— 14 —
What Pole, what Frenchman can doubt the mor-
row ? Not to abandon at the last the cause of Right
and Justice, not to betray the will and resolve of
the sister nations, has France been fighting foot by
foot, for close upon four years, on fields drenched
with blood. Not to leave Europe and the whole
world under the perpetual threat of German impe-
rialism, of fresh aggressions and deeds of violence is
noble-hearted America landing on our shores each
day thousands of sturdy young men, impatient to
join General Pershing's valiant divisions at the
front and in their turn to measure their strength
with the enemies of mankind. Well may the White
Eagle spread his wings once more. He will soon be
seen soaring in the light of an azure sky and in the
radiance of victory. ))
Having spoken thus, the President of the Repub-
lie stepped up the Colours, Among them was one
all faded -and tattered : the pennon carried by
the 300 Polish volunteers who joined the Foreign
Legion in 1914 out of love for France and loathing
for the common enemy, and whose conduct in the
field earned for them the following handsome
mention : <;;;::.
« A first class unit, whose devotion and spirit of
sacrifice were particularly conspicuous on May 9th
1915, when, placed in the van of the column told off
to attack the « White Works », it carried brilliantly
positions stubbornly defended by the enemy, and
only stopped after reaching its objectives, in spite
of heavy losses. »
M. Poincare pinned the Croix de Guerre to the -
glorious pennon borne by Lieutenant Sobanski, one
of the few survivors of this band of heroes.
He then kissed the folds of each flag and handed
What Pole, what Frenchman can doubt the mor-
row ? Not to abandon at the last the cause of Right
and Justice, not to betray the will and resolve of
the sister nations, has France been fighting foot by
foot, for close upon four years, on fields drenched
with blood. Not to leave Europe and the whole
world under the perpetual threat of German impe-
rialism, of fresh aggressions and deeds of violence is
noble-hearted America landing on our shores each
day thousands of sturdy young men, impatient to
join General Pershing's valiant divisions at the
front and in their turn to measure their strength
with the enemies of mankind. Well may the White
Eagle spread his wings once more. He will soon be
seen soaring in the light of an azure sky and in the
radiance of victory. ))
Having spoken thus, the President of the Repub-
lie stepped up the Colours, Among them was one
all faded -and tattered : the pennon carried by
the 300 Polish volunteers who joined the Foreign
Legion in 1914 out of love for France and loathing
for the common enemy, and whose conduct in the
field earned for them the following handsome
mention : <;;;::.
« A first class unit, whose devotion and spirit of
sacrifice were particularly conspicuous on May 9th
1915, when, placed in the van of the column told off
to attack the « White Works », it carried brilliantly
positions stubbornly defended by the enemy, and
only stopped after reaching its objectives, in spite
of heavy losses. »
M. Poincare pinned the Croix de Guerre to the -
glorious pennon borne by Lieutenant Sobanski, one
of the few survivors of this band of heroes.
He then kissed the folds of each flag and handed
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