With
39 défendants listed, a. general court
martial of Coast Guardsmen accused of
taking liquor from the rum runner
Flora del Mar is in full swing. Twenty-
four are charged with drunkenness and
15 with pilfering the cargo and having
liquor in their possession.
Thus a first class prohibition scandai
has enveloped a branch of the en-
forcement service which during the last
month has annexed four killings to its
credit and has brought down upon
itself a storm of public indignation for
alleged drunken orgies, intimidation of
citizens and high-handed gunnery.
This scandai, to add variety to its
sensational qualities, has members of
the service as its victims rather than
private persons forced without warning
to meet the deadly muzzles of their
machine guns. Complete license has
turned the latest prohibition shame in-
to an indictment of the service from
within. Defending itself for killing
liquor runners and others without
warning, the Coast Guard now is
forced to clean its own house before a
public which is so filled with indigna-
tion that members of the service have
been assaulted in the streets by outrag-
ed citizens. 1
Seizures Recalled.
The Flora , del Mar was taken by
Coast Gu&rdsmen off Montauk Point,
Long Island, Dec. 29. The crew, fleeing
before thè cutter, saw ail hope of
escape eut off and beached the boat,
escaping ashore after setting the boat
afire. The craft was loaded to the
gunwales with a cargo of holiday
liquor» of ail brands, which Govern-
ment officiais valued at $150,000.
The capture came a few hours after
anothe.r rum runner, the Black DucK,
had been captured off Newport, R. I.,
by Coast Guàrd Cutter 290 whose skilled
30th Motor Show
Opens In New York;
Exhibit 300 Types
No Sign Of Depression
Seen As Crowds
(Special Cable To The Tribune.)
NEW YORK, Jan. 6.—A glittering
array of 300 types of motor cars rep-
resenting 46 différent makes does its
be&t at the thirtieth annual Motor Show
in this city to dispel the fear that Amer-
icans are short of money or that any
kind of /business depression exists. Beau-
ty of design, luxury of equipment and
efficiency of motive power are the three
outstanding features of this year's' ex-
If the slze of the crowd of motor
enthusiasts attending the opening is any
criterion. there will be a satisfactory
popular demand this year for the new
models displayed. The manufacturers
themselves, while ,they déclare that they
expect a succeHsfu' y",ar, admit that
production will be more than ever regul-
ated by retail sales and that the weaker
firms will have a hard time to survive
the keen compétition.
The annual production of 5,000,000 cars
is deemed necessary to maintain the
prosperity of the American automobile
mdustry. This includes about a million
cars for export.
The designer's models displayed yes-
terday endeavored more than ever to
present low rakish line°. botter propor-
tioned contours, a longer «ppearance and
roomier and more comfortable interiors,
Color schemes are generally subdued.
Eight cylinder types are gradually
displacing the sixes and for the first time
only one 16-cylinder car is exhibited.
Only two cars shows are of foreign
make, one of which is the famous French
car Voisin.
Front wheel drive, four speed tran.
smissions and enlarged cylinder bore are
some of the more important technical
changes, while prices are somewhat lower
than in the past.
Prize Offered For Best
Hymn Concerning Peace
(Special Cable To The Tribune)
NEW YORK, Jan. 6.—A prize of
M26 is awaiting the writer of the
best hymn on peace.
The contest is being promoted by
the Hymn Society of America, an
organization of leading composers and
hymn writers. Hymns must be
submitted by May 1, and should be
addressed to Miss Caroline B. Parker,
The Hymr1 Society, 353 Fourth
Avenue, New York City. Every
hymn must bea.r a pseudonym, and
the writer's name and address sent
in a closed envelape. The conte'st
is open to the world, but the hymns
must be in English.
Bill Would Boost
Army Expenditure
4 Million Dollars
Flying Field Program
Is Chief Cause Of
(Special Cable To The Tribune).
• WASHINGTON, Jan. 6.—An increase
of $4,420,000 in the War Department's
appropriation for the fiscal' year 1931 is
l'ecommended in the Army Supply Bill,
reported to the House of n"p'resenta-
tives today^-jV^PÈ^ ,to-,tal a^Jbpriation
recomrftended is Jll^SÏÎO^O." v * ....
The bill- &t$isagos an Army person-
nel of approxiritàtely 118,750 men, ex-
clusive of .warrant officers and Philip-
pine $cout5l, ' ' ■
The increase is 'chiefly due to the
five-year housing program of the Air
Corps and the construction of flying
fields. The exhaustion of surplus war
supplies, upon which the Army has
been drawing for several years, aiso
nécessitâtes actditional expenditure:».
