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it his particular request that when he died he should be
buried in a green spot, which he could sec from his seat in
church, and which he had marked out ever since he was a
boy, and had thought of when far frbm home on the raging
sea, in danger of being food for thé fishes-it was the spot
where his father and mother had been buried.
1 have donc, for t fear that my reader is growing weary;
but 1 could not refrain from drawing the picture of this
worthy brother of thé angle who bas made me more
than ever in love with the theory, though t fear 1 shaH never
be adroit in thé practice, of his art; and t will eonclude this
ramhting sketch in thé wo'ds of honest !zaak Watton, by
o'aving )he hlessing of St. Peter's master upon my reader,
and upon ~)) that are true lovers of virtue; and dare trust
in his providence and be quiet; and go a angling."
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
A pleas'ng land of
Of dreams that wave before thé hatf-shut eye; ¡
And of gay east!es in thé ctouds that pass,
For ever Hushing round a summer sky.
ÎN thé bosom of one of those spacious coves which indent
the eastern shore of the Hudson, at that broad expansion of
the river denominated by thé ancient Dutch na~ators thé
Tappan Zee, and where they always prudently shortened sail,
and imptored the protection of St. Nicho!as when they
it his particular request that when he died he should be
buried in a green spot, which he could sec from his seat in
church, and which he had marked out ever since he was a
boy, and had thought of when far frbm home on the raging
sea, in danger of being food for thé fishes-it was the spot
where his father and mother had been buried.
1 have donc, for t fear that my reader is growing weary;
but 1 could not refrain from drawing the picture of this
worthy brother of thé angle who bas made me more
than ever in love with the theory, though t fear 1 shaH never
be adroit in thé practice, of his art; and t will eonclude this
ramhting sketch in thé wo'ds of honest !zaak Watton, by
o'aving )he hlessing of St. Peter's master upon my reader,
and upon ~)) that are true lovers of virtue; and dare trust
in his providence and be quiet; and go a angling."
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
A pleas'ng land of
Of dreams that wave before thé hatf-shut eye; ¡
And of gay east!es in thé ctouds that pass,
For ever Hushing round a summer sky.
ÎN thé bosom of one of those spacious coves which indent
the eastern shore of the Hudson, at that broad expansion of
the river denominated by thé ancient Dutch na~ators thé
Tappan Zee, and where they always prudently shortened sail,
and imptored the protection of St. Nicho!as when they
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