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Titre : The chronology of ancient nations : an English version of the Arabic text of the Athâr-ul-Bâkiya of Albîrûni or "Vestiges of the past"... / transl. et ed. with notes and index, by Dr. C. Edward Sachau,...

Auteur : Bīrūnī, Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad Abū al-Rayḥān al- (0973-1050). Auteur du texte

Éditeur : W. H. Allen (London)

Date d'édition : 1879

Contributeur : Sachau, Eduard (1845-1930). Traducteur

Notice du catalogue : http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb301077601

Type : monographie imprimée

Langue : anglais

Format : XVI-464 p. ; in-8

Format : Nombre total de vues : 483

Description : Contient une table des matières

Droits : Consultable en ligne

Droits : Public domain

Identifiant : ark:/12148/bpt6k728990

Source : Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Philosophie, histoire, sciences de l'homme, 4-G-107

Conservation numérique : Bibliothèque nationale de France

Date de mise en ligne : 15/10/2007

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thé month of thé obligatory fasting.

p.333. 6. Birth of AJhusain b. 'AM according to aU authorities except Alsalâmt.

7. Ahna'm&n adopted the green colours.

10. Death of Khadîja.

17. The cursed 'Abd-atrahman b. Muljim Ahnurad: struck 'A): b. Ab:Tâlib on the head so as to injure the brain.

On the morning of the 17th the battle of Badr oceurred Mcording to another report, it occurred on the 19th. But this ia nut correct, because 10 there M an uninterrupted tradition saym~ that it occurred ou a Monday in the second year of the flight. If we co.uf.ute thé Ist of Ramadan for this year, we find that it was a Saturday, and the Monday in question falls upon the l7th.

19. Mekk& was conquered. The Prophet did not perform thé pilgrimage, beoa.use the Arabian months were back behind real time m conséquence of the 3~~?' (postponement of certain montha in the times of heathendom). Therefore he waited tillthe months returned to their pruper places, and then he performed the fareweU-pitgrimage, and forbade to use thé NtM)'. 20 21. Death of the Prince of the Believers, 'Ali b. AM-Tatib also death of 'AM-Atrida Ibn Musa AIMzim b. Ja'far Atsadik b. Muhammad Alba~ir b. 'Ali AlsajjadZain-aI'&bidin b. AI~UMin, the protom&rtyr, son of the Prince of the Believers 'AI! b. AM.TMib. According to othem, his death (that of 'AM.Atrid&) occurred on the 23rd Dh&.Alka'da.

22. Birth of 'AM b. AM-Talib, according to A)sa.Iam!.

25. 'Abu-Musum 'Abd-ahahman b. Musiim first raised the standard of the 'Abbasides in Ehurasan.

26. Revolt of Alburku': in Baara; according to some, he waa 'AU b. Muhammad b. 'Ahmad b. 'îaa b. Zaid b. 'Al! b. Aihumin b 'Al! b. AM. 30 Talib according to others, he waa 'Al! b. Muhammad b. -Abd-alrah!m b. 'Abd-a~ais. There is a report saying that Atb~n b. Zaid, the Prince of Tabanatan, wrote to him at the time when he came forward in Ba?ra, asking for his genealogy, in order to leam the truth of the matter, whereupon he received this answer Do you mind my business as much as 1 mind yours (i.e. as little). My compliments." A wonderfully short and cutting answer, very much like that which WaK-aIdaula 'Abû'AhmadEhaJaf b. 'Ahmad, the Prince of Sijistân, gave, when N&h b. Mansûr, the Prince of Xhurasân, had written to him threatening him with various things. He answered 0 Nuh, you have quarrelled with us 10 a great deal. Now carry out that with which you thrpaten tM, if you are a true-speaking man." L. e c 27. The night of this day is called .Ma<.<t:A<t< (Night of Fate), of which God says (Sûra xcvii. 3) that it is better than a thousand months.