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Titre : Annual report of the Bureau of American ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian institution

Auteur : Bureau of American ethnology (Washington, D.C.). Auteur du texte

Éditeur : Government printing office (Washington)

Date d'édition : 1896

Contributeur : Powell, John Wesley (1834-1902). Directeur de publication

Notice du catalogue : http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37575968z

Notice du catalogue : https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37575968z/date

Type : texte

Type : publication en série imprimée

Langue : anglais

Format : Nombre total de vues : 40082

Description : 1896

Description : 1896 (N18,PART2)-1897.

Description : Note : Index.

Droits : Consultable en ligne

Droits : Public domain

Identifiant : ark:/12148/bpt6k276283

Source : Bibliothèque nationale de France

Conservation numérique : Bibliothèque nationale de France

Date de mise en ligne : 15/10/2007

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concluded e


An". 10 Executiveor- Cheyenneand Président estaMishesareservationforthemon~&rkofCana° der. Arapaho. dian river, in lieu of one designated by treaty of Oct. 28,1867. This reservation is bounded as follows: Commencing at the

point where the Washita river crosses 98° W. longitude;

thence N. with said 98° W. longitude to the point where it is

crossed by the Red fork of the Arkansas (sometimes called

thé Cimarron); thence up the middle of the main channel

thereofto the N. boundary of thé country ceded to the U. S.

by treaty of June 14,1866, with the Creek nation; thence W.

on said N. boundary and thé N. boundary of the country

ceded to thé U. S. by treaty ofMar. 21,1866, with the Seminoles

to 100° W. longitude; thence S. on said 100° W. longitude

to the N. boundary of the country set apart for the Kiowas

and Comanches by the second article of the treaty of Oct.

21,1867, with said tribes; thence E. along said boundary to

thé point where it strikes the Washita river; thence down

the middle of thé main channel of said river to thé place of


Aug. 31 Executive or- SanteeSionx-. President restores a portion of Niobrara reservation to public ° der. demain andadda certain other lands thereto as follows The portion restored to the public demain consisted of fractional

Ts. 31 N., R. 6 W. 31 and 32 N., R. 7 W.; and 31 and 32 N.,

R. 8 W. The lands added to thé réservation were T. 31 N.,


souri river.


Jan 31 Executive or- San Pasqnal President sets apart a reserve for these Indians as followa: der. and P al a Ts.l2andl3S.,R.lE.,andlW.,andT.9S.,R.land2W., VaUey(Nis- of San Bernardino meridian.

sion In-


Mar. 30 Executive or- President enlarges Round Valley reservation in California by Mar.<iU der. the addition of most of Ts. 22 and 23 N., R.12 W., and 22 and 23 N., R. 13 W., Mount Diable meridian.

Apr. 12 Executive or- Arikara, Gros President sets apart a reservation at Fort Berthold, Dakota, der. Ventre, and bounded as follows From a point on the Missouri river 4 Mandan. miles below thé Indian village (Bertbold) in a NE. direction

3 miles (so as to include the wood and grazing around the

village) from this point a Une running so as to strike the

Misaouri river at the junctionofLittIeKnife river with it;

thence along the leftbank of the Missouri river to the mouth

of Yellowatone river; along the S. bank of Yellowatone river

to Powder river; up Powder river to where Little Powder

river unites with it; thence in a direct line across to.the

atarting point. By the Commissioner of Indian An'airs the

boundaries of the territory so assigned them were construed

to be as follews: Commencing at the mouth of Heart river;

thence up the Missouri to the mouth of Yellowstone river;

thence up the Yellowstone to the mouth of Powder river;

thence SE. to the headwatera ofthe Little Missouri river;

thence along the Black hills to the head of Heart river, and

down said river to the place of beginning.

By virtue of accepting this reserve they relinquiahed daim to

the remainder of thé territory assigned them by thé Fort

Laramie treaty of 1851.

July 15 Aot of Con- Stat. L., Kickapoo of SeeretaryoftheInteriortocollectrovingKickapoosonborders gress. xvi, 359. Mexico and of Texas and Mexico and place them on a reservation in InTex&s: dian Territory.

July 15 Act of Con- Stat. L., Srea.ta.ndLit- Congressmakea provision for a reserve for Osagea in Indian gress. xvi 362. tle Osage. Territory whenever they consent to remove from Kansas.