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vue 1 - F. 1. Apache Lake, Sierra Blanca Range, Arizona;
vue 2 - F. 2. View on Apache Lake, Sierra Blanca Range, Arizona;
vue 3 - F. 3. View on Apache Lake, Sierra Blanca Range, Arizona. Two Apaches Scouts in the foreground;
vue 4 - F. 4. North Fork Cañon, Sierra Blanca Creek, Arizona;
vue 5 - F. 5. Cooley's Park, Sierra Blanca Range, Arizona;
vue 6 - F. 6. Distant view of camp Apache, Arizona;
vue 7 - F. 7. Aboriginal life among the Navajoe Indians. Near old Fort Defiance, N. M.;
vue 8 - F. 8. Historic Spanish record of the Conquest. South Side of Inscription Rock, N.M.;
vue 9 - F. 9. Historic Spanish record of the Conquest. South Side of Inscription Rock, N.M. N°.3.;
vue 10 - F. 10. Ancient ruins in the Cañon de Chelle, N. M. In a niche 50 feet above present Canon bed;
vue 11 - F. 11. The Church of San Miguel. The oldest in Santa Fe, N.M.;
vue 12 - F. 12. Looking across the Colorado River to Mouth of Paria Creek;
vue 13 - F. 13. Cañon of the Colorado River. Near Mouth of San Juan River, Arizona;
vue 14 - F. 14. South side of Inscription Rock, N.M.;
vue 15 - F. 15. Cañon de Chelle. Walls of the Grand Cañon about 1200 feet in height;
vue 16 - F. 16. Head of Cañon de Chelle, looking down. Walls about 1200 feet in height;
vue 17 - F. 17. Indian Pueblo, Zuni, N.M. View from the South;
vue 18 - F. 18. Old Mission Church, Zuni Pueblo, N.M. View from the Plaza;
vue 19 - F. 19. Section of South Side of Zuni Pueblo, N.M.;
vue 1/19
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