^P H I L O S O P H I C A L
1 On tbe Nature of tbe Cyorgonia; that it is a real
Marine Animal, and not of a mixed Nature, b^een
Animal and Vegetable. By John EUis, Bfq. F. R. S. in
a Letter to Daniel Sblander, M. D. F. R. S.
R.June 29, T was yout particular requeft, before you
I77S" 1 went to the South Seas, that I fhould conti-
nue my refearches into the formation and growth of
Zoophytes,moK particularly of thofe formerly called Ce-
Jopbytns, now Gorgoni*; and known in EngWh by the
n Je of fea-fans, fea-feathers, ^d i^a-wlups, to which
clafs the red%sal (hould be added. This you thought
the more neceffary, as the accounts already pubhfliedof
them by the illuftrious Dr. linn*us and Dr. palpas
feemed to make them of a mixed nature in their growth,
between animais and vegetables a thing not eafily to be
reconciled tœthe ufual operations of nature.
n 1 was
VOL. lxvj V'i »
1 On tbe Nature of tbe Cyorgonia; that it is a real
Marine Animal, and not of a mixed Nature, b^een
Animal and Vegetable. By John EUis, Bfq. F. R. S. in
a Letter to Daniel Sblander, M. D. F. R. S.
R.June 29, T was yout particular requeft, before you
I77S" 1 went to the South Seas, that I fhould conti-
nue my refearches into the formation and growth of
Zoophytes,moK particularly of thofe formerly called Ce-
Jopbytns, now Gorgoni*; and known in EngWh by the
n Je of fea-fans, fea-feathers, ^d i^a-wlups, to which
clafs the red%sal (hould be added. This you thought
the more neceffary, as the accounts already pubhfliedof
them by the illuftrious Dr. linn*us and Dr. palpas
feemed to make them of a mixed nature in their growth,
between animais and vegetables a thing not eafily to be
reconciled tœthe ufual operations of nature.
n 1 was
VOL. lxvj V'i »
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