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MADAGASCAR EST, route d'Anosibe, km. 57, february 1955, 1 3 (Type) (P. Viette).
Ampitameloka, 840 m, august 1956, 2 3> and Italaviana, 730 m, june 1956, 1 3>
(P. Griveaud).
This is the third representative of the Madagascan genus Homaroa, all from
widely separated localities. Genitalia, markings and colours are distinct, the
venation very similar.
Named after my wife, for whose help and forbearance in my work I am very
Dasychira bata Collenette, 1939. (Pl. II, fig. 12)
The unique type male of this species was taken at Ambalarondra, less than
a hundred kilometres north of Italaviana. The wing—pattern of the female is
similar, but the light areas on the forewing, pale pinkish buff in the male, are pale
smoke grey.
Expanse : $ 48 mm.
MADAGASCAR EST, Italaviana, 730 m, june 1956, 1 $ (Neallotype); Ankasoka,
1.130 m, route de Lakato, km 15, déc. 1956, 2 $ (P. Griveaud).
Dasychira cyclota n. sp. (Pl. II, fig. 15)
et. Palpus bistre. Antennal shaft snuff brown mixed with pinkish buff, pecti-
nations snuff brown. Legs bistre to snuff brown, tibiae and tarsi banded with sayal
brown. Head and thorax snuff brown, abdomen somewhat lighter, anal tuft
ochraceous tawny. Forewing buckthorn brown, with scattered areas of hair brown
mainly on the veins; fuscous markings as follow : some indistinct spots basally;
a sinuate antemedial fascia; an edging to the discocellulars; a crenate postmedial
fascia, points on the veins with concavities terminad, bowed from costa to vein
2 with convexity terminad; a subterminal fascia roughly parallel with the termen,
composed of interneural < shaped markings, points directed basad; a preterminal
fascia, broken at the veins, parallel with the termen; fringe fuscous, buckthorn
brown at vein—ends. Hindwing Saccardo's umber, the fringe lighter. Underside
of both wings Saccardo's umber; on hindwing a dark spot on discocellulars and faint
postmedial and subterminal fasciae; fringes Saccardo's umber, lighter at the vein—
Expanse : 34-40 mm.
MADAGASCAR CENTRE, Ankaratra, Ambahona, 1.680 m, july 1956, 2 3 (inclu-
ding Type) (P. Griveaud & P. Soga) MADAGASCAR EST, Réserve nat. intégr. n° III,
Ambatovositra, Andranomalaza, dec. 1956, 1 3 (P. Soga).
A female from Sakaraha, Lambomakandro, may 1956 (P. Griveaud), may belong
to this species. Wing markings are approximately the same, but the forewing is
longer in proportion to its width, and in a good light a faint indication of green and
violet can be seen.
This species may be placed next to Dasychira juliginosa (Saalmüller). The
broad rounded wings and colour are reminiscent of the genus Homochira.
MADAGASCAR EST, route d'Anosibe, km. 57, february 1955, 1 3 (Type) (P. Viette).
Ampitameloka, 840 m, august 1956, 2 3> and Italaviana, 730 m, june 1956, 1 3>
(P. Griveaud).
This is the third representative of the Madagascan genus Homaroa, all from
widely separated localities. Genitalia, markings and colours are distinct, the
venation very similar.
Named after my wife, for whose help and forbearance in my work I am very
Dasychira bata Collenette, 1939. (Pl. II, fig. 12)
The unique type male of this species was taken at Ambalarondra, less than
a hundred kilometres north of Italaviana. The wing—pattern of the female is
similar, but the light areas on the forewing, pale pinkish buff in the male, are pale
smoke grey.
Expanse : $ 48 mm.
MADAGASCAR EST, Italaviana, 730 m, june 1956, 1 $ (Neallotype); Ankasoka,
1.130 m, route de Lakato, km 15, déc. 1956, 2 $ (P. Griveaud).
Dasychira cyclota n. sp. (Pl. II, fig. 15)
et. Palpus bistre. Antennal shaft snuff brown mixed with pinkish buff, pecti-
nations snuff brown. Legs bistre to snuff brown, tibiae and tarsi banded with sayal
brown. Head and thorax snuff brown, abdomen somewhat lighter, anal tuft
ochraceous tawny. Forewing buckthorn brown, with scattered areas of hair brown
mainly on the veins; fuscous markings as follow : some indistinct spots basally;
a sinuate antemedial fascia; an edging to the discocellulars; a crenate postmedial
fascia, points on the veins with concavities terminad, bowed from costa to vein
2 with convexity terminad; a subterminal fascia roughly parallel with the termen,
composed of interneural < shaped markings, points directed basad; a preterminal
fascia, broken at the veins, parallel with the termen; fringe fuscous, buckthorn
brown at vein—ends. Hindwing Saccardo's umber, the fringe lighter. Underside
of both wings Saccardo's umber; on hindwing a dark spot on discocellulars and faint
postmedial and subterminal fasciae; fringes Saccardo's umber, lighter at the vein—
Expanse : 34-40 mm.
MADAGASCAR CENTRE, Ankaratra, Ambahona, 1.680 m, july 1956, 2 3 (inclu-
ding Type) (P. Griveaud & P. Soga) MADAGASCAR EST, Réserve nat. intégr. n° III,
Ambatovositra, Andranomalaza, dec. 1956, 1 3 (P. Soga).
A female from Sakaraha, Lambomakandro, may 1956 (P. Griveaud), may belong
to this species. Wing markings are approximately the same, but the forewing is
longer in proportion to its width, and in a good light a faint indication of green and
violet can be seen.
This species may be placed next to Dasychira juliginosa (Saalmüller). The
broad rounded wings and colour are reminiscent of the genus Homochira.
Le taux de reconnaissance estimé pour ce document est de 99.98%.
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Le texte affiché peut comporter un certain nombre d'erreurs. En effet, le mode texte de ce document a été généré de façon automatique par un programme de reconnaissance optique de caractères (OCR). Le taux de reconnaissance estimé pour ce document est de 99.98%.
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