The Bill recommends for the main-
tenance of the Army an appropriation
of $337,058,0.00 which compares with
$331,038,000 which was allô wed during
the previous year. For non-military ac-
tivities, inciuding' such items as river
and harbor improvements, maintenance
of the Panama Canal and similar pro-
See 'Thankless Task'
Ahead; Some May
(Special Cable To The Tribune.)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 6.-Several mem-
bers of President Hoover's Law Enforce-
ment Commission are here holding con-
ferences among themselves preparatory to
tomorrow's general meeting which may
be one of the most important in the
course of the commission's activities.
Rumors of résignations of some of the
members being imminent because of dif-
ferences concerning the nature of the
report to be made, .stories that a minor-
ity report might be made, and vague
mutterings about impatience within the
commission with' the pressure being
exerted upon it from various sources,
served to raise tension to a high pitch
upon the eve of its meeting.
It is said that the feeling has arisen
among the commissioners that theirs is
a thankless job which will bring much
censure and unpopularity regardless of
success or failure.
Wets And Drys In Senate
Clash As Congress Opens
Brookhart Leads Attack On Speculation;
Wool Section Of Tariff Bill Also
Discussed; House Gets Army Bill
(Special Cable To The Tribune).
WASHINGTON, Jan. 6.—Congress reconvened, from its Christmas
recess today and immediately got down to business. Despite the fact
that the tariff held the right of way in the Senate, Prohibition thrust
itself into the meeting for immediate attention along with other issues
which included Agriculture and the Stock Exchange. The House
adjourned after the War Department had presented the annual
supply bill.
A way to fight out the troublesome question of Prohibition before
the session closes was provided by wet and dry petitions from various
sources and by speeches made during the recess by various authorities.
Both provided powder for the fireworks to corne when the session gets
under way.
The most important move from the wet side was a petition drawn
up at a Boston mass meeting protesting the "free" use of firearms by
the Coast Guard in chasing rum runners. The petition was drawn up
during a fiery meeting at Faneuil Hall a short time after the slayin4
t\'.'o. weeks ago of. three men aboard the rum runner Black Duck off
Newport, R. I.
The dry viewpoint was offered im.
mediately afterward when Senator
Smith W. Brookhart, Insurgent Repub.
lican of Iowa and a prominent pro-
hibitionist, proposed to print a speech
delivered over the radio recently by
Senator Wesley L. Jones, of Wash-
ington, author of the famous "5 and 10
The House session dasted but 15
minutes. As soon as the Army supply
bill had been reported, the body ad-
journed out of respect to Représentative
Elmer O. Leatherwood. Republican of
Army Funds Boosted.
The supply bill, as reported for the
fiscal year ending June 30, 1931, called
for the expenditure of $435.231,000, an
increase of $442,000 over the current
fiscal year. This was $2,767,000 less
than the budget estimate, however.
The Senate returned to the Tariff Bill
after the Prohibition question had ap-
peared, and dipped into the midst of a
discussion on wool as soon as routine
business had beei>» disposed of.
t- Stenatçf ,nrDo.\}IJEi:[t injected the Stock
Exchange 'era*h ilito the meeting by a.
blanket attaCft .. aIl trading, either
stock or commodities, unle,ss the trade is
made on a basis of outright ownership.
Senator Brookhart would make it a.
felony for anyone to sell for future deli-T
very any stock or agricultural commode
ity in which he does not hâve légal title.'*
The bill was referred to committee for.
future action..
Senator John J. Blaine, Republican of'
Wisconsin, introduced a resolution pro-^
posing that the Senate pledge support to'
President Hoover "whenever he maj^t
Dry Force Mandates
More Denaturant In
Alcohol For Varnish
(Special Cable To The Tribune.)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 6.-Instructions
that al'cohol used in making varnislies and
Lacquers must be further denatured were
iss'ued today by Prohibition Commissioner1
James A. Doran. It had be-en reported
to the commiissiônar that ethyl alcohol
u.sed in the manufacture of paints was
being cOI1Jvented by bootleggers and used
for beverage punposes.
The new orders provide that there
must be added to ethyl alcohol sufficioent
a,enaturants to make impossible conver-
sion for beverages purposes. A chemicail
formula for d-enaturing wasi provided
by the deipartment.
Stimson Will Precede
U.S. Navy Delegation
(Special Cable To The Tribune.)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 6.—It was an-
nounced today that Secretary of State
Stimson will leave Washington in ad-
vance of the remainder of the naval
delegation, which is due ,to depart for
New York at 9 o'clock Thursday morning
by special train.
Secretary Stimson will probably depart
Tuesday evening after being the guest
at the White House breakfast with other
delegates and advisers.
