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- Charts of the Sciences, at end of volume.
The modern efforts to bring all sciences into a system or at
least to classify them, from Bacon to Spencer, Wundt and Pear-
son have never, if we abstract here from Hegel, given much at-
tention to those questions of principle which are offered by the
science of psychology. Of course the psychological séparation
of different mental functions has often given the whole scheme
for the system, the classification thus being too often more psy-
chological than logical. Psychology itself, moreover, has had
for the most part a dignified position in the system even when
it has been fully subordinated to the biological sciences, it was
on the other hand placed superior to the totality of mental and
moral sciences, which then usually have found their unity under
the positivistic heading sociology.' And where the independ-
ent position of psychology is acknowledged and the mental
and moral sciences are fully accredited, as for instance with
Wundt, psychology remains the fundamental science of all
mental sciences the objects with which philology, history,
economics, politics, jurisprudence, theology deal are the pro-
ducts of the processes with which psychology deals, and phil-
ology, history, theology, etc., are thus related to psychology,
as astronomy, geology, zoology are related to physics. There
is thus nowhere a depreciation of psychology, and yet it is
not in its right place. Such a position for psychology at the
head of all Geisteswissenschaften' may furnish a very simple
classification for it, but it is one which cannot express the
difficult character of psychology and the complex relations
of the system of mental sciences. The historical and phil-
ological and theological sciences cannot be subordinated to
psychology if psychology as science is to be coôrdinated with
The modern efforts to bring all sciences into a system or at
least to classify them, from Bacon to Spencer, Wundt and Pear-
son have never, if we abstract here from Hegel, given much at-
tention to those questions of principle which are offered by the
science of psychology. Of course the psychological séparation
of different mental functions has often given the whole scheme
for the system, the classification thus being too often more psy-
chological than logical. Psychology itself, moreover, has had
for the most part a dignified position in the system even when
it has been fully subordinated to the biological sciences, it was
on the other hand placed superior to the totality of mental and
moral sciences, which then usually have found their unity under
the positivistic heading sociology.' And where the independ-
ent position of psychology is acknowledged and the mental
and moral sciences are fully accredited, as for instance with
Wundt, psychology remains the fundamental science of all
mental sciences the objects with which philology, history,
economics, politics, jurisprudence, theology deal are the pro-
ducts of the processes with which psychology deals, and phil-
ology, history, theology, etc., are thus related to psychology,
as astronomy, geology, zoology are related to physics. There
is thus nowhere a depreciation of psychology, and yet it is
not in its right place. Such a position for psychology at the
head of all Geisteswissenschaften' may furnish a very simple
classification for it, but it is one which cannot express the
difficult character of psychology and the complex relations
of the system of mental sciences. The historical and phil-
ological and theological sciences cannot be subordinated to
psychology if psychology as science is to be coôrdinated with
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