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't'M~~ ~l
XV. ~c(the ~M~, and co~cem~ the Co~Me~'o~ &e~~e~ ~Aer and
some ?teî~ ~cpe~'i'me~
sorne new OLIVER J. LODGE, j~&
Received and Read"M.trch 31, 1892.–Bevised July 17, 1893.
[PLATES 31, 32.]
Section 1. StatementofproMem 729
2. Meaning of free and modified ether 790
3.~ Meaning of travel of modified ether 730
4. FBESNEL'shypothesia 731
5. Expression in terms of electromagnetic constants 732
6. J. J. TnoMSON's hypothesis · 732
7. Verification o~ one part of FBESNEL's law 733
8. Attempted verification of the other part 734
9. Summary of phenomena resulting from motion 735
10. Projectile analogies ~oc
11. Effect of motion on waves, magnetic lines of force, &c. 73(3
12. Frequent convenience of attributing motion to medium 738
13. Fixed source in moving médium 738
14. Moving source in fixed medinm 740
15. Medium moving past fixed source and receiver 741
16. Modes of observing interference effects due to motion 742
17. Influence of dense bodies inserted in path 742
18. Modes of observing effect of motion on intensity 743
19. Critieiam of the suggested experiment 744
20. Receiver only moving, effect on focussing 745
21. Summary of conclusions so far reached 747
22. No method of detecting first-order effects of ethereal motion exista 747
23. Treatment by principle of least time 748
24. Irrotational motion of homogenco-as medinm causes no first-order effects 748
25. First discussion of Mr. MtCMLMN's experiments. Extraordinary result 749
26. ContmJictory result supposed to be obtained by FizEAn's polarization experi-
~nt. 7~
27. Summary of statements concerning- rays and wave-normala in an irrotationally
moving medinm. Lineof vision depends 6n)y on motion of observer 750
28. In a non-homogeneons medium, motion such that cos 0 is constant or is thé
denvativeofapotentialfnnction.wilicacsenonrst-orderenects. 751
XV. ~c(
some ?teî~ ~cpe~'i'me~
sorne new OLIVER J. LODGE, j~&
Received and Read"M.trch 31, 1892.–Bevised July 17, 1893.
[PLATES 31, 32.]
Section 1. StatementofproMem 729
2. Meaning of free and modified ether 790
3.~ Meaning of travel of modified ether 730
4. FBESNEL'shypothesia 731
5. Expression in terms of electromagnetic constants 732
6. J. J. TnoMSON's hypothesis · 732
7. Verification o~ one part of FBESNEL's law 733
8. Attempted verification of the other part 734
9. Summary of phenomena resulting from motion 735
10. Projectile analogies ~oc
11. Effect of motion on waves, magnetic lines of force, &c. 73(3
12. Frequent convenience of attributing motion to medium 738
13. Fixed source in moving médium 738
14. Moving source in fixed medinm 740
15. Medium moving past fixed source and receiver 741
16. Modes of observing interference effects due to motion 742
17. Influence of dense bodies inserted in path 742
18. Modes of observing effect of motion on intensity 743
19. Critieiam of the suggested experiment 744
20. Receiver only moving, effect on focussing 745
21. Summary of conclusions so far reached 747
22. No method of detecting first-order effects of ethereal motion exista 747
23. Treatment by principle of least time 748
24. Irrotational motion of homogenco-as medinm causes no first-order effects 748
25. First discussion of Mr. MtCMLMN's experiments. Extraordinary result 749
26. ContmJictory result supposed to be obtained by FizEAn's polarization experi-
~nt. 7~
27. Summary of statements concerning- rays and wave-normala in an irrotationally
moving medinm. Lineof vision depends 6n)y on motion of observer 750
28. In a non-homogeneons medium, motion such that cos 0 is constant or is thé
denvativeofapotentialfnnction.wilicacsenonrst-orderenects. 751
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