Gorgeous Ceremony Marks Enthroning
Of Cardinal Verdier In Notre Dame
With ail the pomp and ceremony of
a 15,th century pageant, the flickering
light from hundreds of tapering candies
creating an eerie effect in the gloomy
cathedral of Notre Dame, Cardinal Ver-
dier was yesterday enthroned as Arch-
bishop of Paris before more than 10,000
The cathedral was crammed to its ut-
mo&t capacity. The nave was brilliant
with oolor. To the right of the altar
were placed the members of the Paris
clergy who had turned out in force, an
clad in flowing vestments; to the left
the black and snow-white caps of the
different orders of nuns alternated.
Color was added to this solemn event
by the robes of the many religious
orders présent. The Paris Municipal
Council was represented by the Count
d'Andigne, it& président; the professors
of the Catholic Faculty of Paris were
ail there, and the tall, straight figure
of GeneraL Gouraud, Military Governor
of Paris, was to be seen right in the
A bell rang softly. Thé - throbbing
Colder, with morning fog, then cloudy
and rainy, southwesterly wind, is to-
day's forecast for Paris and vicinity..
Yesterday the highest temperature
was 43 degrees F. (6 C.) ; and the low-
est was 39 degrees F. (4 C.)
English Channel: rainy, sea becom.
ing rough; further outlook unseitled.
PublfSiiied DaiJy.-N°. 4,556.
OFFICES, 5 Rue Lamartine. Tel.: Trudaine 50-90^
1 RUE SCRIBE. Tel : Gutenberg 51-22.
Price in France 70 centimes.
8 Rue Lafayette — PARIS
> j Tel.: Provence 58-98.
}tt< Ave. et 52nd St. ' 1 27 N. State St.
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Issues N. C. B. Travelers Checka
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Good - throughout the World
With a. population of nearly 40,000,000
to Ilve in about 200,000 square miles,
- with a venerable civi!iza.tion which long
ago t'educed ail life to principles of
order, it would sec-m incredible that
France should possess any regions which
are wild, even in appoarance. Yet such
1 there are, and enough of them.
Such are some parts of the mountain
région of central France, generally
known as Auvergne. There are taies
of villages in the department of the
^ Ardèche where the inhabitants are open-
I ly hostile to ail foreigners, which in-
| cludes Parisians. Then, in some parts
* of the Jura and of the Vosges, there
| is a legend that wolves may stiil be
I heard howling about the lonely cabins
: in the depths of winter, but those who
speak with authority have assured me
that it is merely a legend.
These are mountain fastnesses, but
there is also a Loneliness of the marshes.
Such is the country of the delta of the
Rhone, the Camargue, where it if; said
that horses still run wild, but that 1
believe is again a story. The place is
dreary enough without anv adventitioiis
aids to the imagination. It is inhabited
by a miserable population picking up a
scanty living from the salt marshes,
and it posse,sses one glorious city on its
i western fringe, Aiguës-Mortes. ,
In the interior of western Brittany
' is another such de.serbed region, that
of the mountain range of the Arrée.
One great highway traverses it, from
I Sizun to Huelgoat, just beneath the
I bald crests of those mountains which
| were there when the Alps were mere
| geological children. Not even the go&ts
i' can find pasturage In that waste. Deep
1 in the eroded g'ullies lives a peoiple with
■fscant relation to the outside world. They
make sabots and occasionally descend (
;.| I to more populous towns to do their trade. (
iAnotfher such wild région of France
1 have recently seen. It is, for what rea-
son I do not know, called Le Double.
It lies full in the center of the ancrent
région of the Périgord, now the depart-
ment of the Dordogne. It is a country of
upland moors, and its center is the
village of Saint-André-de-Double. Scrub
I oak and pine cover those uplands. and
a few squatters there keep their p:gs.
.. But there is no cultivation, and life
; has been reduced to as simple a plane
as can be done within the geographical
limits of a great modem state.
Thrèe lonely lakes lie in those uiplands
where the wild boar corne for water,
and this, I am sure, is not a legend,
though but rarely is any sportsman
wjJIjng- to wait through-a whole frosty I
""""Ï1i;.f¡t.uü thofe' ivainry shores on the
chance of bagging such rare game. It is
1 start)ing' to see lying on one of thost,
lakes a motbrtioat, looking as purposeless
as if it had j'ust dropped from the skies.
It is the one stgn of the 20th century
for miles around. Some city man has
recently bought this la"ke and turned
it into a duck farm.
More expressive of the spirit of this
région is the church of Saint-André-de-
©O'Uble. tiny but solid, built of cyclop-
ean masonry. It looks as if it had been
made by hard men in hard days, to
withstand the assau't of many a rival
-robber band. For this country has its
story, too, a story which is mostly true.
