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Dasychira diaereta n. sp. (Pl. I, fig. 16)
(?. Palpus white, on outer side fuscous. Antennal shaft white, pectinations
Mars yellow. Legs white, tibiae and tarsi banded with fuscous. Head, thorax
and abdomen white mixed with olive brown, abdomen laterally orange buff. Fore-
wing whitisli, densely irrorated over the whole wing with olive brown,- giving a
grey efïect; traces of heavier olive brown markings subbasally, on the discocellulars
and subterminally; a séries of olive brown interneural streaks and spots preter-
minally, and a narrow olive brown terminal line ; fringe olive brown, whitish at the
vein—ends. Hindwing light bufîy brown, slightly darker in the terminal area,
fringe whitish. Underside of both wings, and fringes, whitish, lightly suffused with
olive brown.
2. Resembles the male, but the antemedial fascia in the forewing of the allotype
is more strongly defined, curved, concavity basad, with a slight irregularity below
the cell. This fascia is faintly visible in the other two females, and is probably an
individual marking.
Expanse :
MADAGASCAR NORD-OUEST, Ampijoroa, 170 m, Ankarafantsika, aug. 1956 and
jan. 1957, 1 $ (Holotype) 3 2 (including Allotype) (P. Griveaud).
Nearest to Dasychira poliotis Hampson, 1910, described from the Eastern
Transvaal, and occurring also in Nyasaland, Uganda and the Belgian Congo, but
with entirely distinct male genitalia.
The antemedial fascia without crenulation, and the absence of yellow on the
hindwing, are distinctive. The species has not yet been found at Perinet or other
eastern localities.
Dasychira titan n. sp. (PL II, fig. 3)
$. Palpus buckthorn brown, on outer side and at tip fuscous. Antennal shaft
fuscous mixed with white, pectinations buckthorn brown. Legs fuscous, banded
with white. Head, thorax and abdomen buckthorn brown to snuff brown, irrorated
with white on thorax. Forewing with ground colour Dresden brown, irrorated with
fuscous; subbasal, antemedial and postmedial fasciae fuscous, in the costal area
conspicuously edged with white, the antemedial running almost straight to the
inner margin, the postmedial indistinct; fringe Dresden brown. Hindwing sepia
(the Ankaratra male lighter) tinged with buckthorn brown in inner marginal area;
fringe Dresden brown. Underside of both wings and fringes light buff, sparsely
irrorated with fuscous and a patch of fuscous on the discocellulars ; traces of a dark
postmedial fascia, more strongly marked in costal area of forewing.
Expanse : 56-62 mm.
MADAGASCAR EST, Ampolomita, est de Belanitra, district d'Ambatolampy,
may 1956, 2 S (including Type) (P. Griveaud). MADAGASCAR CENTRE, Ankaratra,
Ambahona, 1940 m, july 1956, 1 $ (P. Griveaud).
These insects might represent a very large and heavy-bodied race of Dasychira
elegans (Butler), and no difference can be found in the male genitalia. However,
Dasychira diaereta n. sp. (Pl. I, fig. 16)
(?. Palpus white, on outer side fuscous. Antennal shaft white, pectinations
Mars yellow. Legs white, tibiae and tarsi banded with fuscous. Head, thorax
and abdomen white mixed with olive brown, abdomen laterally orange buff. Fore-
wing whitisli, densely irrorated over the whole wing with olive brown,- giving a
grey efïect; traces of heavier olive brown markings subbasally, on the discocellulars
and subterminally; a séries of olive brown interneural streaks and spots preter-
minally, and a narrow olive brown terminal line ; fringe olive brown, whitish at the
vein—ends. Hindwing light bufîy brown, slightly darker in the terminal area,
fringe whitish. Underside of both wings, and fringes, whitish, lightly suffused with
olive brown.
2. Resembles the male, but the antemedial fascia in the forewing of the allotype
is more strongly defined, curved, concavity basad, with a slight irregularity below
the cell. This fascia is faintly visible in the other two females, and is probably an
individual marking.
Expanse :
MADAGASCAR NORD-OUEST, Ampijoroa, 170 m, Ankarafantsika, aug. 1956 and
jan. 1957, 1 $ (Holotype) 3 2 (including Allotype) (P. Griveaud).
Nearest to Dasychira poliotis Hampson, 1910, described from the Eastern
Transvaal, and occurring also in Nyasaland, Uganda and the Belgian Congo, but
with entirely distinct male genitalia.
The antemedial fascia without crenulation, and the absence of yellow on the
hindwing, are distinctive. The species has not yet been found at Perinet or other
eastern localities.
Dasychira titan n. sp. (PL II, fig. 3)
$. Palpus buckthorn brown, on outer side and at tip fuscous. Antennal shaft
fuscous mixed with white, pectinations buckthorn brown. Legs fuscous, banded
with white. Head, thorax and abdomen buckthorn brown to snuff brown, irrorated
with white on thorax. Forewing with ground colour Dresden brown, irrorated with
fuscous; subbasal, antemedial and postmedial fasciae fuscous, in the costal area
conspicuously edged with white, the antemedial running almost straight to the
inner margin, the postmedial indistinct; fringe Dresden brown. Hindwing sepia
(the Ankaratra male lighter) tinged with buckthorn brown in inner marginal area;
fringe Dresden brown. Underside of both wings and fringes light buff, sparsely
irrorated with fuscous and a patch of fuscous on the discocellulars ; traces of a dark
postmedial fascia, more strongly marked in costal area of forewing.
Expanse : 56-62 mm.
MADAGASCAR EST, Ampolomita, est de Belanitra, district d'Ambatolampy,
may 1956, 2 S (including Type) (P. Griveaud). MADAGASCAR CENTRE, Ankaratra,
Ambahona, 1940 m, july 1956, 1 $ (P. Griveaud).
These insects might represent a very large and heavy-bodied race of Dasychira
elegans (Butler), and no difference can be found in the male genitalia. However,
Le taux de reconnaissance estimé pour ce document est de 99.98%.
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