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Titre : Philosophical transactions of the Royal society of London : giving some accompt of the present undertakings, studies, and labours of the ingenious in many considerable parts of the world. VOL60 (1770)

Auteur : Royal society (GB). Auteur du texte

Éditeur : Royal societyRoyal society (London)

Date d'édition : 1665-1886

Notice d'ensemble : http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37571969b

Type : monographie imprimée

Langue : anglais

Format : Microfiches ; 105*148 mm

Description : Collection numérique : Nutrisco, bibliothèque numérique du Havre

Droits : conditions spécifiques d'utilisation - Microformes et reprints

Droits : restricted use

Identifiant : ark:/12148/bpt6k558650

Source : Bibliothèque nationale de France

Conservation numérique : Bibliothèque nationale de France

Date de mise en ligne : 10/03/2009

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XXXVIII. ExtraEÎ of a Letter froniMn John Latliam, Surgeon and Midwife, at

Dartford, /«Kent, to Mr. Warner, Fel-

hw of the Royal Society and Senior Sur-

geon to Guy's Hofpital. Commwiicated ta

the Royal Society hy Mr. Warner.

Rcad Nov. 7, "m /r R. A. B. about ç_ç years of âge, was '"°' A.VjL an hcalthy man till about 20 vears

fince, when he was fi rit Icized with a fever at which time he followed the trade of a miller, and maker of Frcnch barlcy. This laft bufinefs, he tells me, is atî:ndcd with very grcat beat to ths operator, and ex[X)!es him to a continuai cloud of duft. As foon as he bc^.în to work, his breath grew opprefled with a fênf'àtion of bis body being pufîed up all over; from which iymptoms he was rclieved by occafionally leaving off his ba.'Incfi. On the firft cold caught after his entering on this kind ol employaient, a fever attacked liitn wbiich has generaliy returned fometimes once, r.r.J icmctirnes twice in a year, chierly .in autumn but iometimes in fpring likewife though heonce niiiîed being 111 for two years together. After carry- ing on this trade for four or five years, he left it off; ".s hc attributcd his diforder chierly to the effecls of thc meal duft. Be that as it vvill, the fevers have not been Ib violent iince, as while he followed that occupation: though the cuticle, or outer. {kin, -has coniç off, the famé as before. As to the particulars ot his illncft, they are nearly as follow: The diforder TVT m m t Kt'orrîtié