Titre : Cosmopolis : revue internationale / directeur F. Ortmans
Éditeur : A. Colin et cie (Paris)
Date d'édition : 1898-01-01
Contributeur : Ortmans, F.. Éditeur scientifique
Notice du catalogue : http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb327493131
Type : texte texte
Type : publication en série imprimée publication en série imprimée
Langue : français
Langue : anglais
Langue : allemand
Format : Nombre total de vues : 10592 Nombre total de vues : 10592
Description : 01 janvier 1898 01 janvier 1898
Description : 1898/01/01 (T9,N25)-1898/01/31. 1898/01/01 (T9,N25)-1898/01/31.
Droits : Consultable en ligne
Identifiant : ark:/12148/bpt6k30999z
Source : Bibliothèque nationale de France
Conservation numérique : Bibliothèque nationale de France
Date de mise en ligne : 15/10/2007
~4% /z~
No. XXV.–jANUARY, 1898.
THE friend who kiridly took me to thé first night of poor
Winton's first-which was aiso poor Whiton's last it was
removed as fast as, at an unlucky 'dinner, a dish of too
perceptible a présence–aiso obligingly pointed out to me thé
notabilities in~ thé house. Soit w'as that we came round, just
opposite, tu a young lady in thé front row of the balcony-
a young lady in mourning so marked that 1 rather wondered
to see her -at a place of pleasure. 1 dare say iny surprise was
partly produced bymythinking ~er face, as 1 made it outat
the distance, refined enough to ~d a little the contradiction.
1 remember at ail events dropping a word about the manhers
and mora!s of London–a word to thé effect fhat, for the
most part, elsewhere, people so~jëreaved as to be su becraped
were bereaved enough to stay at- honie. We recognised of
course, howevér, during the wait, that nobody ever did stay
at hume and, as my companion proved vague about my =
young lady, who was yet somehow more interesting than anv
other as directly in range, we took refuge in the several theories
that might explain her_ behaviour. One of these was that
she had a sentiment for Winton'which could override super-
stitions another was that her scruples had been mastered .by
an influence discernible on the'spot. Thiswas nothing-less
than the spell of a gentleman beside her, whom 1 had at Hrst
mentally disconnected from her on account of some Visibilitv
Copyright, t~8, in thc. Un'ted St.tteii of Amcnca, by Hen)~ Jmncs.
~4% /z~
No. XXV.–jANUARY, 1898.
THE friend who kiridly took me to thé first night of poor
Winton's first-which was aiso poor Whiton's last it was
removed as fast as, at an unlucky 'dinner, a dish of too
perceptible a présence–aiso obligingly pointed out to me thé
notabilities in~ thé house. Soit w'as that we came round, just
opposite, tu a young lady in thé front row of the balcony-
a young lady in mourning so marked that 1 rather wondered
to see her -at a place of pleasure. 1 dare say iny surprise was
partly produced bymythinking ~er face, as 1 made it outat
the distance, refined enough to ~d a little the contradiction.
1 remember at ail events dropping a word about the manhers
and mora!s of London–a word to thé effect fhat, for the
most part, elsewhere, people so~jëreaved as to be su becraped
were bereaved enough to stay at- honie. We recognised of
course, howevér, during the wait, that nobody ever did stay
at hume and, as my companion proved vague about my =
young lady, who was yet somehow more interesting than anv
other as directly in range, we took refuge in the several theories
that might explain her_ behaviour. One of these was that
she had a sentiment for Winton'which could override super-
stitions another was that her scruples had been mastered .by
an influence discernible on the'spot. Thiswas nothing-less
than the spell of a gentleman beside her, whom 1 had at Hrst
mentally disconnected from her on account of some Visibilitv
Copyright, t~8, in thc. Un'ted St.tteii of Amcnca, by Hen)~ Jmncs.
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