Research assistance
Purchase a document reproduction
When ordering a document reproduction from the BnF, a distinction must be made between the purchase of the reproductions (reproduction work or technical costs) and the usage fee, which is charged separately for commercial use of the reproduced documents.
How to purchase a document reproduction from Gallica?
The Gallica basket icon associated with each document allows you to order reproductions online in digital form (High Definition and Premium Images) or as prints (Art Reproductions, from A4 to A0 format). This service is provided by the BnF's Images and Digital Services department.
Some monographs can also be ordered as identical reprints from our partners. For BnF documents not available on Gallica, other ordering methods are available.
The use of BnF documents in a publication, exhibition, audiovisual production, paid service or product, or promotional or commercial medium is subject to authorization and payment of a usage fee. This fee will be charged separately from any reproduction order.
Non-commercial use of documents is free of charge, in accordance with the legislation in force, and in particular with the requirement to mention the source as BnF or Bibliothèque nationale de France.