Titre : The Royal collection of coins and medals. Danish national museum : Lycaonia - Cilicia / Danish national museum ; Niels Breitenstein ; Otto Mørkholm
Éditeur : Einar Munksgaard (Copenhagen)
Date d'édition : 1956
Contributeur : Breitenstein, Niels (1904-1969). Rédacteur
Contributeur : Mørkholm, Otto (1930-1983). Arrangeur
Contributeur : Nationalmuseet (Copenhague). Éditeur scientifique
Sujet : Monnaies grecques -- Lycaonie (Turquie)
Sujet : Monnaies grecques -- Cilicie (Turquie)
Sujet : Monnaies grecques
Sujet : Nationalmuseet (Copenhague)
Notice du catalogue : http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb41306306g
Type : monographie imprimée monographie imprimée
Langue : anglais
Format : 1 vol. : ill. ; 39 cm 1 vol. : ill. ; 39 cm
Format : Nombre total de vues : 84 Nombre total de vues : 84
Description : Collection : Sylloge nummorum graecorum (Denmark)... Collection : Sylloge nummorum graecorum (Denmark) ; 33
Description : Avec mode texte Avec mode texte
Description : Catalogues Catalogues
Droits : Consultable en ligne
Identifiant : ark:/12148/bd6t5370904k
Source : Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Monnaies, médailles et antiques, FOL-MON-365
Conservation numérique : Bibliothèque nationale de France
Date de mise en ligne : 21/02/2022
Obv. Young male head to 1., without beard, wearing
wreath (Triptolemos?). Rev. Eagle standing 1. on back
of lion to 1.; within dotted square. Obol.
315. R | 0.65. Provenance unknown. Cf. Babeion,
Traite II, II, 707, Pl. CXIII, 4.
Obv. Baaltars, naked to the waist, seated 1. on chair,
holding in r. hand corn-ear and bunch of grapes, in 1.
hand sceptre. Rev. Eagle standing 1. on plough-share;
within dotted square. Obol.
316. R -> 0.79. Lambros 1887. Cf. Babeion, Traite
II, II, 704-705, Pl. CXIII, 1-2.
Obv. Similar to preceding. Rev. Forepart of wolf r.;
above, crescent; all within dotted square. Obols.
317. R K 0.74. Rollin & Feuardent 1889. Cf. Babe-
Ion, Traite II, II, 687, Pl. CXII, 5.
318. R 1 0.69. Provenance unknown. Obv. same die
as Babeion, Traite II, II, 687, Pl. CXII, 4.
Obv. Bearded head of Baaltars r. Rev. Forepart of
wolf r.; above, star. Hemiobol.
319. R 1 0.41. Stilianopoulos 1906. Cf. Babeion,
Traite II, II, 691, Pl. CXII, 9.
Obv. Baaltars seated 1. on chair, holding-in r. hand
sceptre. Rev. Head of City L, turreted; behind, A. Obol.
320. R - 0.68. Osman Noury Bey 1905. Pierced.
Obv. Similar to preceding. Rev. Male head 1., without
beard, wearing petasos. Hemiobol.
321. R | 0.50. van Lennep 1902. Cf. Weber 7650,
P1. 276.
C. 327 B.C.
Obv. Baaltars seated 1. on chair, holding in r. hand
sceptre surmounted by eagle, 1. hand resting on hip; in
front, corn-ear and bunch of grapes; behind, IHPLVJ
(Baaltarz). Rev. Lion attacking bull above double row of
turreted walls; above, club and B. Stater.
322. R y 10.63. Osman Noury Bey 1905. Chisel cut.
Cf. AJN 62, 1918, p. 84 ff.
c. 327-319 B.C.
Obv. Baaltars seated 1. on chair, naked to the waist,
holding in r. hand sceptre; in front, corn-ear and bunch
of grapes; behind, B and ivy leaf; below chair, T.
Rev. Head of Athena in triple-crested Athenian helmet,
slightly facing 1. Stater.
323. R s 10.49. Behr 682. Chisel cut. Cf. Babeion,
Traite II, II, 728, Pl. CXIV, 1 and AJN
62, 1918, p. in, r.
Same types, but Obv. behind only ivy leaf. Stater.
324. R / 10.73. Krautwald 1907. Chisel cut. Cf.
AJN 62, 1918, p. 111, u.
Obv. Club in wreath of oak-leaves. Rev. Cornucopiae;
infield l., monogram (i); onr., 0E; around, AvT1oXscov
Tov Epos Teo KuSvco.
