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Dasychira nosivola n. sp. (Pl. II, fig. 11)
3. Palpus, legs, antenna, head and body snuff brown to bistre, with a lighter
ring on each segment of the tarsi. Forewing bistre; there are faint darker markings
which can be more plainly seen obliquely under a lens,—a subbasal fascia, a crenate
antemedial fascia running at right angles to the inner margin, and a postmedial
fascia from the costa at two—thirds, oblique outwardly to vein 6, thence bowed
(concavity basad) and broken at the veins to vein 2, thence at right—angles to the
inner margin; fringe bistre, with a darker line, broken at the veins, along the termen.
Forewing beneath and hindwing above and beneath buffy brown, with faint traces
of marks on the discocellulars; fringes slightly darker.
Expanse : 30-32 mm.
MADAGASCAR EST, route de Manakambahiny Est, env. de Nosivola, 1.000 m,
nov. 1954, 3 3 (including Type) (P. Viette).
Not closely related to any Dasychira from Madagascar, but much resembles in
general appearance D. styx Bethune —Baker, 1911, which has been taken in Angola,
Belgian Congo, Uganda and Tanganyika. The coloration, broad wings with rounded
termina, and the somewhat long spurs and antennae are very similar, but the shape
of the postmedial fascia in the forewing and of the uncus differ considerably. Vein
10 arises from the areole in the present species, but from half-way up the stalk of 8
and 9 in D. styx.
Dasychira polioides n. sp. (Pl. I, fig. 8)
et. Pattern of forewing resembling that of the well—known D. renominata Strand
1915, but having the ground colour white with black fasciae and a rather sparse
irroration of light yellowish olive, giving a grey appearance to the wing. The
antemedial fascia is firm and not crenate, slightly oblique inwardly from below
the cell to the inner margin; the fringe is conspicuously chequered, white at the
vein—ends with dark intervais. Hindwing and fringe white with very faint darker
scaling. Underside of both wings white, with an indication of postmedial fasciae
and considerable darkening in the cell of the forewing; fringe of forewing chequered
and of hindwing white.
Ç. Resembles the male, but markings of forewing slightly paler.
Expanse : et 38-42 mm, $ 49-51 mm.
MADAGASCAR EST, Andranomandevy (Didy), 1.039 m, Ambatondrazaka, sept.
and oct. 1956, 5 3, 2 $ (including Holotype and Allotype) (P. Griveaud).
Fig. 1, Hornoeomeria iroceraea n. sp., Holotypecf. — Fig. 2, Pirgula polylopha n. sp., Holotype cf. —
Fig. 3, Lymantria binotata (MabilIe) Q. — Fig. 4, Marblepsis semna n. sp., Holotype 9- — Fig. 5,
Leucoma lechrisemata n. sp., Holotype cf. — Fig. 6, Lymantria arrheta n. sp., Holotype Q. — Fig. 7,
Crorema viettei n. sp., Holotypeo-. — Fig. 8, Dasychira polioides n. sp., Holotypecf. — Fig. 9, Porthesaroa
xanthoselas n. sp., Holotypecf- — Fig. 10, Dasychira problema n. sp., Holotypecf. — Fig. 11, Olapa
notia n. sp., Holotypecf. — Fig. 12, Olapa terina n. sp., Holotypeo'- — Fig. 13, Dasychira euthyzona
n. sp., Holotypecf- — Fig. 14, Dasychoproctis lasioma n. sp., Holotypecf- — Fig. 15, Homaroa tamsi
n. sp., Holotypecf- — Fig. 16, Dasychira diaereta n. sp., Holotypecf-
Dasychira nosivola n. sp. (Pl. II, fig. 11)
3. Palpus, legs, antenna, head and body snuff brown to bistre, with a lighter
ring on each segment of the tarsi. Forewing bistre; there are faint darker markings
which can be more plainly seen obliquely under a lens,—a subbasal fascia, a crenate
antemedial fascia running at right angles to the inner margin, and a postmedial
fascia from the costa at two—thirds, oblique outwardly to vein 6, thence bowed
(concavity basad) and broken at the veins to vein 2, thence at right—angles to the
inner margin; fringe bistre, with a darker line, broken at the veins, along the termen.
Forewing beneath and hindwing above and beneath buffy brown, with faint traces
of marks on the discocellulars; fringes slightly darker.
Expanse : 30-32 mm.
MADAGASCAR EST, route de Manakambahiny Est, env. de Nosivola, 1.000 m,
nov. 1954, 3 3 (including Type) (P. Viette).
Not closely related to any Dasychira from Madagascar, but much resembles in
general appearance D. styx Bethune —Baker, 1911, which has been taken in Angola,
Belgian Congo, Uganda and Tanganyika. The coloration, broad wings with rounded
termina, and the somewhat long spurs and antennae are very similar, but the shape
of the postmedial fascia in the forewing and of the uncus differ considerably. Vein
10 arises from the areole in the present species, but from half-way up the stalk of 8
and 9 in D. styx.
Dasychira polioides n. sp. (Pl. I, fig. 8)
et. Pattern of forewing resembling that of the well—known D. renominata Strand
1915, but having the ground colour white with black fasciae and a rather sparse
irroration of light yellowish olive, giving a grey appearance to the wing. The
antemedial fascia is firm and not crenate, slightly oblique inwardly from below
the cell to the inner margin; the fringe is conspicuously chequered, white at the
vein—ends with dark intervais. Hindwing and fringe white with very faint darker
scaling. Underside of both wings white, with an indication of postmedial fasciae
and considerable darkening in the cell of the forewing; fringe of forewing chequered
and of hindwing white.
Ç. Resembles the male, but markings of forewing slightly paler.
Expanse : et 38-42 mm, $ 49-51 mm.
MADAGASCAR EST, Andranomandevy (Didy), 1.039 m, Ambatondrazaka, sept.
and oct. 1956, 5 3, 2 $ (including Holotype and Allotype) (P. Griveaud).
Fig. 1, Hornoeomeria iroceraea n. sp., Holotypecf. — Fig. 2, Pirgula polylopha n. sp., Holotype cf. —
Fig. 3, Lymantria binotata (MabilIe) Q. — Fig. 4, Marblepsis semna n. sp., Holotype 9- — Fig. 5,
Leucoma lechrisemata n. sp., Holotype cf. — Fig. 6, Lymantria arrheta n. sp., Holotype Q. — Fig. 7,
Crorema viettei n. sp., Holotypeo-. — Fig. 8, Dasychira polioides n. sp., Holotypecf. — Fig. 9, Porthesaroa
xanthoselas n. sp., Holotypecf- — Fig. 10, Dasychira problema n. sp., Holotypecf. — Fig. 11, Olapa
notia n. sp., Holotypecf. — Fig. 12, Olapa terina n. sp., Holotypeo'- — Fig. 13, Dasychira euthyzona
n. sp., Holotypecf- — Fig. 14, Dasychoproctis lasioma n. sp., Holotypecf- — Fig. 15, Homaroa tamsi
n. sp., Holotypecf- — Fig. 16, Dasychira diaereta n. sp., Holotypecf-
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