It was known even in the days of the
To these desolate moors came ail the
slaves who had escaped from ail the
ergastula of sout-iwest Gaul, ail the
crooks, ail th-e soldiers who were tired
of clanking' about the Empire, ail the
weary of life. Here they had their own
society, and, in a way, their own civiliza-
tion, They could finish in short order
any unlucky traveler who came within
* their province, and, in default of that,
they could prey on each other, like a
real pirate «lony.
It took centuries and some strong
arm work by the law before the place
was pacified, for the successive convul-
sions which affected the outside . world,
such as the long English occupation
âuring the Hundred Years' War, left the
haracter of the place essentially un-
altered. Ail that is, of course, far away
and long ago. The few peasants who
ive here now, descendants though they
may be of! hardboiled ancestors, are
n,tle enough. Only nature has remain-
îd savage.
The royalist leader, M. Léon Daudet,
iost no time after his return from his
exile in Brussels, in telling the world
hat he is as intransigent as ever, there-
by confirming the easy prediction which
I made in this column a few days ago.
; He does not mention a pardon, nor
does he have any gratitude to the Gov-
ernment of the Republic, for it 1s his
contention that he could not be pardon-
never having- committed any offense.
)Se was, it will be remembered, sentenced
five months in prison on the charge
having- libeled a taxi driver, Bajot,
who, said he, had knowledge that his
son. Philippe Daudet, had been murdered
and had not comraltted suicide, as alleged
by the authorities.
With such firm faith in his own
convictions, a man of his inflexible
haracter could not be expected to re-
|>ract. So he announces that his decision
remains intact to pursue the punish-
|Fîent of the police officiais, assassins
my son.''
Nor. naturaily, could it be exipected
..that M. Daudet would show any weak-
" "ing of his politioal convictions. He is
1®^ an enerriy'of the republican form
ffovernment than ever. "My determi-
, . ation to destroy the regime which is
OIIir in New York Fr. 25.42
DOllar in Paris Fr. 25.425
DOllar in Berlin M. 4.190
DOllar in Rome L. 19.107
Pound in London $ 4.8730
> Pound in Pari* ......... Fr. 123.915
Seen As Move To Push
Young Plan To
(Tribune Press Service)
' THE HAGUE, Jan. 6.—It was an-
nouneed tonight, following a secret meet-
ing between delegates from Germany,
Great Britain, France, Italy, Belgium
and Jaipan, that Dr. Hjalmar Schacht
has been summoned from Berlin and is
due here tomorrow.
This reveals that the inviting Powers
are determined to proceed with the prin-
cipal task of settling the German repara-
tions and the Young Plan a'nd do not 'n-
tend to wait for an agreement between
the members of thé Little Entente with
Austria, Hungary and Bulgaria.
Dr. Schacht's presence is required
principally to elucidate - the question as
to the date on which the Young Plan
supersedes the Dawes Plan.
The Allies claim that payments should
begin on the 15th of the month and
they want their payments thereafter on
the middl
Interest Is Involved.
The Reich claims that payments should
begin on the first of the month and
demandis that it be credited with 15
days' interest if it rnoves up payments
to the middle of the month.
The amount involved approximates
4,000,000 marks pe'r annum over 37
years, making a capital value of about
60,0'0'0,000 marks.
Germany insists that this be cred/ited
as reparations paid to the Allies and
objects that the total of their final claims
included this sum, and that therefore
it is impossible t'o waive it.
Outside of what. was accomipliahed in
tonigh't's secret meeting, the morning.
and afternoon were cotmipa-rativëly wast-
ed. with thé Liittle Entente and Poland
trying to make Austria, Hungary, and
All Italian Hearts
Touched By Fetes
For Royal Wedding
Umberto And Fiancee
Give Reception To
Visiting Royalty
ROME), Jan. 6.—On Wedinesday a
charmiing blond princess and a handsome
Crown Prince will wed, and already a
whole nation is in merriment. Not in
many years will the world see such
hymenal festivities as are taking place
in this Italian city which is called
eternal, for ail Italy has abandoned it.s€lf
---,much as did the nations of o!d—to
the marriage of Princess Marie-José and
Prince Umberto.
Rome is complet'ely and gloriously en
fête and its citizens and their guests are
seeing the capital in the greatest
splendor it has known in modern times.
It is even difficult to imagine that the
Romle of old could ever have been
covered. with so dazzling a halo of color.
Today, the first day of the six days of
festivités; was memorable for the spirit
of g'aie'ty which doûminated everywnere.
Prince Umberto and Princess Marie-
(Special Cable To The Tribune.)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 6.—Chief Jus-
tice William Howard Taft has been
forced to interrupt his court work
abruptly because of weakened physical
The Chief Justice is in a highly nerv-
ous state caused by the récurrence of
his bladder trouble and by the recent
death of his brother. He will undergo
treatment for a week in a Washington
hospital, and then will go to Asheville,
N.C., for a rest of several weeke.