325. A) | 7.22. Osman Noury Bey 1904. Cf. Hunter
II, p. 547,13, Pl. LX, 10. For the date see
Tarsus I, p. 48.
C. 160-135 B.C.
Obv. Head of City r., turreted. Rev. Zeus seated 1. on
throne, holding in r. hand sceptre surmounted by eagle;
in front, Taposcv.
326. A) 1 6.36. Argyropoulos 1879. Obv. on 1., mono
gram (2). Rev. behind, monograms (3 and 1).
327. tE 1 6.14. Argyropoulos 1879. Obv. behind, A.
Rev., on r. monograms (4 and 5).
C. I3O-95 B.C.
Obv. Head of City r., turreted and veiled. Rev. Sandon
standing r. on horned animal, carrying bow and sword,
in r. hand ears of corn (?), in 1. bipennis; on r., Taposcv.
328. dE 1 4.46. Lambros 1901. Rev. on 1., EP.
Same types, but Rev. Sandon holding in 1. hand
wreath and bipennis, r. hand extended.
329. JE 1 5.32. Stilianopoulos 1904. Rev. on 1., mono
gram (6). For the Rev. type cf. BMC
(Lycaonia etc.) p. 178,95, Pl. XXXII, 14.
Same types, but Rev. Sandon extending r. hand and
holding in 1. uncertain object.
330. tE 1 5.52. Hoffmann 1859. Rev. on 1., mono
gram (7). Cf. Grose 9112, Pl. 329,5 and
Tarsus I, p. 71, 162, Pl. 88, G.
331. JE 1 6.79. Ramus 5. Rev. indistinct monograms.
332. tE 1 3.54. Ramus 7. Rev. on 1., monograms (8, 9).
Obv. Head of City r., veiled and turreted. Rev. Pyre
of Sandon; on r., Taposcv.
333. AL 1 7.73. Stilianopoulos 1888. Rev. on r., mono
grams (10, 11). Cf. Tarsus I, p. 56, Pl. 89, K.
334. JE 1 6.65. Ramus 9. Rev. on I., KH.
335. AL 1 8.40. Stilianopoulos 1902. Rev. on 1., mono
grams (12 and 13). Cf. BMC (Lycaonia
etc.) p. 181, 112, Pl. XXXIII, 3 and
Tarsus I, p. 56, Pl. 89, J.
336. A) 1 6.80. Heldreich 1875. Rev. on 1., ES and
monogram (14).
c. 95-80 B.C. OR LATER
Obv. Head of City r., veiled and turreted. Rev. Pyre
of Sandon; on r., Taposcv.
337. A) 1 7.07. van Lennep 1899. Rev. on 1., AM and
monogram (15).
338. A. 1 6.86. van Lennep 1909. Obv. countermark:
radiate head r. Rev. monograms (1, 16)
and EP. Cf. Tarsus I, p. 58, Pl. 89, P.
339. AL 1 8.03. Lytved 1882. Rev. on 1., monograms
(17, 13, 18).
340. AL 1 6.77. Ramus 10. Rev. on 1., A and mono
grams (19, 20). Cf. Tarsus I, p. 58, Pl. 89, T.
c. 60-31 B.C.
Obv. Head of City r., veiled and turreted. Rev. Pyre
of Sandon; on r., Taposcv.
341. AL 1 12.88. van Lennep 1890. Rev. on 1., mono
grams (21, 22, 23). Cf. Weber 7654, Pl. 276
and Tarsus I, p. 59.
Obv. Club with fillets within wreath of oak leaves.
Rev. Zeus seated 1. on throne, holding in extended r.
hand Nike with wreath, in 1. hand sceptre; on 1., Tap-
oscv; in field r., A T.
342. AL f 3.19. van Lennep 1904.
Obv. City-goddess seated r., turreted, holding in r.
hand ear of corn; at her feet, river-god Kydnos swimming
r. Rev. Zeus, naked to the waist, seated 1. on chair, holding
on extended r. hand Nike with wreath, in 1. sceptre;
behind, Taposcv; in front, O X.
343. AL 1 16.79. Argyropoulos 1879. Obv. same die
as Weber 7655, Pl. 277. For the Rev. cf.
Revue suisse XIV, 1908, p. 109,2.
Obv. Head of City r., veiled and turreted. Rev. Sandon
standing r. on horned animal; Tapcecv (M)nTPOTroA. ..
