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scattered rainette green and fuscous scales, this area bounded by a well—defined
fuscous postmedial fascia, bowed (convexity terminad) from vein 7 to vein 2; distal
third of wing cinnamon drab, with a fuscous patch in the apical area from the costa to
vein 7 and a series of small preterminal interneural fuscous spots; fringe snuff brown.
Hindwing and fringe buffy brown. Underside of both wings light buff, discocellulars
of both wings darker, with traces of a dark postmedial fascia, more prominent in
costal area; fringe of forewing dark, of hindwing light buff.
Expanse : 36-41 mm.
MADAGASCAR EST, Ampolomita, est de Belanitra, district d'Ambatolampy,
may 1956, 4 driana, oct. 1956, 1 $ (P. Griveaud).
Near to D. cyrtozona Collenette, illustrated in Nov. Zool,, 1936, 40, p.. 161, pl. 12,
fig. 5. A comparison of 45 J 1, 6 Ç of this species with the 5 <$ of D. euthyzona shows
a consistent difference in the markings of the forewing. In D. cyrtozona the antemedial
fascia and the distal edge of the dark area in the basai third of the wing are evenly
bowed, with concavity basad. In D. euthyzona the antemedial fascia is straight,
narrow and prominent, while the edge of the dark area is approximately parallel
with it, separated by a narrow band of the white ground colour. The dark patch
on the costa near the apex is narrower and the postmedial fascia at veins 2 to 7 less
strongly bowed. There is no difference in the male genitalia.
D. euthyzona is given the status of a full species as compared with D. cyrtozona
from Perinet, but may prove to be a local race.
Dasychira abbreviata Kenrick, 1914
Ç. Resembles the male in markings, but the upperside of hindwing drab to
hair brown, underside of both wings clove brown, the fasciae darker. Of fourteen
males examined, including the type, three have a dark hindwing as in the female.
There is considerable variation in wing markings, apparently not due to locality.
Expanse : çj 31-34 mm, Ç 41 mm.
MADAGASCAR EST, env. de Perinet, 910 m, forêt d'Analamazaotra, mardi 1955,
1 $ (Neallotype) (P. Viette); La Mandraka, 1.250 m, oct., nov. 1955, 3 & R. Vieu); Réserve nat. intégr. n° III, Ambatovositra, Andranomalaza, nov.
1956, jan. 1957, 4 $ (P. Soga). MADAGASCAR CENTRE, pays Betsileo, 1.600 m, roule
du sud, km 302, forêt d'Ambatofitorahana, mardi 1955, 2 S (p- Viette).
Dasychira perissa n. sp. (PI. II, fig. 9)
?. Palpus, antenna and legs ochraceous tawny. Head, thorax and abdomen
tawny, with an admixture of lighter scales on the abdomen; tufts of tawny scales
dorsally on the basai segments of the abdomen. Forewing with ground colour tawny
to russet; markings of rejane green irrorated with fuscous as follow : subbasally
in and above the cell; a broad antemedial fascia at right-angles to the costa, the
distal margin bowed (concavity terminad), bordered with white, and joining on the
inner margin a broad postmedial fascia of the same colours, bordered proximally
scattered rainette green and fuscous scales, this area bounded by a well—defined
fuscous postmedial fascia, bowed (convexity terminad) from vein 7 to vein 2; distal
third of wing cinnamon drab, with a fuscous patch in the apical area from the costa to
vein 7 and a series of small preterminal interneural fuscous spots; fringe snuff brown.
Hindwing and fringe buffy brown. Underside of both wings light buff, discocellulars
of both wings darker, with traces of a dark postmedial fascia, more prominent in
costal area; fringe of forewing dark, of hindwing light buff.
Expanse : 36-41 mm.
MADAGASCAR EST, Ampolomita, est de Belanitra, district d'Ambatolampy,
may 1956, 4 driana, oct. 1956, 1 $ (P. Griveaud).
Near to D. cyrtozona Collenette, illustrated in Nov. Zool,, 1936, 40, p.. 161, pl. 12,
fig. 5. A comparison of 45 J 1, 6 Ç of this species with the 5 <$ of D. euthyzona shows
a consistent difference in the markings of the forewing. In D. cyrtozona the antemedial
fascia and the distal edge of the dark area in the basai third of the wing are evenly
bowed, with concavity basad. In D. euthyzona the antemedial fascia is straight,
narrow and prominent, while the edge of the dark area is approximately parallel
with it, separated by a narrow band of the white ground colour. The dark patch
on the costa near the apex is narrower and the postmedial fascia at veins 2 to 7 less
strongly bowed. There is no difference in the male genitalia.
D. euthyzona is given the status of a full species as compared with D. cyrtozona
from Perinet, but may prove to be a local race.
Dasychira abbreviata Kenrick, 1914
Ç. Resembles the male in markings, but the upperside of hindwing drab to
hair brown, underside of both wings clove brown, the fasciae darker. Of fourteen
males examined, including the type, three have a dark hindwing as in the female.
There is considerable variation in wing markings, apparently not due to locality.
Expanse : çj 31-34 mm, Ç 41 mm.
MADAGASCAR EST, env. de Perinet, 910 m, forêt d'Analamazaotra, mardi 1955,
1 $ (Neallotype) (P. Viette); La Mandraka, 1.250 m, oct., nov. 1955, 3 & R. Vieu); Réserve nat. intégr. n° III, Ambatovositra, Andranomalaza, nov.
1956, jan. 1957, 4 $ (P. Soga). MADAGASCAR CENTRE, pays Betsileo, 1.600 m, roule
du sud, km 302, forêt d'Ambatofitorahana, mardi 1955, 2 S (p- Viette).
Dasychira perissa n. sp. (PI. II, fig. 9)
?. Palpus, antenna and legs ochraceous tawny. Head, thorax and abdomen
tawny, with an admixture of lighter scales on the abdomen; tufts of tawny scales
dorsally on the basai segments of the abdomen. Forewing with ground colour tawny
to russet; markings of rejane green irrorated with fuscous as follow : subbasally
in and above the cell; a broad antemedial fascia at right-angles to the costa, the
distal margin bowed (concavity terminad), bordered with white, and joining on the
inner margin a broad postmedial fascia of the same colours, bordered proximally
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