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Titre : Annual report of the Bureau of American ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian institution

Auteur : Bureau of American ethnology (Washington, D.C.). Auteur du texte

Éditeur : Government printing office (Washington)

Date d'édition : 1929

Contributeur : Powell, John Wesley (1834-1902). Directeur de publication

Notice du catalogue : http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37575968z

Notice du catalogue : https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37575968z/date

Type : texte

Type : publication en série imprimée

Langue : anglais

Format : Nombre total de vues : 40082

Description : 1929

Description : 1929 (N47)-1930.

Description : Note : Index.

Droits : Consultable en ligne

Droits : Public domain

Identifiant : ark:/12148/bpt6k27660k

Source : Bibliothèque nationale de France

Conservation numérique : Bibliothèque nationale de France

Date de mise en ligne : 15/10/2007

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the sun. Little was leamed concerning their paraphernalia and ritual. There seems to be no doubt, however, that tbey possessed a stone figure of a mountain lion (as do hunters' societies elsewhere). The Caiyaik, in addition to supplying individual hunters with medicines (and fetishes-little mountain lions, perhaps), were in charge of communal hunts, such as rabbit hunts; that is, tbey were the ones who made the necessary arrangements with the supematural world, the beasts, etc. The war cbief of the pueblo directs the hunt. T~e rabbit hunt.-Nowadays the war chief officiates at the rabbit hunts. He announces the time in the pueblo. Ail the people go out. They go to some chosen place. The war chief prepares to build a fire. First, he gathers some grass, rabbit manure, sticks, etc., which he puts in a little pile. Then he draws a meal line around it and four lines across it, intersecting at the center (lines from each of the cardinal points and midway between them). A little corn meal is put in the center, too. Then some fresh flowers are gathered and placed on the rneal lines and in the center. Then the war chief lights the fire. When the smoke begins to rise the war chief prays: "Sun hunter, I wish you to help me to-day. Cause lots of cottontails and jack rabbits to come together here." The rabbits are supposed to corne then. The people go about with clubs (woBaits) and slings (yaucBunin) to kill them. It is said that before a person strikes a rabbit the sun will strike it and make it "kind crazy." AJ1 the hunters throw com meal on the fire before they kill rabbits. When the hunt is over and the people have returned to their homes, the war chief goes around to ail the houses and asks for rabbits. If they have killed many, they give him some. When the war chief comes to a house and finds that they have brought home no rabbits, he says to the boys "ba'tco wetstia" ("you must vomit"; i. e., drink herb brew in the moming and vomit). Corn meal is put in the rabbit's mouth after he is brought home, and a pinch of meal is thrown in the fire.


San Estevan, the first martyr, is the patron saint of Acoma; his "day" is September 2. A big fiesta is beld at this time in bis honor. Almost all of the Acoma people from Acomita and McCartys go up to old Acoma on the Ist of September. Many whites, Mexicans, and other Indians from Isleta, Laguna, Zuni, Navaho, etc., come to spend the day.

Early in the rnoming of the 2d, just at sunrise, the great bells in the old Spanish church are tolled. The village, which during the summer months is practically deserted, is swarming with people, bustling about getting ready for the ceremonies. The war chiefs are at work on the little house which is to shelter the saint when be is removed