344. AL 1 3.61. Ramus 8.
Obv. Zeus seated 1. on throne, holding in extended r.
hand Nike with wreath, 1. hand resting on sceptre; on r.,
Taposcv. Rev. Club with fillets within wreath of oak
leaves; in field, MnTpo (TP as monogram).
345. A, 7 5-61. Argyropoulos 1879. Cf. BMC (Lyca
onia etc.) p. 184,135-136.
346. A) 1 3.24. Ramus 11. Cf. BMC p. 184,134.
Obv. Zeus, naked to the waist, seated 1. on throne,
holding on extended r. hand Nike with wreath, in 1.
sceptre; behind, ASpiavcv Tapcecov. Rev. City-goddess
seated r., turreted, holding in r. hand ears of corn and
poppy; at her feet, river-god swimming r.; behind,
MnTpOTrOAsOOS; all within laurel wreath.
347. AL / 12.67. Heldreich 1873. Cf. Mionnet III,
p. 623, 414.
Same types, but Rev. on 1., Tuxn MnTpoTtoRecs;
dotted circle instead of laurel wreath.
348. A) 1 6.24. Ramus 3. For the Rev. cf. Mionnet
HI, p. 623, 416.
Obv. Zeus seated 1. on throne, naked to the waist,
on r. hand Nike with wreath, in 1. sceptre; behind,
Tapcecov; in field 1., ASpiavcv. Rev. City-goddess seated
L, turreted, holding ears of corn; at her feet, river-god
swimming l.; in field 1., TI EY; around,... MnTpoTtONecS.
349. A, 1 9.04. Heldreich 1873.
Obv. Head of Herakles r.; behind shoulder, club;
around, ASpiavns Tapcecov. Rev. Perseus naked, stand
ing 1., holding on extended r. hand statuette of Apollo
with wolves, in 1. hand harpe and chlamys; around,
MnTpoToe(cs); in field L, BonSou and uncertain
symbol (lion attacking bull?).
350. AL A 12.85. van Lennep 1899. Cf. BMC (Lyca
onia etc.) p. 185,140-141, Pl. XXXIII, 11.
Obv. Bust of City r., veiled and turreted; (Tapcou)
MnTpoToAe. Rev. Front of decastyle temple; in pediment,
eagle; on architrave and in field, (K)oivos KiAiKiag.
351. AL A 3.59. Ramus 12. Cf. BMC p. 185,138,
Pl. XXXIII, 10 and Tarsus I, p. 73, 213.
Obv. Zeus seated 1. on throne, holding on r. hand Nike
with wreath, in 1. sceptre; around, AUT Kai Ti Ai A8p
AvTcvivos Ce (Ev); in field, 17 17. Rev. City-goddess
seated r. on chair decorated with sphinx, holding ears
of corn and poppy; at her feet, river-god Kydnos swim
ming r.; behind, Tapcecov MnTPOTToNEOs; on r., ASpia.
352. A) • 9.85. Ramus 4. Cf. BMC (Lycaonia etc.)
p. 190,160; NNM 92, p. 42, 180, Pl. VIII.
353. AL 7 9-52. van Lennep 1890.
Obv. Young male head to 1., without beard, wearing
wreath (Triptolemos?). Rev. Eagle standing 1. on back
of lion to 1.; within dotted square. Obol.
315. R | 0.65. Provenance unknown. Cf. Babeion,
Traite II, II, 707, Pl. CXIII, 4.
Obv. Baaltars, naked to the waist, seated 1. on chair,
holding in r. hand corn-ear and bunch of grapes, in 1.
hand sceptre. Rev. Eagle standing 1. on plough-share;
within dotted square. Obol.
316. R -> 0.79. Lambros 1887. Cf. Babeion, Traite
II, II, 704-705, Pl. CXIII, 1-2.
Obv. Similar to preceding. Rev. Forepart of wolf r.;
above, crescent; all within dotted square. Obols.
317. R K 0.74. Rollin & Feuardent 1889. Cf. Babe-
Ion, Traite II, II, 687, Pl. CXII, 5.
318. R 1 0.69. Provenance unknown. Obv. same die
as Babeion, Traite II, II, 687, Pl. CXII, 4.
Obv. Bearded head of Baaltars r. Rev. Forepart of
wolf r.; above, star. Hemiobol.
319. R 1 0.41. Stilianopoulos 1906. Cf. Babeion,
Traite II, II, 691, Pl. CXII, 9.
Obv. Baaltars seated 1. on chair, holding-in r. hand
sceptre. Rev. Head of City L, turreted; behind, A. Obol.
