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Wings and fringes white; underside of forewing costa at base narrowly marked
with pale yellow orange, and veins of forewing beneath, especially towards the
apex, marked irregularly with light orange yellow.
Expanse : $ 61 mm.
MADAGASCAR NORD-EST, Maroantsetra, Fampanambo, 1 ? (Type) (.7. Vadon).
It is rather unusual in the Lymantriidae to describe as a new species an insect
without wing markings on material consisting of a single female. However, this
insect conforms well to the genus, and is so large that there should be no difficulty
in identifying the male when it appears in later collections.
Grorema viettei n. sp. (PL I, fig. 7)
et. Palpus mummy brown. Antenna light to warm buff, the basai portion of
each pectination darker. Head and patagium orange buff, remainder of thorax
grading to light buff on abdomen. Legs warm buff, tibia and tarsus of foreleg
mummy brown. Forewing and fringe naples yellow; a fuscous medial fascia,
broken at the veins, and over 1 mm. broad at its widest portion, running parallel
with the termen from above vein 5 almost to the inner margin. Hindwing and
underside of both wings ivory yellow.
Expanse : 46-47 mm.
MADAGASCAR EST. route d'Anosibe, km. 26, forêt de Sandrangato, december
1954, 3 c? (including Type) (P. Viette).
A very distinct and interesting species, now placed in Crorema, but perhaps
requiring a new genus when the female is known. In one paratype the central
fascia in the forewing is almost 2 mm broad.
Pirgula polylopha n. sp. (Pl. I, fig. 2)
$. Palpus white, on outer side fuscous black. Legs white, with a few fuscous
black hair-scales on outer side of fore tibia. Antenna, head and body creamy
white; dorsally on the posterior segments of the abdomen arc five tufts or brushes
of hair, resembling those on many Lymantriid larvae; there are traces of these tufts
on the males of some other species in the genus, but it is possible that they are
quickly worn away in life. Wings creamy white, strongly iridescent over the upper
surface with green and violet; on forewing a fine fuscous black postmedial streak,
from the origin of vein 4, inwardly oblique to below vein 2, thence outwardly oblique
to inner margin, and along inner margin towards the base of the wing; an L—shaped
fuscous black mark in the apical area, commencing at the stalk of veins 7 and 8,
thence to vein 6, which it follows almost to the cell. On hindwing a fine fuscous
black central streak, running from the origin of vein 4 to the inner margin at two-
thirds. No markings on underside of wings.
Expanse : 28 mm. No frenulum.
MADAGASCAR EST, env. de Perinet, 910 m., forêt d'Analamazaotra, february
1955, 1 $ (Holotype) (P. Viette); Ankasoka, 1.130 m., route de Lakato, km. 15,
déc. 1956, 1 $ (P. Griveaud).
Wings and fringes white; underside of forewing costa at base narrowly marked
with pale yellow orange, and veins of forewing beneath, especially towards the
apex, marked irregularly with light orange yellow.
Expanse : $ 61 mm.
MADAGASCAR NORD-EST, Maroantsetra, Fampanambo, 1 ? (Type) (.7. Vadon).
It is rather unusual in the Lymantriidae to describe as a new species an insect
without wing markings on material consisting of a single female. However, this
insect conforms well to the genus, and is so large that there should be no difficulty
in identifying the male when it appears in later collections.
Grorema viettei n. sp. (PL I, fig. 7)
et. Palpus mummy brown. Antenna light to warm buff, the basai portion of
each pectination darker. Head and patagium orange buff, remainder of thorax
grading to light buff on abdomen. Legs warm buff, tibia and tarsus of foreleg
mummy brown. Forewing and fringe naples yellow; a fuscous medial fascia,
broken at the veins, and over 1 mm. broad at its widest portion, running parallel
with the termen from above vein 5 almost to the inner margin. Hindwing and
underside of both wings ivory yellow.
Expanse : 46-47 mm.
MADAGASCAR EST. route d'Anosibe, km. 26, forêt de Sandrangato, december
1954, 3 c? (including Type) (P. Viette).
A very distinct and interesting species, now placed in Crorema, but perhaps
requiring a new genus when the female is known. In one paratype the central
fascia in the forewing is almost 2 mm broad.
Pirgula polylopha n. sp. (Pl. I, fig. 2)
$. Palpus white, on outer side fuscous black. Legs white, with a few fuscous
black hair-scales on outer side of fore tibia. Antenna, head and body creamy
white; dorsally on the posterior segments of the abdomen arc five tufts or brushes
of hair, resembling those on many Lymantriid larvae; there are traces of these tufts
on the males of some other species in the genus, but it is possible that they are
quickly worn away in life. Wings creamy white, strongly iridescent over the upper
surface with green and violet; on forewing a fine fuscous black postmedial streak,
from the origin of vein 4, inwardly oblique to below vein 2, thence outwardly oblique
to inner margin, and along inner margin towards the base of the wing; an L—shaped
fuscous black mark in the apical area, commencing at the stalk of veins 7 and 8,
thence to vein 6, which it follows almost to the cell. On hindwing a fine fuscous
black central streak, running from the origin of vein 4 to the inner margin at two-
thirds. No markings on underside of wings.
Expanse : 28 mm. No frenulum.
MADAGASCAR EST, env. de Perinet, 910 m., forêt d'Analamazaotra, february
1955, 1 $ (Holotype) (P. Viette); Ankasoka, 1.130 m., route de Lakato, km. 15,
déc. 1956, 1 $ (P. Griveaud).
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