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C.-L. Collenette
By courtesy of Dr. PAULIAN, Directeur-Adjoint de l'Institut scientifique de
Madagascar, and P. VIETTE Lepidopterist of the Muséum national d'Histoire
naturelle de Paris, I have received for examination a large number of recently
collected Lymantriidae from Madagascar. In a few cases specimens in the British
Museum (Natural History), previously awaiting further material, have been added.
The twenty-nine new species described in this paper are in addition to those
listed in my "Catalogue of the Lymantriidae of Madagascar", (Le Naturaliste malgache,
1955, 7 (2), pp. 167-179) and of these new species no less than seven were obtained
in the neighbourhood of Permet, where Monsieur and Madame d'OLSOUFIEFF made
extensive collections over a number of years. Other species in this paper and the
previous list are represented only by the unique type, implying that they are scarce
and local or difficult to obtain, and that further collecting will yield most interesting
The many species of Dasychira showing green in the forewing and a similar
pattern present a difficult problem, but with only two or three exceptions all speci-
mens have been dealt with. A fair series of nearly all the described species in this
group has been examined, showing that the differences in markings tend to be
constant, and that few are isolated by locality, elevation or time of year. The
genitalia do not provide a complete solution, as small differences between specimens
which are obviously conspecific are occasionally as great as those between species
which appear to be distinct. In the present state of our knowledge subspecific
rank has been avoided. An illustration of each species in the group has been publish-
ed, either at the time of description or subsequently.
RIDGWAY'S Color Standards and Color Nomenclature, 1912, has been used in
the description of new species, and, unless otherwise noted, types of new species
are in the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris.
Leucoma lechrisemata n. sp. (pl. I, fig. 5.)
et. Palpus orange buff. Antenna fuscous, mixed with white towards apex of
shaft, pectinations widely spaced. Foreleg orange buff, mid and hindleg white
with tarsi orange buff. Head and body white. Forewing on upperside white with
C.-L. Collenette
By courtesy of Dr. PAULIAN, Directeur-Adjoint de l'Institut scientifique de
Madagascar, and P. VIETTE Lepidopterist of the Muséum national d'Histoire
naturelle de Paris, I have received for examination a large number of recently
collected Lymantriidae from Madagascar. In a few cases specimens in the British
Museum (Natural History), previously awaiting further material, have been added.
The twenty-nine new species described in this paper are in addition to those
listed in my "Catalogue of the Lymantriidae of Madagascar", (Le Naturaliste malgache,
1955, 7 (2), pp. 167-179) and of these new species no less than seven were obtained
in the neighbourhood of Permet, where Monsieur and Madame d'OLSOUFIEFF made
extensive collections over a number of years. Other species in this paper and the
previous list are represented only by the unique type, implying that they are scarce
and local or difficult to obtain, and that further collecting will yield most interesting
The many species of Dasychira showing green in the forewing and a similar
pattern present a difficult problem, but with only two or three exceptions all speci-
mens have been dealt with. A fair series of nearly all the described species in this
group has been examined, showing that the differences in markings tend to be
constant, and that few are isolated by locality, elevation or time of year. The
genitalia do not provide a complete solution, as small differences between specimens
which are obviously conspecific are occasionally as great as those between species
which appear to be distinct. In the present state of our knowledge subspecific
rank has been avoided. An illustration of each species in the group has been publish-
ed, either at the time of description or subsequently.
RIDGWAY'S Color Standards and Color Nomenclature, 1912, has been used in
the description of new species, and, unless otherwise noted, types of new species
are in the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris.
Leucoma lechrisemata n. sp. (pl. I, fig. 5.)
et. Palpus orange buff. Antenna fuscous, mixed with white towards apex of
shaft, pectinations widely spaced. Foreleg orange buff, mid and hindleg white
with tarsi orange buff. Head and body white. Forewing on upperside white with
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- Auteurs similaires Nutrisco, bibliothèque numérique du Havre Nutrisco, bibliothèque numérique du Havre /services/engine/search/sru?operation=searchRetrieve&version=1.2&maximumRecords=50&collapsing=true&exactSearch=true&query=colnum adj "BmLHav000"Bibliographie de la presse française politique et d'information générale Bibliographie de la presse française politique et d'information générale /services/engine/search/sru?operation=searchRetrieve&version=1.2&maximumRecords=50&collapsing=true&exactSearch=true&query=colnum adj "BIPFPIG00"
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