Titre : Annales de la Société entomologique de France
Auteur : Société entomologique de France. Auteur du texte
Éditeur : Mequignon-Marvis (Paris)
Éditeur : F. G. LevraultF. G. Levrault (Paris)
Éditeur : Pitois-Levrault et CiePitois-Levrault et Cie (Paris)
Éditeur : Ch. PitoisCh. Pitois (Paris)
Éditeur : chez le trésorier de la Sociétéchez le trésorier de la Société (Paris)
Éditeur : au siège de la Sociétéau siège de la Société (Paris)
Éditeur : Le FrançoisLe François (Paris)
Éditeur : Masson & CieMasson & Cie (Paris)
Éditeur : Société entomologique de FranceSociété entomologique de France (Paris)
Date d'édition : 1959
Contributeur : Viette, Pierre (1921-2011). Directeur de publication
Notice du catalogue : http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb34349289k
Type : texte texte
Type : publication en série imprimée publication en série imprimée
Langue : français
Langue : anglais
Format : Nombre total de vues : 125079 Nombre total de vues : 125079
Description : 1959 1959
Description : 1959 (VOL128). 1959 (VOL128).
Droits : Consultable en ligne
Identifiant : ark:/12148/bpt6k6142156w
Source : Muséum national d'histoire naturelle. Bibliothèques, 2008-139742
Conservation numérique : Bibliothèque nationale de France
Date de mise en ligne : 06/12/2010
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Dasychira sphenosema n. sp. (Pl. II, fig. 10)
et. Palpus, antenna, legs, head and body snuff brown to bistre, the tarsi somewhat
lighter and marked with bistre on the outer side of each segment; tufts of bistre
scales dorsally on the basai segments of the abdomen. Forewing above and fringe
bistre; some violet blue scales scattered over the wing, visible only with a lens;
fuscous black markings as follow : a conspicuous oblong patch subbasally below the
cell; indistinct crenate antemedial and postmedial fasciae, broken at the veins;
a series of rather prominent subterminal interneural wedgeshaped markings, points
directed basad, varying in size, the largest in the anal angle; a series of interneural
spots along the termen. Hindwing above and beneath, and underside of forewing,
pinkish buff, the fringes darker, and with a dusting of dark scales over the whole
surface of the wings; on the underside of both wings, a small dark spot on the
discocellulars, an indistinct postmedial fascia, and a subterminal fascia on the
Expanse : 35-41 mm.
MADAGASCAR EST, Perinet, march 1935, 2 3 (including Type) (N. & G. d'Olsou-
fieff), in British Museum (Natural History). In Paris Museum; env. de Perinet,
910 m, forêt d'Analamazoatra, february 1955, 1 3 (P. Viette).
The wedge—shaped markings and scattered violet blue scales on the forewing
recall a group of Asiatic species including D. tenebrosa Walker and D. tristis Heylaerts.
Dasychira sakaraha n. sp. (PL II, fig. 8)
et. Strongly resembles in markings D. phloeodes Collenette, of which there is
a long series in the British Museum (Natural History) from Perinet, but in the
costal area of the forewing both antemedial and postmedial fasciae are conspicuously
bordered with pale olive buff and the expanse is greater (D. phloeodes 3 33-37 mm).
The postmedial fascia from costa to vein 6 is directed oblique inwardly, in D.
phloeodes oblique outwardly. The antennal shaft measures c. 5 mm, in D. phloeodes
c. 7.5 mm. The genitalia are apparently not distinguishable. In the somewhat
similar D. lichenodes Collenette, also well represented from Perinet, the deep olive
buff on the forewing gives the impression of a greenish insect, compared with
Saccardo's umber in the other two species, while the genitalia are abundantly
Ç. Resembles the male.
Expanse : et 38-39 mm, Ç 43 mm.
MADAGASCAR SUD, Zombitsy and Lambomakandro, Sakaraha, April 1956, 2 3,
1 $ (including Holotype and Allotype) (P. Griveaud). A further male from Lamboma-
kandro has less pale olive buff on the costa but is probably conspecific.
These insects have been given the status of a full species, although, as discussed
above, there is close relationship to two species described from Perinet on the eastern
side of the island, some 700 km distant.
Dasychira sphenosema n. sp. (Pl. II, fig. 10)
et. Palpus, antenna, legs, head and body snuff brown to bistre, the tarsi somewhat
lighter and marked with bistre on the outer side of each segment; tufts of bistre
scales dorsally on the basai segments of the abdomen. Forewing above and fringe
bistre; some violet blue scales scattered over the wing, visible only with a lens;
fuscous black markings as follow : a conspicuous oblong patch subbasally below the
cell; indistinct crenate antemedial and postmedial fasciae, broken at the veins;
a series of rather prominent subterminal interneural wedgeshaped markings, points
directed basad, varying in size, the largest in the anal angle; a series of interneural
spots along the termen. Hindwing above and beneath, and underside of forewing,
pinkish buff, the fringes darker, and with a dusting of dark scales over the whole
surface of the wings; on the underside of both wings, a small dark spot on the
discocellulars, an indistinct postmedial fascia, and a subterminal fascia on the
Expanse : 35-41 mm.
MADAGASCAR EST, Perinet, march 1935, 2 3 (including Type) (N. & G. d'Olsou-
fieff), in British Museum (Natural History). In Paris Museum; env. de Perinet,
910 m, forêt d'Analamazoatra, february 1955, 1 3 (P. Viette).
The wedge—shaped markings and scattered violet blue scales on the forewing
recall a group of Asiatic species including D. tenebrosa Walker and D. tristis Heylaerts.
Dasychira sakaraha n. sp. (PL II, fig. 8)
et. Strongly resembles in markings D. phloeodes Collenette, of which there is
a long series in the British Museum (Natural History) from Perinet, but in the
costal area of the forewing both antemedial and postmedial fasciae are conspicuously
bordered with pale olive buff and the expanse is greater (D. phloeodes 3 33-37 mm).
The postmedial fascia from costa to vein 6 is directed oblique inwardly, in D.
phloeodes oblique outwardly. The antennal shaft measures c. 5 mm, in D. phloeodes
c. 7.5 mm. The genitalia are apparently not distinguishable. In the somewhat
similar D. lichenodes Collenette, also well represented from Perinet, the deep olive
buff on the forewing gives the impression of a greenish insect, compared with
Saccardo's umber in the other two species, while the genitalia are abundantly
Ç. Resembles the male.
Expanse : et 38-39 mm, Ç 43 mm.
MADAGASCAR SUD, Zombitsy and Lambomakandro, Sakaraha, April 1956, 2 3,
1 $ (including Holotype and Allotype) (P. Griveaud). A further male from Lamboma-
kandro has less pale olive buff on the costa but is probably conspecific.
These insects have been given the status of a full species, although, as discussed
above, there is close relationship to two species described from Perinet on the eastern
side of the island, some 700 km distant.
Le taux de reconnaissance estimé pour ce document est de 99.98%.
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Le texte affiché peut comporter un certain nombre d'erreurs. En effet, le mode texte de ce document a été généré de façon automatique par un programme de reconnaissance optique de caractères (OCR). Le taux de reconnaissance estimé pour ce document est de 99.98%.
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