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Titre : Biographisch-bibliographisches Quellen-Lexikon der Musiker und Musikgelehrten der christlichen Zeitrechnung bis zur Mitte des neunzehnten Jahrhundert. Bd. 1, Aa-Bertali / von Rob. Eitner

Auteur : Eitner, Robert (1832-1905). Auteur du texte

Éditeur : Breitkopf und Härtel (Leipzig)

Date d'édition : 1900-1904

Sujet : Musique -- Biobibliographie -- Sources

Sujet : Musiciens -- Biographie -- Sources

Notice d'ensemble : http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb30397283h

Type : monographie imprimée

Langue : allemand

Format : 11 vol. ; in-8

Format : Nombre total de vues : 484

Droits : Consultable en ligne

Droits : Public domain

Identifiant : ark:/12148/bpt6k697380

Source : Bibliothèque nationale de France, 4-Vm-297 (1)

Conservation numérique : Bibliothèque nationale de France

Date de mise en ligne : 15/10/2007

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musical entertainnjent. Lond. fol. (Die Jlusik ist teilweiw von Cherubini.) [br. j Mus. RCofilua.

(Past Asleep) Ah! onc* when 1 was a veiy little iviaid; sung in the farce of. Lond. (1797) fol. J>r. Mus.

(The Hebrew Family) The sky lark calls; Recitative & airs in the play of. Lond. (1825) fol. [br.Mus.

Lalla Rookh, 4 Gesange im K1.-A. einzeïn erschienen in London by Power. [Berlin K. H.

The Magie Oak, or Harlequin Woodcutter. Lond. [br. Mus. B.C. of Mus. (Guy Mannering) Thé Overt., songs etc. in. Lond. (1816) fol. (ein Teil von Sir Henry Rowl. Bishop.) [br. Mus. The Mariners; a musical entertainment. Lond. (1793) qufol. [br.Mus. R.C.ofMus. The additional song, duett & Trio in the. Lond. (1796) fol. [br.Mus. Marraton and Yaratilda. Lond., Cramer, Addison & Boale. [B. M. br. Mus. The Month of the Nile, a musical enter- tainment. Lond. (1798) foL Overturo arrang. for tho harp, or pfte. ib. fol. [br. Mus. B. C.ofMus.

In Musical Bouqet, 2 Reoitat. u. Arien: The Skylark oalls. Lond. (1874) fol. fbr. Mus.

The old Cloathsman, an opéra 1799. London. P. [B.C. of Mus.

The Poor Sailor; or, Littlo ben & little Bob; a musical drama. Lond. (1795) qufol. [br.Mus. Glasgow. B. C.ofMus. The Prisoner. A mus. Romance. Lond. (1792) fol. A new song (,,Oh! how irild") Lond. (1794) fol. [br.Mus. B.C. of Mus.

Rt. David's day: a favorite oomio opei-a. Lond. (1801) foL – The Overture arrang. as a Sonata for the Pfte. Lond. fol. [br. Mus. R. C.ofMus.

The smugglers. A musical drama (by S. Birch) Lond. (1796) fol. [R. C.ofMus. The airs Sweet Charity&c. in the Operas "The Smuggtm" & "The Prisoner** (K1.-A.) In Dramatio airs Nr. 6. 1818. Siehe Airs. [br.Mus.

Fôtis fuhrt von 1792–1800 13 Opern an, die in London aufgefiihrt wurden, Orove zeigt 19 Opern an, keiner nennt einen Fundort.

BaUaden, Songs, Glees u. a.

The Adieu. A Ballad. Lond. neue Ausg. von W. H. Callcott. (1859) foL [br. Mus.

Carol for May Day, the words by Bishop Heber. Lond. fol. [br.Mus.

2 Duette f. Gesang. Lond. [ib.

At Evening. A ballad. Lond. fol. [ib. The song of tbo fire-worshipper. Lond., J. Power. IB.M.

Tlie Oenoalogy of the britisb Kings (by S. Carey) Lond. o. 1790. fol. [br.Mus. ïïark the curiew's solenn sound. A Glee for 3 voices. Kl.-A. [.Musikfr. Wien. Hark tlie distant. Tno for 3 Sopr. (mit Pfte.) 1/tnA. (Neuausj*. 1843) fol. [br. Mus. bositzt nooh 2 sptitore Ausg. The Harper's, a song. Lond. foL [ib. The Harp wild notes. Glee for 4 voie. Lond. fol. [ib.

The heath this night must be iny bed. Normau's song. Lond. fol. [ib.

A collection of glees Lond. c. 1830. fol. [ib.

Christmas Eve, or full well our Christian sires of old, from Marmion. by W. Scots. A glee for 3 voie. Lond. fol. [ib. Invitation to the Bee. Glee for 4 voie Lond. fol. [ib.

In peace love times the shepherd's reed. Glee. Lond. fol. [ib.

Rise to the battle. Glee for 3 voie. Lond. (1804) fol. [br.Mus., nebst einer spâteren Ausg. in fol. [ib.

A rose bud by my early walk; a glee for 4 voie. Lond. (1817) fol. [ib. Twas on an ever. Glee for 4 voie. Virtue, my Enima, Glee for 4 voie. TTp quit thy bower, Glee for 3 voie. Lond. fol. (einzelL) [br. Mus.

The Acacia boever from Moore's Poem Lalla Rookh. Lond. (1817) fol. [ib. The cold wave my love lies under; from Moore's Poem Lalla Rookh. Lond. fol. Lib.

Her hands were clasp'd; Recitative & air, the words from Moore's Poem Lalla Rookh. Lond. fol. [ib,

Lochinvar. Lady Heron's song in Marmion. Lond. (1844) fol. [ib.

Instrummtalwerke im british Muséum: A short Introduction to the Pfte. Lond. fol. A Maroh & Waltz for 2 perfonners on the Pfte. Lond fol.

Royal Exchange March. P. Lond. fol. The third Regiment of royal East India Volunteers slow & quiok marches. for the Pfte. Lond. fol.

3 Sonatas for the Pfte. or Harps., with ace. for a V. & Vol. op. 2. Lond. fol. 8 Trios for the Pfte. or Harps., with ace. for a V. & Vcl. obi. op. 1. Lond. fol. The Salzburg Waltz (f. Pfte.) Lond. (1816) fol.

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