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Vues 605 à 605 sur 1186

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Titre : Annual report of the Bureau of American ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian institution

Auteur : Bureau of American ethnology (Washington, D.C.). Auteur du texte

Éditeur : Government printing office (Washington)

Date d'édition : 1929

Contributeur : Powell, John Wesley (1834-1902). Directeur de publication

Notice du catalogue : http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37575968z

Notice du catalogue : https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37575968z/date

Type : texte

Type : publication en série imprimée

Langue : anglais

Format : Nombre total de vues : 40082

Description : 1929

Description : 1929 (N47)-1930.

Description : Note : Index.

Droits : Consultable en ligne

Droits : Public domain

Identifiant : ark:/12148/bpt6k27660k

Source : Bibliothèque nationale de France

Conservation numérique : Bibliothèque nationale de France

Date de mise en ligne : 15/10/2007

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~p' a~wuteclana'wapa Eonan'te el i~yalma'ma. To'paEâ525 You having bitten crying out dom't drop them. Other side although

ton u'kwai'ip ~o~na-wan tca'we yam ko'n ho'i te'akona you coming out your children their kind person which they were

kwa a-'wiyo-na'mapa tci'mi ton kwi.'hokwaiina'wa." le'a-wantinot not becoming then first you will throw in." Thus to them kwap u'kwateîkâ. a-'wan tca'we top a-'ho' a-\vivo'na' a-'wusaying theywentin Their children other persons becoming having one by one. °

teclana'wapa a-~Eonan-te a"'wiwa'hikâ. a"'wan tca'we i'kwalt bitten them crying out although they crossed over. Their children back yam ko'n ho"i te'akona a-'ho' a-'wiyo-apa. "hanah'a-' honkwa' their kind person that they were persons becoming. "H'anaa! Perhaps! le'nap e'iekanaij-kâ." le'tikwana' i'sEon. ïem-î a-wiwa'hikâ. thus it would have been Thus saying there aU were on the other side. well.

i~sEon yam e'leteli-we wo'ta-pnaEâna i-~inan h~Eika,. There their sacred things putting setting sitting down stayedquietly. down marow

i'~inan ta'EUctia a'~witen ïe~wana'we le"kwap a-"witen Sitting down staying quietly four days thus saying four te'pikwai'ina i-~inaka,. iskon kona ïe'Ëna'we ~omt years they stayed. There each night just te'na-we'anakâ e'lute a-'teaiye. a-'wan tem'la ïe'wap a-"tci,53,5 singing loud with joyfully they lived. Their an time passed the two le'skwanan "si a'ma lal hon ne"we-'kwe a'cuwaEâce." thus saying, "Now come on there we Ne'we-kwe letusspeakto." le" a-tc i'kwana a"'tci ne"we-kwe tinankwin a'kâ. a''tci Thus the two saying thetwo Ne'we kwe staying where they went. The two te"tcinan "ko' ~on"Ee'wanan a-~teaiye." "Ee~tsanici. ïonc i-'ya. arrivmg, "How you time are living?" ""Happily you corne? i-~inaEa. a-tci i-'mup FsEon a-tci a~nteliktïnaka,. "si ma a-tci Beseated." Thetwosittingdown there thetwo he questioned. "Well now both pe~ne. hi'nik kwatiko~ penan te'yulanam-e pe'nan te'Eân-a.~ speak out. I think some kind word not too long work will be. te'wuna' u'hson hom ïon yu~ya-Eâpa uhs ai"'yu'ya-na h.o' Finally that me you making know that knowing 1 Te~wanan te~aEâna. ma i-nami'lte. te'wan yâ~ton hou hi'waltime shall live." "'WeU.indeeditistme. To-morrow day we shall akun'a hon a-~tatc i~lapona hon a-tsit i'lapona Ea~-eto-we arise we fathers the ones (we) we mothers the ones (we) "––––– have have

tcu/-eto'we mu~-eto'we le'-eto-we le' ti'~kâ a'~chvaii~i li'l ––––– ––––– ––––– ail society priests here i'tiwanan te~cuna a"'wa-ne. kwa hol i'tiwanan e'latena'ma 545 the middle seeking go. Not anywhere the Middle not coming upon ho'"na tca~we a"'wok' a'~te'ona a'~yu'te'tci'ka a'~Eoye ke'si. onr children women beings are tired they cry now. lesna te~'onakâ ~o'na hon o~na-e~latekâ. ~wan yâ.ton'e ton Thus being because of you we road have passed. To-morrow day yon