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Titre : Annual report of the Bureau of American ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian institution

Auteur : Bureau of American ethnology (Washington, D.C.). Auteur du texte

Éditeur : Government printing office (Washington)

Date d'édition : 1897

Contributeur : Powell, John Wesley (1834-1902). Directeur de publication

Notice du catalogue : http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37575968z

Notice du catalogue : https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37575968z/date

Type : texte

Type : publication en série imprimée

Langue : anglais

Format : Nombre total de vues : 40082

Description : 1897

Description : 1897 (N19,PART1)-1898.

Description : Note : Index.

Droits : Consultable en ligne

Droits : Public domain

Identifiant : ark:/12148/bpt6k27629f

Source : Bibliothèque nationale de France

Conservation numérique : Bibliothèque nationale de France

Date de mise en ligne : 15/10/2007

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GER~AN blood among Cherokee 83 GHOST couNTRY, myths concerning 253-254 Gnosï-DANCE RELIGION among Cherokee 89 GlANTS, myths of. 391,500-601 GiBSON, Col. JonN, on name Tallige~vi. 184 GlLL,DELANCEYW.,workof. xxxl GILL, Rev. W. W., on Polynesian myths-. 431,442 GiLLESPŒS STATION, attack on 65-66 GiLBiER, Governor, déclaration of, concerningdeiayinj-emOTaI. 129 GiNSENG in Cherokee lore. 421,425;505 GIST, GEORGE, See SEQUOYA.

GLASS, Oherokee Chief, expulsion of whites from Muscle shoaJsby. 68 GLossARY of Cherokee words- 506-548 GLowwoRM: in Cherokee lore. 309 GOAT, Cherokee name for 265 GOLD, discovery of, in Cherokee country. 116 –, oecuirence of, in Cherokee country. 26, 29,220-221

GOLDEN CIRCLE, ENieHTS OF, secessionist organization. 148 GOLDEN EAGLE, Cherokee ideas concerning. 281 see (t!so EAGLE.

GoiNG-SNAKE, signer of act of union 135 GomEZ, visittoAmerieaby. 191 GooD, discussion of. Ivii-Iviii GoosE, myths coneeming. 254-255,284,325 GOSHAWK, myths coneeming 284,466 GonRD in Cherokee lore- 454-455 GovEENMENT, Oherokee, modification in. 112113,116,135

East Cherokee, organization of 173 Indian, steps toward abolition of 153-154 –, repuNican, adoption of, by Cherokee- 106-107 tribal, organizationof xlix United States, aid in farming and mechanic arts givenby– 82-83,104-105 GRANT, Col. expedition against Cherokee under. 44 GRAPE in Cherokee lore 422 GRApEviNE, myths concerning 465,501 GRApHic ART, nature and development of. lxxivIxxyil

GRAVES, EDWARD, supposed introduction of spinningwheelsby. 214 GRAY scimRREL, myths oonceming. 262 GREELEY, HORACE, on Cherokee part in eiYiIwar. 148 on effect of Georgia anti-Cherokee ]aws.. 118 on events preceding remova]. 125 -on imprisonment of misslonaries by Georgia. 120 GREEN-CORN DANCE among western Cherokee- 146 –, component cérémonies of. 279,290,452 –,nre]ightingbefore 396 –,pnrtHoatoryritesin 230 GREENLAND, workin. xviii GREENSNAXE, myths coneeming 280,296-297 GREER, L. M., acknowledgments to. 13 GREGG,JosiAH,on Shawano myths. 437 GREGORY BALD, myths eoncenling. 407,473 GRINNELL on Blackfoot and Pawnee myths, 432 445-446,447,451,462-463,473

– on BIackfoot method of eatehing eagles 453 GRIPPE among East Cherokee. 179


GRom~DHos, myths conceming. 279,452 GROUND SQUIRREL, myths concerning 291,263,436 GROUSE, see PHEASANT.

GRUBWORM, myths and lore concerning 251252,280,308

GUADALAJAEA, Cherokëe in vieinity of 146 GUAQCILI, De Soto'svisitto. 25,28,194 GUASILI, see GUAXULE.


GuAXULE.DeSoto'svisitto 25,26,195-197 GUESS (GUEST),SEORGE,S~SEQUOYA.

GÛLSADIHÏ', legend of. 376-377 GUNS, see FiREARMS.

SttNsKALl'SKî, legend of- 375-377 HABITAT, Oherokee. 14-15 HAGAR, STANSBURY, acknowledgments to.. ] 3 on Cherokee myths. 431 437,441,442,443,445,447,470,476,481

on UIûBsû'tI. 460 HALE on Cherokee linguistic reIatîonsMp.. 16 –on Cherokee migrations. 191 –oniroquoiammigrations 189 HALiBURTON, acknowledgments to. 13 HALL, Rev. JAMES, shooting of negro by. 52 HALL, œ~ MCEENNEY AND HALL. 85 HAMILTON, Governor, project of, for uniting Indians in attack on American frontier- 55 HAMILTON, on Fort Mims massacre. 216 HAMSTBiNas, Indian eustom of removing. 447 HANDLEY, Capt. SAtnrEL, capture and release of. 74 HAN&iNe-mAW, capture of Creek murderer by orderof. 77 –, conference at Tellico attended by. 79 killing of wife cf. 74 –, expedition against Creeks under. 77 –, woundingof- 74 HARDEN, E. J., on events leading to Removal- 125 HARDEN, WILLIAM, acknowledgments to.. 13 HARDLABOR.treatyof. 46,203 HARD-MUSH, death of 145 on Iroquois peace embassy 353,355,356 –, treaty ~vith Texas signed by. 144 HARLEY, TnioTEY, on Eskimo myths 441 on primitive ideas concerning éclipses.. 441 HABmoNY, development of. Ixxii-lxxm HARRIS, BiRD, plan for emigration by. 156 HA~Ris, I. N,, printer of Cherokee Phœnix. 111 HARRIS, J. C., on character of rabbit in negro taies- 233 on negro myths. 448,450,452 -on relation of Indian, negro, and European myths. 234 HABBisoN, BENJAMIN, proclamation by, preventing lease of Cherokee strip 153 HABRISON, Gen. W. H., capture of Prophet'a townby. 215 HART, J. C., on East Cherokee condition in 1897. 179 HATCHER, J. B., workof. xylii HAMiNONDON, legend of. 362,490-491 HAUNTED ~VHiRLFOOL, legend of. 347 HAWK, myths and lore concerning 284,286-287 see also TLA'NUWÂ.