[491] Lépidoptères liétérocères du Tonkin. 729 ,
Koïcocera Clem.
Clemens, Pr. Ent, Soc.Phil,ÏT, p. 121 (1864), type : chalcofrontella.
Wlsm., Ent Monthl. Mag., XLV, p. 47, 50 (1909).
H. increta Meyr.,n. sp. —« cf- 61mm. Head, palpi and thorax pale
-greyish-ochreous slightly speckled with fuscous. Antennal ciliations 1.
Forewings rallier narrow-, costa slighlly arched, apex obtuse-pointed,
termen extremely obliquely rounded; pale greyish-ochreous, irregu-
larly sprinkled wilh.fuscous, with suffused irroration along costa and
dorsum and towards termen ; indistinct blotches of pale fuscous suffu-
sion on costa al 1/3 and on dorsum slighlly beyond Ibis ; discal stig-
mata forming small obscure cloudy fuscous spots, first roundish,
second transverse; cilia light greyish, sprinkled with whitish. Hind-
wings pale greyish, thinly scaled and iridescenl subhyaline on an-
terior hall ; cilia pale greyish-ochreous. » E. MEYRICK.
Un spécimen. Hoang su phi (ROBERT).
Oecqp/iora Lalr., 1802.
SU., Man., II, p. 353 (1859) (part.).
Meyr., Tr. E.S.L.,188Z, p. 125 (part.); MI Wylsm.,Gen.Ins., 180,
p. 1; Hmpsn., Nov. Zool, XXV, p. 392 (1918).
Scaeosoplia Meyr.
Meyrick, Exot. Microl., I,p. 254 (1914),t5rpe percnaula;in Wytsm.,
Gen. Ins., 180, p. 50.
S. atrinervis Meyr., n. sp. — « 9.18mm. Head whitish-ochreous.
Palpi whitish-ochreous, second joint sprinkled with dark grey except
apex. Thorax grey. Abdomen blackish, two basai segments dorsally
whitish-ochreous. Posterior tibiae blackish, tarsi ochreous-white.
Forewings elongate, cosla gently arched, apex obtuse, termen very
obliquely rounded ; light glossy grey, ail veins very finely black ; cilia
ochreous whitish, with grey médian shade, costa barred with grey.
Hindwings grey, .cilia light greyish.
« One spécimen. A singular form. » E. MEYRICK.
Cho ganh (DUPORT). '
Ann. Soc. ent. Fr., xcvm 11929].
Koïcocera Clem.
Clemens, Pr. Ent, Soc.Phil,ÏT, p. 121 (1864), type : chalcofrontella.
Wlsm., Ent Monthl. Mag., XLV, p. 47, 50 (1909).
H. increta Meyr.,n. sp. —« cf- 61mm. Head, palpi and thorax pale
-greyish-ochreous slightly speckled with fuscous. Antennal ciliations 1.
Forewings rallier narrow-, costa slighlly arched, apex obtuse-pointed,
termen extremely obliquely rounded; pale greyish-ochreous, irregu-
larly sprinkled wilh.fuscous, with suffused irroration along costa and
dorsum and towards termen ; indistinct blotches of pale fuscous suffu-
sion on costa al 1/3 and on dorsum slighlly beyond Ibis ; discal stig-
mata forming small obscure cloudy fuscous spots, first roundish,
second transverse; cilia light greyish, sprinkled with whitish. Hind-
wings pale greyish, thinly scaled and iridescenl subhyaline on an-
terior hall ; cilia pale greyish-ochreous. » E. MEYRICK.
Un spécimen. Hoang su phi (ROBERT).
Oecqp/iora Lalr., 1802.
SU., Man., II, p. 353 (1859) (part.).
Meyr., Tr. E.S.L.,188Z, p. 125 (part.); MI Wylsm.,Gen.Ins., 180,
p. 1; Hmpsn., Nov. Zool, XXV, p. 392 (1918).
Scaeosoplia Meyr.
Meyrick, Exot. Microl., I,p. 254 (1914),t5rpe percnaula;in Wytsm.,
Gen. Ins., 180, p. 50.
S. atrinervis Meyr., n. sp. — « 9.18mm. Head whitish-ochreous.
Palpi whitish-ochreous, second joint sprinkled with dark grey except
apex. Thorax grey. Abdomen blackish, two basai segments dorsally
whitish-ochreous. Posterior tibiae blackish, tarsi ochreous-white.
Forewings elongate, cosla gently arched, apex obtuse, termen very
obliquely rounded ; light glossy grey, ail veins very finely black ; cilia
ochreous whitish, with grey médian shade, costa barred with grey.
Hindwings grey, .cilia light greyish.
« One spécimen. A singular form. » E. MEYRICK.
Cho ganh (DUPORT). '
Ann. Soc. ent. Fr., xcvm 11929].
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