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XXIV. DireSiîons for mailing a Machine fçr
finding the Roots of Equations univerfally^
with the Manner of ufng it By the Rev.
Mr. Rowning, to John Bevis, M. D.
F. R. S.
S I R,
ReadMay j,T)E R U SIN G a difcourfe m the me-
'770- Jl ftioirs of the Royal Academy at Peterf-
burgh, Tome vii. page 211, by the leamed John
Andrew de Segner, containing an univerfàl method
of difcovcring the roots of équations, which you
was fo kind as to recommend to my confidcration;
1 found, that the author's method, as you u'oferved to
me, confifted in finding feveral ordinates of -a para-
bolic curve, fuch, that its abfciflas being taken equal
to any affumed values of the unknown quantity in
the equation, the ordinates correfponding to thofe
abfciffas, fhould bc equal to the values of ail the
terms in the equation (when brought to one iide)
that is, in other words, in finding feveral ordinates of
a parabolic curve defined by the équation propoied
in whiiçh cafe, as is well known, if a curve be drawn
through the extremities of thé faid ordinates, the
points upon the axis, where the curve fhall eut it,
will neceffarily give the lèverai values of the real
XXIV. DireSiîons for mailing a Machine fçr
finding the Roots of Equations univerfally^
with the Manner of ufng it By the Rev.
Mr. Rowning, to John Bevis, M. D.
F. R. S.
S I R,
ReadMay j,T)E R U SIN G a difcourfe m the me-
'770- Jl ftioirs of the Royal Academy at Peterf-
burgh, Tome vii. page 211, by the leamed John
Andrew de Segner, containing an univerfàl method
of difcovcring the roots of équations, which you
was fo kind as to recommend to my confidcration;
1 found, that the author's method, as you u'oferved to
me, confifted in finding feveral ordinates of -a para-
bolic curve, fuch, that its abfciflas being taken equal
to any affumed values of the unknown quantity in
the equation, the ordinates correfponding to thofe
abfciffas, fhould bc equal to the values of ail the
terms in the equation (when brought to one iide)
that is, in other words, in finding feveral ordinates of
a parabolic curve defined by the équation propoied
in whiiçh cafe, as is well known, if a curve be drawn
through the extremities of thé faid ordinates, the
points upon the axis, where the curve fhall eut it,
will neceffarily give the lèverai values of the real
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