320. R - 0.68. Osman Noury Bey 1905. Pierced.
Obv. Similar to preceding. Rev. Male head 1., without
beard, wearing petasos. Hemiobol.
321. R | 0.50. van Lennep 1902. Cf. Weber 7650,
P1. 276.
C. 327 B.C.
Obv. Baaltars seated 1. on chair, holding in r. hand
sceptre surmounted by eagle, 1. hand resting on hip; in
front, corn-ear and bunch of grapes; behind, IHPLVJ
(Baaltarz). Rev. Lion attacking bull above double row of
turreted walls; above, club and B. Stater.
322. R y 10.63. Osman Noury Bey 1905. Chisel cut.
Cf. AJN 62, 1918, p. 84 ff.
c. 327-319 B.C.
Obv. Baaltars seated 1. on chair, naked to the waist,
holding in r. hand sceptre; in front, corn-ear and bunch
of grapes; behind, B and ivy leaf; below chair, T.
Rev. Head of Athena in triple-crested Athenian helmet,
slightly facing 1. Stater.
323. R s 10.49. Behr 682. Chisel cut. Cf. Babeion,
Traite II, II, 728, Pl. CXIV, 1 and AJN
62, 1918, p. in, r.
Same types, but Obv. behind only ivy leaf. Stater.
324. R / 10.73. Krautwald 1907. Chisel cut. Cf.
AJN 62, 1918, p. 111, u.
Obv. Club in wreath of oak-leaves. Rev. Cornucopiae;
infield l., monogram (i); onr., 0E; around, AvT1oXscov
Tov Epos Teo KuSvco.
325. A) | 7.22. Osman Noury Bey 1904. Cf. Hunter
II, p. 547,13, Pl. LX, 10. For the date see
Tarsus I, p. 48.
C. 160-135 B.C.
Obv. Head of City r., turreted. Rev. Zeus seated 1. on
throne, holding in r. hand sceptre surmounted by eagle;
in front, Taposcv.
326. A) 1 6.36. Argyropoulos 1879. Obv. on 1., mono
gram (2). Rev. behind, monograms (3 and 1).
327. tE 1 6.14. Argyropoulos 1879. Obv. behind, A.
Rev., on r. monograms (4 and 5).
C. I3O-95 B.C.
Obv. Head of City r., turreted and veiled. Rev. Sandon
standing r. on horned animal, carrying bow and sword,
in r. hand ears of corn (?), in 1. bipennis; on r., Taposcv.
328. dE 1 4.46. Lambros 1901. Rev. on 1., EP.
Same types, but Rev. Sandon holding in 1. hand
wreath and bipennis, r. hand extended.
329. JE 1 5.32. Stilianopoulos 1904. Rev. on 1., mono
gram (6). For the Rev. type cf. BMC
(Lycaonia etc.) p. 178,95, Pl. XXXII, 14.
Same types, but Rev. Sandon extending r. hand and
holding in 1. uncertain object.
330. tE 1 5.52. Hoffmann 1859. Rev. on 1., mono
gram (7). Cf. Grose 9112, Pl. 329,5 and
Tarsus I, p. 71, 162, Pl. 88, G.
331. JE 1 6.79. Ramus 5. Rev. indistinct monograms.
332. tE 1 3.54. Ramus 7. Rev. on 1., monograms (8, 9).
Obv. Head of City r., veiled and turreted. Rev. Pyre
of Sandon; on r., Taposcv.
333. AL 1 7.73. Stilianopoulos 1888. Rev. on r., mono
grams (10, 11). Cf. Tarsus I, p. 56, Pl. 89, K.
334. JE 1 6.65. Ramus 9. Rev. on I., KH.
335. AL 1 8.40. Stilianopoulos 1902. Rev. on 1., mono
grams (12 and 13). Cf. BMC (Lycaonia
etc.) p. 181, 112, Pl. XXXIII, 3 and
Tarsus I, p. 56, Pl. 89, J.
336. A) 1 6.80. Heldreich 1875. Rev. on 1., ES and
monogram (14).
c. 95-80 B.C. OR LATER
Obv. Head of City r., veiled and turreted. Rev. Pyre
of Sandon; on r., Taposcv.
337. A) 1 7.07. van Lennep 1899. Rev. on 1., AM and
monogram (15).
338. A. 1 6.86. van Lennep 1909. Obv. countermark:
radiate head r. Rev. monograms (1, 16)
and EP. Cf. Tarsus I, p. 58, Pl. 89, P.
339. AL 1 8.03. Lytved 1882. Rev. on 1., monograms
(17, 13, 18).
