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Titre : Philosophical transactions of the Royal society of London : giving some accompt of the present undertakings, studies, and labours of the ingenious in many considerable parts of the world. VOL60 (1770)

Auteur : Royal society (GB). Auteur du texte

Éditeur : Royal societyRoyal society (London)

Date d'édition : 1665-1886

Notice d'ensemble : http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37571969b

Type : monographie imprimée

Langue : anglais

Format : Microfiches ; 105*148 mm

Description : Collection numérique : Nutrisco, bibliothèque numérique du Havre

Droits : conditions spécifiques d'utilisation - Microformes et reprints

Droits : restricted use

Identifiant : ark:/12148/bpt6k558650

Source : Bibliothèque nationale de France

Conservation numérique : Bibliothèque nationale de France

Date de mise en ligne : 10/03/2009

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faid bigae and quadrigas, both in théîr type and workmanfhip, feem greatly to refemble ihore of Gelo, king of Syracufe, and cther Syracufian coins. before Hieronymus, the laft of them, ever wore a diadem from whence he concludes, that ail the coins of thofe mo^archs, whh diademated heads upon them, and particularly thofe of Gelo, Hiero 1. Dionyfius I. &II. Agathocles, and Hiero 11. were pofterior to the times in which thofe princes lived, and even to the reign of Hieronymus. But this falfe notion has been full and cffeétually refuted by the Prince di Torremuzza, in the prolcgomena prefixcd to his volume of antient infcriptions found in Sicrly, and printed at Palermo, this very year. Thè" lejlrned Prince ~fkft there ftiews, that Baron Spanheim is inconfiftent"Jw.ith himfelf in >\ this particular and then to demônfiration proves, tfiîrt kjhe coins of Gelo, Hiero I. Dionyfius I. & II. Agathocles, and Htercj II. with diademated heads upon them, were a&ually ft'uck when thofe princes fat upon the throne of Syracufe. To which I fhall beg leave to add, that the elegance of the workmanfhip of the very antient Sicilian coins is no argument at au againft their remote antiquity as the Sicilians, and particularly the Syractifians, who were the politeft part of them, excelled in all the arts of peace, and thei clore in the elaborate concinnity of their money, as well as military fkill and bravery, in the days of Gelo, and eVea before, at leaft, the latter part of that prince's reign. This has been clearly evinced by the learned Sig. t Bianconi, in the very valuable li'.tle treatife here referred to;. in which, amongft other thin.c, he inconteftably proves the medals of Gilo, and particularly thofe mentioncd here, to hâve ftrlt appeared in thé reign of that prince, adducing at the famé time feveril ancient Sicilian pieces even ^rior to thofe coins. Nor will it be improper tarther to remark, that what has been advanced by Sig. Bianconi on the latter head is confîrmed by (i'ce Tab, V. n. 5, 6, y.) feveral medals of Leontium, or Léon-;tini, Agrigentum, and Syracufe, now in my fmail cabinet; the forms of the charaâers on which rnoft evidently demonftrate Piincep. de Torremuz. Suilia et ohjacentium infular- wtter, inpription.

ncv. colUlt. prakgom. et net. illujirat. prolegam. p. LIV, LV, LVI. Panuimi, 1769.

+ |oan. Biptift, Biancbn. De antiqu. litter. Hebtaor, & Gracor, libth

f. 37~ 4i- B^noniaE, 174»..