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Titre : Annual report of the Bureau of American ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian institution

Auteur : Bureau of American ethnology (Washington, D.C.). Auteur du texte

Éditeur : Government printing office (Washington)

Date d'édition : 1896

Contributeur : Powell, John Wesley (1834-1902). Directeur de publication

Notice du catalogue : http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37575968z

Notice du catalogue : https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37575968z/date

Type : texte

Type : publication en série imprimée

Langue : anglais

Format : Nombre total de vues : 40082

Description : 1896

Description : 1896 (N18,PART2)-1897.

Description : Note : Index.

Droits : Consultable en ligne

Droits : Public domain

Identifiant : ark:/12148/bpt6k276283

Source : Bibliothèque nationale de France

Conservation numérique : Bibliothèque nationale de France

Date de mise en ligne : 15/10/2007

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EARTII, Eskimo buildings of. 245 EAST CAPE, description qf ruins at 265 –, description of villages at 257-258 –, graves at .320-321 –, ornaments from. 50 –.peopleof. 26 –, umiakn used at 218 –, utensiisfrom- 63 EAST CApEEsKiMO.olothingof. 31 –, language of. 25 –, tegendoforiginof. 517-518 physical characteristics of 27-28 –, tattooing by. 50,51 EASTHAM, purchase of land by. 606 EAST HAMPTON BOOK OF LAWS. extraet from. 617618

EATON, JOHN, quoted on Indian population of the TJnitedStates. 537 EATON, THNOpmLus, purohase of land by.614-615 ECLIPSES, Eskimo beliefs concerning 430-431 EcoxcHATiMico, reservation for. 706 EDWARDSVILLE, treaties of. 682, 690-698 connrmation of cession by treaty of-. 742 EEH land cessions and reservationa- 788 EEL BiVER, see MIAMI (EEL RIVER BAND). EGGS, Eskimo methods of gatnering. 13S, 268 EGREMONT, LORD, quoted on English policy toward Indians. 557 ELEPHANT POINT, rnins on. 264-265 ELLIOTT, drawing by- 331-332 ELLis, G. E., cited on Massachusetts history 599 EMATHLOCHEE, reservation for 706 ENDURANCE of Ea'bïïno. 29 ENGLISH daim to lands in America, basis of 528 policy toward Indians. 549-561 EBMINE SKIN, Eskimo ceremonial objects made of. 418 fetich, Estime- 441 ERMïNE TOTEM, representation of 324 EsKiMAUAN peoples, characterization of.. Hji-Ilv v EsKtMO about Bering strait, memoir on. li-liv, 19-518

–, work among. xxxiii-xxxiv ESKIUN land cessions and reservationa. 784 ESPENBERG, CAPE, See CAPE ESPENBERS. ESTHETOLO&Y, relation of technology.to. xxxix –, work in. sxx-xxxiv ESTRADA, JosÉ DE, quoted on Spanish policy toward Indians 543 ETCHiNa, Eskimo, examples of- 48,54-55, 69, 84, 86, 89, 90, 93,100, 101, 103, 106, 108,

120, 127, 142, 146, 148, 165, 182, 191, 193-

195,197,223,226,275-278,2M, 345.351.446

– implements, Eskimo. 80-81 ETHNic SCIENCE, classification of. xxv-xxvi EvANS, –, grant of land to. 580 EVEEETTE, W. E-, work of. xxix EwiNG, –, snrveys hy 655 ExHiBiTSby the Bureau. xlix EXPLORATION, work in xxvii-xxx EXPRESSION, Eskimo reaaineas of. 309 EYESHADES worn by Eskimù. 167-169 FACE PEOTECTORS worn by Eskimo 35 .FAiRheldbyEakimo 229


FAMILIES, Eskimo, size of 29 FAMILY MARKS, Eskimo. 325-326 FAMiKE on St Lawrence isiand. 269,270 FASTENERS for belts, Eskimo. 59-63 FASTEXINS BpDS for Eskimo women's "housewives" 105,106 FAT, Eskimo manner of eating. 267-269 FAWKS, Eskimo method of hunting 119 FAWN suiNS, value of, among Eskimo 232 FEAKS, ROBERT, purchase oflaodby. 616 FEASTS,EsMmo. 357-393,434-425 to the dead, Eskimo 363-379,424-425 FEATHERiNG on Eskimo arrows and spears. 136, 137,151,157,159,160,161

FEATHER QUILLS, Eskimo fishing linesmade of. 175-176 FEATHERS, Eskimo ceremonial objecta made of. 396,397,399,401,405,410,412-416 –, Eskimo ornamentation with 37,168 FEATHER TANKS, Eskimo moose made of. 124 FELLOws, J., transactions of Senekawith.. 770, 772,776,818

FEMALE CHILDREN, Eskimo custom of MHing- 289-290 FERULES on Eskimotvhips. 210 FESTrvAI,s, Eskimo 357-393, 424-455 FESTIVALS, Es'kimo 357-393,424-455 FETICHES, Eakimo. 434-441 FEUDS a.moBgEsMmo. 292-293 FEVER RIVER, réservation at 712 FEWKES,J."y.,workof. xxvii, xxxi-xxxii, xliv, xI?i-xlTii

FICTILE WARE from. New Mexico, collection ajidstndyof. xxxi-xxxii.xlvil FIELD RNSEARCH.xxvii-xxx FiGHTixa among Eskimo, cease of. u 330 –.EsHmomethoda of. 328-329 "FIGURE FOUR~TEAPS, Eskimo. 121,125 FILLETS, ceremonial, Eskimo 416~18 FiNAKOlALSTATEMENT- 1 FINGER MASKS, EsHmo 412-415 FlKaER-RESTS on Eskimo spears and lances, use of. 146,150-151 on Eskimo throwing-sticks, use of 153 FlN&EES. Eskimo use of, in countin~ 236-237 FINISHING TOOLS used by Eshimo in wood working- 87-89 FIREARMS, introduction of, among Eskimo 11.8-119

–used by,EsMmo. 163-166 FiREBALL.EaMmoIegend of-510-511 FiRE.MAEING IMPLEMENTS, Eskimo 75-76 FIREPLACES of Eskimo bonses. 244,245 FiRST CHRISTIAN PARTY of Oneida, treaty with. 772 FiSH, as food, importance to Eskimo of- 24 Eskimo account'of creation of. 454-455 Eskimo methods of preparing 183,267 Fis~-AREOWS, Eskimo. 160-161 FisHiNG, Eskimo methods of 173-190 Eskimo seasons of. 173-174,183-184 – implements, Eskimo. 173-175 FiSH SKiN, Eskimo. ceremonial objecta of 420 Eskimo clothing made of. 36 Eskimo implements made of- 105,146,161 Eskimo method of dressing- 117 FiSH-spEARS, Eskimo. 194-195