American Chamber Of Commerce Prepares
Report On Double Tax On American Business
The American Chamber of Commerce
in France is engaged in drawing up a
detailed report which will be submitted
to Ambassador Walter Evans Edge on
the question of double taxation of
American subsidiary business organiza-
tions in this country, it was learned yes-
This report constitutes a complété
survey of double taxation as at present
imposed upon American firms here, il-
lustrated by specific examples, and its
study will enable the Ambassador to
déterminé what measures can be sug-
gested to relieve existing conditions
against which American business men
have been protesting- for a long time.
If the Chamber's report shows evidence
of injustice done to American organiza-
Lions, steps will be taken to bring about
a satisfactory solution of this long-pend-
ing question, which has caused much
irritation in American business circles,
Within recent months more than 60
protests against double taxation have
been filed by American companies at
the French Ministry of Finance, a fact
which sufficiently indicates the import-
ance of finding some way out of the
existing difficultés with as little de.!ay
as possible.
As matters are now, American sub-
sidiary companies in France, which were
.liready paying a tax of 18 per cent on
their profits, are being subjected to a
second tax partially based on the earn-
in'gs of their parent companies in Amer-
ica. This second tax, which is the cause
of ail the trouble, is rooted in an old law
which was dug up several years ago
and had never been applied up to that
In theory the second tax was designed
to reach only those subsidiary companies
that showed no ea.rnmg's. the French
Shearer, 'Greatest Naval Authority',
Warns America Against Great Britain
Propagandist Tells 150
At Speech That He's
Tired Of It All
(Special Cable To The Tribune).
.NEW YORK, Jan. 6.—After a warning
to the United States not to give in to
the BÊtish, William B. Shearer, speak-
ing in Carnegie Hall here yesterday,
indicated his intention of abandoning his
naval propaganda activities.
Concluding a dramatic peroration in
which he shouted challenges and de-
fiances to his enemies. he declared ber
fore Admirai Fiske. who had introduC2d
him, "God knows I'm tired of it ail.
I've had nothing but navy this, navy
that, for the last ten years. Tes, l'm'
tired of it.
"What has my reward been? The only
reward I had from my Government—
the Government 1 served-was Importa-
tion of mud, dirt, filthy scum, with
which they plastered me to appease
Great Britain, who has dominated our
State Departrnent for the last 25 years.
Yes, thank God, l'm tired of' it."
Shearer roared attacks at Senator Wil-
liam E. Borah, Chartes Evans Hugh.:;s,
Josephus Daniels and a dozen others.
and expressed pessimism as to the Lon-
don Conférence. '
Intrigue Causes War.
"I don't think the empire that held
the high seas for 300 years is going to
give it up just because von a.
Jail Conversation
Seen As New Clue
In Taylor Mystery
Prisoners' Talk Linked
With Story About
(Special Cable To The Tribune)
CHICAGO, Jan. 6.-The eight-year-old
mystery surrounding the murder of Wil-
liam Desmond Taylor, movie director, in
his Hollywood residence, may be nearer
solution today dUe to the account of a
conversation between two prisoners in
the Los Angeles jail which was overheard
and reported today to California author-
Coroner Herman N. Bundesen of Chi-
cago stated today that a ChicagQ busi-
ness man recently told him that one of
the lattcr's employees had said, "A China-
man told me that he had been planted in
the Taylor home to kill him because
Taylor had some difficulties with the
narcotic interests." According to the
Chinese' story, the price he received for
the job was . $1,000.
The Chinese, it appears, was a ceH-
mate of the Chicago business man's
employee at the time the conversation
occurred in the Los Angeles ja,il.
This is the third important develop-
ment in the Taylor case within the past
few days to indicate that forces are still
at work which may yet bring the guilty
person into, court. '
The first wâs the statement made by
former Governor Friend A. Richardson
of California that a well known movie
actress had killed Taylor. This was a.c-
companied by a declaration that the name
of the actress and other testimony had
Chicago Firemen Also
Dropped; Gunmen Etc.
Howl With Glee
(International News Service).
CHICAGO, Jan. 6.—Numerous crim-
inals and incendiaries in Chicago are
looking forward to a merry time this
year following the dismissal of 473
policemen and 250 firemen as an
economy measure owing to the empti-
ness of the city treasury.
The dismissals follow a recent an-
nouncement that the city is bankrupt,
with little likelihood of the empty
coffers being replenished _for some
time. Treasury officiais are making
every effort to eut out the deadwood
in order to reduce expenses.
