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Titre : Annual report of the Bureau of American ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian institution

Auteur : Bureau of American ethnology (Washington, D.C.). Auteur du texte

Éditeur : Government printing office (Washington)

Date d'édition : 1929

Contributeur : Powell, John Wesley (1834-1902). Directeur de publication

Notice du catalogue : http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37575968z

Notice du catalogue : https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37575968z/date

Type : texte

Type : publication en série imprimée

Langue : anglais

Format : Nombre total de vues : 40082

Description : 1929

Description : 1929 (N47)-1930.

Description : Note : Index.

Droits : Consultable en ligne

Droits : Public domain

Identifiant : ark:/12148/bpt6k27660k

Source : Bibliothèque nationale de France

Conservation numérique : Bibliothèque nationale de France

Date de mise en ligne : 15/10/2007

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of the priests. The feather from the shoulder of the eagle belongs to the hunters' society; the red hawk feather to Ciwana'kwe; wing feathers of the eagle, combined with downy feathers and duck feathers, and fastened to small reeds form the "great feather" (lacowan îan'a), the badge of a bow priest, is worn by ail warrior impersonations.~ The way it is wom is prognostic. If the tips of the feathers point backward the katcina cornes peaceably, but if the tips point forward his intentions are hostile, for this is the way warriors wear thé feather on the warpath.

The following myth is told to account for the feathers of kateinas. WHT THE KATCINAS WEAR EAGLE FEATHERS

Long ago a boy was set up on a cliff by the witches. He was starving to death. For four days he had nothing to eat. This boy had a friend, a witch boy, who asked him what he knew. He said, "I do not know anything." So then the witch boy said, "I shall rub you ail over with a black ant and then nothing can harm you." He did that and then he took a hoop and jumped through it and tumed into a chipmunk. He told the boy to do the same and said it was easy and that he could tum himself back into a person whenever he wanted to. So thé boy did it. Then they went up a mountain to hunt. The witch boy went ahead and told him to wait for him while he went to look for birds' nests. Then he turned himself back into a person and gave the hoop to the other boy and told him to turn himself back into a person too. Then he turned himself back into a person and the witch boy said, "Now do you want me to teach you how to do it yourself, the way my mother taught me?" The boy said, "No, 1 am afraid." Then the witch boy went away and told him to wait for him. Then he went away and left him there and the poor boy waited for four days. He had nothing to eat and he cried a great deal. This was at the place Hakwininakwe, where they get black paint for prayer sticks.

The eagle lived a little ways to the nortn and while he was in his nest he thought he heard something crying a little way to the south. Next morning he went out to hunt. About noon he remembered he had heard something crying in the night and he said, "Oh dear, I wanted to go and see who was there to the south. I heard something crying just like a human person. I wonder who it is, because no one ever cornes up here." Then the eagle went to the south and flew around four times and finally he saw the boy sitting in the crack in the rocks, fast asieep. The eagle came down and sat down beside him. He was sitting there in his feathers, waiting. He thought the boy would never wake up. Then he took off bis feather dress and he The lacowan !ana of the bow priests is made in the Ant Society house with special prayers. (Cf. also Hopi hnrnmkwa.) "The war chiefs do not have mi-we, but they have the gréât feather and it is just as sacred."