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Titre : An introduction to the principles of morals and legislation : printed in the year 1780 and now first published / by Jeremy Bentham,...

Auteur : Bentham, Jeremy (1748-1832). Auteur du texte

Éditeur : T. Payne (London)

Date d'édition : 1789

Notice du catalogue : http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb30085224s

Type : monographie imprimée

Langue : anglais

Format : 9-CCCXXXV p. ; in-4

Format : Nombre total de vues : 378

Description : Contient une table des matières

Droits : Consultable en ligne

Droits : Public domain

Identifiant : ark:/12148/bpt6k93974k

Source : Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Droit, économie, politique, F-17858

Conservation numérique : Bibliothèque nationale de France

Date de mise en ligne : 15/10/2007

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fiduriary rights, relative duties, abfolute duties. But as many con- ditions as ~mport a power or right of the fiduciary kind, as poHeûed f by

fencesagain&judiciatandmUttarytrtï&y. Offences againft the original revenue, not accruing either from taxes or forfeitures, fuch as that arifing from the public demefnes, ftand upon the fame footing as offences againft private property. $. Offences againft ~Mw< truft (~«~tœ, things belonging to the public and r~tE~, a Neward.) viz. againft that truft, of which the object is to apply to their feveral deftinations fuch articles of thé public wealth as are provided for the indifcriminate accommodation of individuatt fuch as public roads and waters, public harbours, po&offices, and packet-boats, and the itock belonging to them market-places, and other fuch public buildings; race-grounds, public walks, and fo forth. O&nces of this defcription will be apt to coïncide with offences againft <o-~MM~ truA as above, or with offences againit ethno-plutiJIic truft hereafter mentioned, aecording as the beneiit in queRion is confidered in itfelf, or as refulting from the application of fuch or fuch a branch or portion of the public wealth.

Vif. OFFENCEs againft poptfLATtON. Emigration. z. Suicide, 3. Procurement of impotence or barrennefs. Abortion. 5. UnprotIRc coition. 6. Celibacy. VHI. OFFf.t'cEsagainit thé NATIONAL WEALTH. t.!d]enefs. z.Breachofthe regulations tnadeintheviewofpr&ventlngtheapptieationoficdu~ry to purpofes lefs profitable, in préjudice of pnrpo&s mare profitable. g-OftencesagainH~~a-c truft: (~M;, the nation attarge~ ~AH~toen.nch.)

IX. OFFENCES agatoA the sovERE!GNTY. i. ON'ences againft fovereign tru(~~ > correfponding to thofe againft judicial, prophylaxie, miH:ary~ and Ëfcal tru-fts. Offenfive rebellion includes wrongtui.mtercRption,wrengfu!di.veftment, ufurpation, and wrongfui inveftment, of favereign truft, wich theoScnces acceffary thereto. Where the truft MnaËng!eperfon, wrongful interception, wrongful diveftment, ufurpation, and wrongful inveftment, cannot, any of them, be committed w fitout rebeliion abdication and detre~ation can never be deemed wrongfui breach end abufe of fovereign truft can fcarcely be puni~hed: no more can bribe-taking: wro~gfui impofition of it is fcarce praeticabie. When the fovereignty is ihared among a number, wrongful interception, wrongful diveftment, ufurpation, and wrongful inveilment, may be committed without rebeUion none of the olfences againA this truft are impracticable nor are there any of them but might be punithed. Defenfive rebellion is dillurbance of this truft. Political tumults, political defamation, and political vilification, are offences accefory to fuch diiturbance.

Sovereign power (which, upon the principle of utility, can never be other than, fiduciary) is exercifed either by rule or without rule in the latter cafe it may be tçrmed ~~f~w.' in the former cafe it is divided into two branches, the /<<