Even the chauffeur supplied ' to
Mayor William Hale 'rhompson at the
city's expense has been dismissed, while
police guards assigned to protect of-
ficiais investigating crime have been
dropped from the civic payroll. The
décision to eut down police and fire
patrols has not been permitted to pass
without protest from a majority of the
citizens. Nutnerous petitions are be-
ing drawn up demanding that the city's
finances be re-organized and placed on
a footing commensurate with Chicago's
importance as one of the largest and
wealthiest American cities.
Nicky Arnstein Weds
Rich Chicago Woman
(Special Cable To The Tribune).
CHICAGO, Jan. 6,"'-Jules "Nicky"
Arstein, the "my man" of Fannie
Brice's unusually enduring passion,
married the former Mrs. Isabelle Mc-
Culloch, a wealthy woman of this
city, today.
Fannie was "Nicky's" wife at the
time he was sent to Leavenworth
prison for his connection with a $5,-
000,000 bond theft. She remained
faithful to him throughout his stay *
behind the bars, even visiting him in
his cell at times. Then, to the as-
tonishment of the public, she
divorced on ehe grounds that Mrs.
McCulloch had lured him from the
straight and narrow paths of con-
jugal fidelity.
Vitale Conferred
With Diamond, Is
Report To Whalen
Police Probe Stories Of
Meeting With
(Special Cable To The Tribune)
NEW YORK, Jan. 6.—Police Com-
missioner Whalen tôday is investigat-
ing reports that Magistrats Albert H.
Vit;1le. whose récent dinner in a Bronx
café cost his guests some $3,300, met
and conferred with Jack "Legs" Dia-
mond, notorious gang leader now a
fugitive from justice charged with com-
plicity in the ' double murdèr at the
was a prominent figure in the dinner
scandai, was present at the conférence.
The dinner, which was tendered by
the magistrate to various judges, law-
yers, politicians, prominent civic fig-
ures, and—according to Mr. Whalen—
criminals, ended in a surprise, but not
a pleasant one. Seven armed men en-
tered the restaurant and relieved the
gue&ts of cash and jewelry. Several
détectives attending the banquet con-
tributed their share of the loot, which
included their revolvers.
Magistrate Vitale, upon the entrance
of the gangsters, advised his guests to
give up their valuables without resist-
ance, but himself had sufficient pres-
ence of mind to conceal a four-and-a-
half-carat diamond ring.
It was later charged that the hold-up
had been staged under the direction of
Terranova, who had hoped to find two
Cbicago gunmen who pre&umably were
in possession of a written contract call-
ing for the murders of Frankie Yale
and Frank Marlow, recently slain. It
was hinted even that the dinner had
been held for that purpose atone.
Glider Make s Four Loops
From 1,200 Feet Under
Control Of Chicago Man
(Special Cable To The Tribune)
CHICAGO, Jan. 6.—Nothing new under
the sun?' Get put! A man looped the
loop in a glider today. At least a claim
was made by Edward B. Heath, Chicago
aviator, that his feat of looping the
loop in a glider today is the first stunt
of its kind on record. So you see there
is always something new turning t1Jp and
Heat got himself towed by an air-
plane up to a dizzy altitude. When he
reached a height of 1,200 feet the glider
was released. It came sailing to the
ground, but during the descent Heath
made four loops—four perfect loop-the-
loops—in his motorless airplane.
If you register
your name will be
cabled to the
Pilfering Rum Boat's
Cargo And Drinking
Are Alleged
(Special Cable To The Tribune.)
NEW LONDON, Conn., Jan. 6.—With
39 défendants listed, a. general court
martial of Coast Guardsmen accused of
taking liquor from the rum runner
Flora del Mar is in full swing. Twenty-
four are charged with drunkenness and
15 with pilfering the cargo and having
liquor in their possession.
Thus a first class prohibition scandai
has enveloped a branch of the en-
forcement service which during the last
month has annexed four killings to its
credit and has brought down upon
itself a storm of public indignation for
alleged drunken orgies, intimidation of
citizens and high-handed gunnery.
This scandai, to add variety to its
sensational qualities, has members of
the service as its victims rather than
private persons forced without warning
to meet the deadly muzzles of their
machine guns. Complete license has
turned the latest prohibition shame in-
to an indictment of the service from
within. Defending itself for killing
liquor runners and others without
warning, the Coast Guard now is
forced to clean its own house before a
public which is so filled with indigna-
tion that members of the service have
been assaulted in the streets by outrag-
ed citizens. 1
Seizures Recalled.
The Flora , del Mar was taken by
Coast Gu&rdsmen off Montauk Point,
Long Island, Dec. 29. The crew, fleeing
before thè cutter, saw ail hope of
escape eut off and beached the boat,
escaping ashore after setting the boat
afire. The craft was loaded to the
gunwales with a cargo of holiday
liquor» of ail brands, which Govern-
ment officiais valued at $150,000.