340. AL 1 6.77. Ramus 10. Rev. on 1., A and mono
grams (19, 20). Cf. Tarsus I, p. 58, Pl. 89, T.
c. 60-31 B.C.
Obv. Head of City r., veiled and turreted. Rev. Pyre
of Sandon; on r., Taposcv.
341. AL 1 12.88. van Lennep 1890. Rev. on 1., mono
grams (21, 22, 23). Cf. Weber 7654, Pl. 276
and Tarsus I, p. 59.
Obv. Club with fillets within wreath of oak leaves.
Rev. Zeus seated 1. on throne, holding in extended r.
hand Nike with wreath, in 1. hand sceptre; on 1., Tap-
oscv; in field r., A T.
342. AL f 3.19. van Lennep 1904.
Obv. City-goddess seated r., turreted, holding in r.
hand ear of corn; at her feet, river-god Kydnos swimming
r. Rev. Zeus, naked to the waist, seated 1. on chair, holding
on extended r. hand Nike with wreath, in 1. sceptre;
behind, Taposcv; in front, O X.
343. AL 1 16.79. Argyropoulos 1879. Obv. same die
as Weber 7655, Pl. 277. For the Rev. cf.
Revue suisse XIV, 1908, p. 109,2.
Obv. Head of City r., veiled and turreted. Rev. Sandon
standing r. on horned animal; Tapcecv (M)nTPOTroA. ..
344. AL 1 3.61. Ramus 8.
Obv. Zeus seated 1. on throne, holding in extended r.
hand Nike with wreath, 1. hand resting on sceptre; on r.,
Taposcv. Rev. Club with fillets within wreath of oak
leaves; in field, MnTpo (TP as monogram).
345. A, 7 5-61. Argyropoulos 1879. Cf. BMC (Lyca
onia etc.) p. 184,135-136.
346. A) 1 3.24. Ramus 11. Cf. BMC p. 184,134.
Obv. Zeus, naked to the waist, seated 1. on throne,
holding on extended r. hand Nike with wreath, in 1.
sceptre; behind, ASpiavcv Tapcecov. Rev. City-goddess
seated r., turreted, holding in r. hand ears of corn and
poppy; at her feet, river-god swimming r.; behind,
MnTpOTrOAsOOS; all within laurel wreath.
347. AL / 12.67. Heldreich 1873. Cf. Mionnet III,
p. 623, 414.
Same types, but Rev. on 1., Tuxn MnTpoTtoRecs;
dotted circle instead of laurel wreath.
348. A) 1 6.24. Ramus 3. For the Rev. cf. Mionnet
HI, p. 623, 416.
Obv. Zeus seated 1. on throne, naked to the waist,
on r. hand Nike with wreath, in 1. sceptre; behind,
Tapcecov; in field 1., ASpiavcv. Rev. City-goddess seated
L, turreted, holding ears of corn; at her feet, river-god
swimming l.; in field 1., TI EY; around,... MnTpoTtONecS.
349. A, 1 9.04. Heldreich 1873.
Obv. Head of Herakles r.; behind shoulder, club;
around, ASpiavns Tapcecov. Rev. Perseus naked, stand
ing 1., holding on extended r. hand statuette of Apollo
with wolves, in 1. hand harpe and chlamys; around,
MnTpoToe(cs); in field L, BonSou and uncertain
symbol (lion attacking bull?).
350. AL A 12.85. van Lennep 1899. Cf. BMC (Lyca
onia etc.) p. 185,140-141, Pl. XXXIII, 11.
Obv. Bust of City r., veiled and turreted; (Tapcou)
MnTpoToAe. Rev. Front of decastyle temple; in pediment,
eagle; on architrave and in field, (K)oivos KiAiKiag.
351. AL A 3.59. Ramus 12. Cf. BMC p. 185,138,
Pl. XXXIII, 10 and Tarsus I, p. 73, 213.
Obv. Zeus seated 1. on throne, holding on r. hand Nike
with wreath, in 1. sceptre; around, AUT Kai Ti Ai A8p
AvTcvivos Ce (Ev); in field, 17 17. Rev. City-goddess
seated r. on chair decorated with sphinx, holding ears
of corn and poppy; at her feet, river-god Kydnos swim
ming r.; behind, Tapcecov MnTPOTToNEOs; on r., ASpia.
352. A) • 9.85. Ramus 4. Cf. BMC (Lycaonia etc.)
p. 190,160; NNM 92, p. 42, 180, Pl. VIII.
353. AL 7 9-52. van Lennep 1890.
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