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Titre : Life and labour of the people in London.... 6 / by Charles Booth

Auteur : Booth, Charles (1840-1916). Auteur du texte

Éditeur : Macmillan (London)

Date d'édition : 1892-1903

Sujet : Pauvres en milieu urbain -- Grande-Bretagne -- 19e siècle

Sujet : Conditions sociales -- Londres (GB) -- 19e siècle

Notice d'ensemble : http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb30130909r

Type : monographie imprimée

Langue : anglais

Format : 16 vol. ; in-8

Format : Nombre total de vues : 411

Description : Contient une table des matières

Droits : Consultable en ligne

Droits : Public domain

Identifiant : ark:/12148/bpt6k93987x

Source : Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Philosophie, histoire, sciences de l'homme, Nk-273 (6)

Conservation numérique : Bibliothèque nationale de France

Date de mise en ligne : 15/10/2007

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strips. ï'ho rougher pieces arc used to clarify béer. They are rednced by acid to a thick liquid, known as "finingB,"1 a, certain qnnntity of which is commonly put into every barrel of beer, where, in tho course of settling down, it tnkes ail impnrities with it. Some brewers make their own. Thero is not mnch skill nceded by the operatives in glue or size making. Wages aro from 20« to 25*. In all branches the amount of skill requisito is soon acquired. As for seasons, summer is bnsy and winter slack in one factory in 1892, glne was boiled on 239 and size on 187 day«, ont of a possible 304 days. In this factory, the men work from G to 6, with one and a balf hours for meals. On Saturday work ceases at 4. The hours of tho women are rather shoi-tei*.

Blood Eefining is an even moro disagrceable trade than glue making, and allied to it are bone and manure works. Thèse trades lie midway betwcen chemicals and glue in style of work and remuneration.

Sausageskin Dressing is remarkable for the perfection and pnrity of the finished article, starting as it does from so foui an offal. In character and in remuneration the work is very similar to leather dressing, described later. Kot much of it is done in London. The men employed aro ail Germans, and live near the slaughter-houses. Poste Maidng, also included in this section, is something like size making, but tbe gluten is mostly vegetable. Doo BISCUITS.

Of the making of dog biscuits, which the census places in the same category with soap, as using animal refuse from which soap greaso has been extracted, it is unnecessary to say much. It is doubtfnl whother the men would so roturn themselves as to bo included in the section. They are more likely to appear as biscuit bakers.

The méat fibrine, which gives this food its distinctivo