The capture came a few hours after
anothe.r rum runner, the Black DucK,
had been captured off Newport, R. I.,
by Coast Guàrd Cutter 290 whose skilled
30th Motor Show
Opens In New York;
Exhibit 300 Types
No Sign Of Depression
Seen As Crowds
(Special Cable To The Tribune.)
NEW YORK, Jan. 6.—A glittering
array of 300 types of motor cars rep-
resenting 46 différent makes does its
be&t at the thirtieth annual Motor Show
in this city to dispel the fear that Amer-
icans are short of money or that any
kind of /business depression exists. Beau-
ty of design, luxury of equipment and
efficiency of motive power are the three
outstanding features of this year's' ex-
If the slze of the crowd of motor
enthusiasts attending the opening is any
criterion. there will be a satisfactory
popular demand this year for the new
models displayed. The manufacturers
themselves, while ,they déclare that they
expect a succeHsfu' y",ar, admit that
production will be more than ever regul-
ated by retail sales and that the weaker
firms will have a hard time to survive
the keen compétition.
The annual production of 5,000,000 cars
is deemed necessary to maintain the
prosperity of the American automobile
mdustry. This includes about a million
cars for export.
The designer's models displayed yes-
terday endeavored more than ever to
present low rakish line°. botter propor-
tioned contours, a longer «ppearance and
roomier and more comfortable interiors,
Color schemes are generally subdued.
Eight cylinder types are gradually
displacing the sixes and for the first time
only one 16-cylinder car is exhibited.
Only two cars shows are of foreign
make, one of which is the famous French
car Voisin.
Front wheel drive, four speed tran.
smissions and enlarged cylinder bore are
some of the more important technical
changes, while prices are somewhat lower
than in the past.
Prize Offered For Best
Hymn Concerning Peace
(Special Cable To The Tribune)
NEW YORK, Jan. 6.—A prize of
M26 is awaiting the writer of the
best hymn on peace.
The contest is being promoted by
the Hymn Society of America, an
organization of leading composers and
hymn writers. Hymns must be
submitted by May 1, and should be
addressed to Miss Caroline B. Parker,
The Hymr1 Society, 353 Fourth
Avenue, New York City. Every
hymn must bea.r a pseudonym, and
the writer's name and address sent
in a closed envelape. The conte'st
is open to the world, but the hymns
must be in English.
Bill Would Boost
Army Expenditure
4 Million Dollars
Flying Field Program
Is Chief Cause Of
(Special Cable To The Tribune).
• WASHINGTON, Jan. 6.—An increase
of $4,420,000 in the War Department's
appropriation for the fiscal' year 1931 is
l'ecommended in the Army Supply Bill,
reported to the House of n"p'resenta-
tives today^-jV^PÈ^ ,to-,tal a^Jbpriation
recomrftended is Jll^SÏÎO^O." v * ....
The bill- &t$isagos an Army person-
nel of approxiritàtely 118,750 men, ex-
clusive of .warrant officers and Philip-
pine $cout5l, ' ' ■
The increase is 'chiefly due to the
five-year housing program of the Air
Corps and the construction of flying
fields. The exhaustion of surplus war
supplies, upon which the Army has
been drawing for several years, aiso
nécessitâtes actditional expenditure:».
The Bill recommends for the main-
tenance of the Army an appropriation
of $337,058,0.00 which compares with
$331,038,000 which was allô wed during
the previous year. For non-military ac-
tivities, inciuding' such items as river
and harbor improvements, maintenance
of the Panama Canal and similar pro-
See 'Thankless Task'
Ahead; Some May
(Special Cable To The Tribune.)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 6.-Several mem-
bers of President Hoover's Law Enforce-
ment Commission are here holding con-
ferences among themselves preparatory to
tomorrow's general meeting which may
be one of the most important in the
course of the commission's activities.
Rumors of résignations of some of the
members being imminent because of dif-
ferences concerning the nature of the
report to be made, .stories that a minor-
ity report might be made, and vague
mutterings about impatience within the
commission with' the pressure being
exerted upon it from various sources,
served to raise tension to a high pitch
upon the eve of its meeting.
It is said that the feeling has arisen
among the commissioners that theirs is
a thankless job which will bring much
censure and unpopularity regardless of
success or failure.
Wets And Drys In Senate
Clash As Congress Opens
Brookhart Leads Attack On Speculation;
Wool Section Of Tariff Bill Also
Discussed; House Gets Army Bill
(Special Cable To The Tribune).
