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discocellulars, broken from vein 2 to the origin of vein 3; a postmedial and a terminal
fascia of interneural black spots, parallel with the termen; from postmedial fascia
to termen, and fringe, avellaneous. Hindwing above and beneath, and fringe,
pale yellow orange. Forewing beneath, and fringe, snuff brown to sayal brown,
with some pale yellow orange in the basai area below the cell.
Expanse : 22 mm.
MADAGASCAR EST, route d'Anosibe, km. 57, feb. 1955, 1 3 (Type) (P. Viette).
Resembles P. lacipa Hering of Uganda and West Africa, but, among other differences,
lacks the subterminal series of interneural spots on the forewing.
Homaroa tamsi n. sp. (Pl. I, fig. 15)
et. Palpus xanthine orange tipped with fuscous black. Antennal shaft fuscous
black, white laterally; pectinations bistre. Legs white, foreleg ochraceous buff
mixed with white and black on tarsus. Head and patagium Mars yellow, remainder
of thorax and base of abdomen whitish, remainder of abdomen dark. Forewing
snuff brown to bistre, irrorated, except in the discocellular and apical areas, with
white and orange buff; a broad medial fascia of pale vinaceous fawn, with firm edges,
commencing at the upper angle of the cell, running oblique outwardly through the
discocellulars to the tornus; fringe bistre. Hindwing and fringe white, fuscous
black in the apical area and adjacent fringe, and narrowly along the costa, the
coloured area reaching vein 5 and almost to the junction of 6 and 7. Underside of
both wings white including the medial fascia of the forewing, other markings from
upperside reproduced in snuff brown to bistre; proximal half of costa in both wings
edged with orange buff.
Expanse : 40-41 mm.
MADAGASCAR EST, La Mandraka, 1.250 m, Manjakandriana, nov. 1956, 3 3
(including Type) (P. Griveaud).
Resembles, in pattern and male genitalia, the much larger (51 mm) Homoroa
brontonepha (Collenette, 1931), from Antsianaka and Lake Alaotra, but apparently
a distinct species.
Homaroa frieda n. sp. (Pl. II, fig. 7)
et. Palpus and legs orange buff irrorated with fuscous, tarsi entirely fuscous.
Antenna, head and body fuscous, patagium marked with light buff, pectus and venter
orange buff. Forewing and fringe, above and beneath, fuscous, with a broad medial
fascia of light buff running from the upper angle of the cell, embracing the disco-
cellulars and the origin of veins 3 to 5, and narrowing to a point just above the
tornus ; on the underside this fascia is narrower, with more cleanly-defined borders.
Hindwing and fringes, above and beneath, fuscous to mummy brown, with a broad
medial fascia of orange buff running from the base of the wing to the termen, where
it occupies the area from vein 5 to below vein 4.
Expanse : 46-49 mm.
ANN. SOC. ENT. FRANCE, 128 [1959] 8
discocellulars, broken from vein 2 to the origin of vein 3; a postmedial and a terminal
fascia of interneural black spots, parallel with the termen; from postmedial fascia
to termen, and fringe, avellaneous. Hindwing above and beneath, and fringe,
pale yellow orange. Forewing beneath, and fringe, snuff brown to sayal brown,
with some pale yellow orange in the basai area below the cell.
Expanse : 22 mm.
MADAGASCAR EST, route d'Anosibe, km. 57, feb. 1955, 1 3 (Type) (P. Viette).
Resembles P. lacipa Hering of Uganda and West Africa, but, among other differences,
lacks the subterminal series of interneural spots on the forewing.
Homaroa tamsi n. sp. (Pl. I, fig. 15)
et. Palpus xanthine orange tipped with fuscous black. Antennal shaft fuscous
black, white laterally; pectinations bistre. Legs white, foreleg ochraceous buff
mixed with white and black on tarsus. Head and patagium Mars yellow, remainder
of thorax and base of abdomen whitish, remainder of abdomen dark. Forewing
snuff brown to bistre, irrorated, except in the discocellular and apical areas, with
white and orange buff; a broad medial fascia of pale vinaceous fawn, with firm edges,
commencing at the upper angle of the cell, running oblique outwardly through the
discocellulars to the tornus; fringe bistre. Hindwing and fringe white, fuscous
black in the apical area and adjacent fringe, and narrowly along the costa, the
coloured area reaching vein 5 and almost to the junction of 6 and 7. Underside of
both wings white including the medial fascia of the forewing, other markings from
upperside reproduced in snuff brown to bistre; proximal half of costa in both wings
edged with orange buff.
Expanse : 40-41 mm.
MADAGASCAR EST, La Mandraka, 1.250 m, Manjakandriana, nov. 1956, 3 3
(including Type) (P. Griveaud).
Resembles, in pattern and male genitalia, the much larger (51 mm) Homoroa
brontonepha (Collenette, 1931), from Antsianaka and Lake Alaotra, but apparently
a distinct species.
Homaroa frieda n. sp. (Pl. II, fig. 7)
et. Palpus and legs orange buff irrorated with fuscous, tarsi entirely fuscous.
Antenna, head and body fuscous, patagium marked with light buff, pectus and venter
orange buff. Forewing and fringe, above and beneath, fuscous, with a broad medial
fascia of light buff running from the upper angle of the cell, embracing the disco-
cellulars and the origin of veins 3 to 5, and narrowing to a point just above the
tornus ; on the underside this fascia is narrower, with more cleanly-defined borders.
Hindwing and fringes, above and beneath, fuscous to mummy brown, with a broad
medial fascia of orange buff running from the base of the wing to the termen, where
it occupies the area from vein 5 to below vein 4.
Expanse : 46-49 mm.
ANN. SOC. ENT. FRANCE, 128 [1959] 8
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