WASHINGTON, Jan. 6.—Congress reconvened, from its Christmas
recess today and immediately got down to business. Despite the fact
that the tariff held the right of way in the Senate, Prohibition thrust
itself into the meeting for immediate attention along with other issues
which included Agriculture and the Stock Exchange. The House
adjourned after the War Department had presented the annual
supply bill.
A way to fight out the troublesome question of Prohibition before
the session closes was provided by wet and dry petitions from various
sources and by speeches made during the recess by various authorities.
Both provided powder for the fireworks to corne when the session gets
under way.
The most important move from the wet side was a petition drawn
up at a Boston mass meeting protesting the "free" use of firearms by
the Coast Guard in chasing rum runners. The petition was drawn up
during a fiery meeting at Faneuil Hall a short time after the slayin4
t\'.'o. weeks ago of. three men aboard the rum runner Black Duck off
Newport, R. I.
The dry viewpoint was offered im.
mediately afterward when Senator
Smith W. Brookhart, Insurgent Repub.
lican of Iowa and a prominent pro-
hibitionist, proposed to print a speech
delivered over the radio recently by
Senator Wesley L. Jones, of Wash-
ington, author of the famous "5 and 10
The House session dasted but 15
minutes. As soon as the Army supply
bill had been reported, the body ad-
journed out of respect to Représentative
Elmer O. Leatherwood. Republican of
Army Funds Boosted.
The supply bill, as reported for the
fiscal year ending June 30, 1931, called
for the expenditure of $435.231,000, an
increase of $442,000 over the current
fiscal year. This was $2,767,000 less
than the budget estimate, however.
The Senate returned to the Tariff Bill
after the Prohibition question had ap-
peared, and dipped into the midst of a
discussion on wool as soon as routine
business had beei>» disposed of.
t- Stenatçf ,nrDo.\}IJEi:[t injected the Stock
Exchange 'era*h ilito the meeting by a.
blanket attaCft .. aIl trading, either
stock or commodities, unle,ss the trade is
made on a basis of outright ownership.
Senator Brookhart would make it a.
felony for anyone to sell for future deli-T
very any stock or agricultural commode
ity in which he does not hâve légal title.'*
The bill was referred to committee for.
future action..
Senator John J. Blaine, Republican of'
Wisconsin, introduced a resolution pro-^
posing that the Senate pledge support to'
President Hoover "whenever he maj^t
Dry Force Mandates
More Denaturant In
Alcohol For Varnish
(Special Cable To The Tribune.)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 6.-Instructions
that al'cohol used in making varnislies and
Lacquers must be further denatured were
iss'ued today by Prohibition Commissioner1
James A. Doran. It had be-en reported
to the commiissiônar that ethyl alcohol
u.sed in the manufacture of paints was
being cOI1Jvented by bootleggers and used
for beverage punposes.
The new orders provide that there
must be added to ethyl alcohol sufficioent
a,enaturants to make impossible conver-
sion for beverages purposes. A chemicail
formula for d-enaturing wasi provided
by the deipartment.
Stimson Will Precede
U.S. Navy Delegation
(Special Cable To The Tribune.)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 6.—It was an-
nounced today that Secretary of State
Stimson will leave Washington in ad-
vance of the remainder of the naval
delegation, which is due ,to depart for
New York at 9 o'clock Thursday morning
by special train.
Secretary Stimson will probably depart
Tuesday evening after being the guest
at the White House breakfast with other
delegates and advisers.
Gorgeous Ceremony Marks Enthroning
Of Cardinal Verdier In Notre Dame
With ail the pomp and ceremony of
a 15,th century pageant, the flickering
light from hundreds of tapering candies
creating an eerie effect in the gloomy
cathedral of Notre Dame, Cardinal Ver-
dier was yesterday enthroned as Arch-
bishop of Paris before more than 10,000
The cathedral was crammed to its ut-
mo&t capacity. The nave was brilliant
with oolor. To the right of the altar
were placed the members of the Paris
clergy who had turned out in force, an
clad in flowing vestments; to the left
the black and snow-white caps of the
different orders of nuns alternated.
Color was added to this solemn event
by the robes of the many religious
orders présent. The Paris Municipal
Council was represented by the Count
d'Andigne, it& président; the professors
of the Catholic Faculty of Paris were
ail there, and the tall, straight figure
of GeneraL Gouraud, Military Governor
of Paris, was to be seen right in the
A bell rang softly. Thé - throbbing
Colder, with morning fog, then cloudy
and rainy, southwesterly wind, is to-
day's forecast for Paris and vicinity..
Yesterday the highest temperature
was 43 degrees F. (6 C.) ; and the low-
est was 39 degrees F. (4 C.)
English Channel: rainy, sea becom.
ing rough; further outlook unseitled.
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